Panagiotis Zestanakis
ResearcherI am a trained historian working among contemporary cultural history, media studies and cultural analysis. My work focuses on everyday life in post-authoritarian societies, the history of media and representations, new sources and the historical origins of current cultural politics. I coordinate the project 'Memory in times of crisis: Argentina, Spain and Greece, 1998 to now' funded by the European Comission. I earned my PhD from the University of Crete. Before coming to Linnaeus University, I worked as postdoctoral researcher at Hamburg University and as visiting researcher at the University of Chile, the National University of San Martin, the University of the Republic and Carlos III University. My projects have earned funding by the European Comission, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the Greek State Scholarships Foundation and other funders. My work has appeared in leading historical and interdisciplinary journals and in book chapters in English, Spanish and Greek.
Key Publications
Anxiety and postauthortarian societies: Insights from 1980s Greece. History: The Journal of the Historical Association (forthcoming).
Cultural reponses to the COVID-19 crisis in Greece: The first wave (March-May 2020). Journal of European Studies 53:1 (2023), 70–84.
'Affluent and tender online': Instagrammning celebrity, masculinity and fatherhood in contemporary Greece. Journal of Men's Studies 31:1 (2023), 108–129.
"Pervert, sadist, voyeur and necrophile: Pathological sexual desire in the case of the "Dragon of Seikh-Sou" (1959–1963). The Historical Review/La Revue Historique 18(1): 43–66. [with Despo Kritsotaki]
'The storyteller who survived': The Greek crisis through its biggest blockbuster film Worlds Apart by Christopher Papakaliatis (2015). Studies in European Cinema 19:4 (2022), 118–136.
The rebellious 1960s via the prosperous 1990s. Youth, consumption and modernity in Antonis Kokkinos' End of an Era (1995). Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 46:1 (2022), 118–136.
Environmental anxieties in 1980s Athens: mediatisation and politics. In E. Euuskanen and H. Hakosalo (eds) In Pursuit of Healthy Environments. Historical Cases on the Environment - Health Nexus. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021, 42–62.
Online memories of 1980s–2000s consumption and lifestyle politics in Greece during the current economic crisis (2009–2015). Journal of Consumer Culture 20:4 (2020), 521–542.
From media idiom to political argument: uses of lifestyle in the early Greek crisis, 2009–2015. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 38:1 (2020), 209–238.
Historicising early 1980s Greek denunciation movies. Cultural History 7:1 (2018), 48–75.
Revisiting the Greek 1980s thtough the prism of crisis. In: K. Kornetis et al (eds) Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe Since the Long 1960s. London: Bloomsburry, 2016, pp. 257–274.
Gender and sexuality in three late 1980s Greek lifestyle magazines: Playboy, Status and Click. Journal of Greek Media and Culture 3:1 (2017), 95–115.
Motorcycling in 1980s Athens: Popularisation, representational politics and social identities. Transfers 6:3 (2016), 4–21.
The 'curvy years' and their aftermath: Film, media and representations of femininity in 1980s and 1990s Greece. Film, Fashion and Consumption 4:1 (2015), 25–42.
La época socialista desde el punto de vista de la historiografia griega. In P. Folguera et al (eds) Pensar con la historia desde el siglo XXI. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autonoma De Madrid, 2015, pp. 2137–2152 [with Stefanos Vamiedakis].
Αντιμιλώντας στις βεβαιότητες. Φύλα, αναπαραστάσεις, υποκειμενικότητες. Athens: OMIK, 2013 [co-edited with Demetra Vassiliadou, Maria Kefala and Maria Preka].
Article in journal (Refereed)
Zestanakis, P. (2024). On 80stalgia : discernments from contemporary Greece. Journal for Cultural Research. 28 (4). 315-332.
Status: Published -
Zestanakis, P. (2024). Anxiety and Post-Authoritarian Societies : Insights from 1980s Greece. History : The Journal of the Historical Association. 109 (386-387). 395-418.
Status: Published