Per Bauhn was born in 1960. He received his PhD in Practical Philosophy from Lund University in 1989, and served as a Lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Umeå University in 1990–91. Between 1992 and 1998 he was the Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Lund University, receiving tenure as a Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies in 1998. He was made an Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at Lund University in 1996. Since 2002 Per Bauhn has been working as a Lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Kalmar University. In 2004 he was promoted to the rank of Professor of Practical Philosophy at Kalmar University (from 2010 Linnaeus University).
Professor Bauhn's research interests include moral and political philosophy as well as personal ethics and aesthetics. He has published monographs in English on the ethical problems relating to political terrorism, on the morality of nationalism, and on the virtue and value of courage. He has written an introductory text book on human rights (in Swedish), and co-authored (with Dilsa Demirbag-Sten) a debate book on multiculturalism and individual freedom (also in Swedish). Professor Bauhn has also published several peer reviewed articles in international journals on topics as diverse as the duty to rescue and the value of beauty. He is a frequent contributor to the opinion and culture pages of Sweden's major newspapers as well as a regular participant in philosophy programmes on Swedish radio.
As a philosopher, Per Bauhn is inspired and influenced by the work of the late American philosopher Alan Gewirth (1912–2004). Building on Gewirth's conception of rational agency and agency-related rights to freedom and well-being, Professor Bauhn has been able to develop and defend intricate arguments in moral and political philosophy as well as in aesthetics, ranging from the significance of values like courage and beauty in a good and meaningful life to a philosophical understanding of nationalism and the ethics of humanitarian interventions. Professor Bauhn is also the editor of Gewirthian Perspectives on Human Rights (Routledge, 2016). In Normative Identity (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017) he analyses how the search for meaning in life motivates agents to identify with values and norms (moral, political, religious, aesthetic, and so on) and how Gewirthian theory can be helpful in evaluating and criticizing these particularist normative identities. His most recent book in English, Animal Suffering, Human Rights, and the Virtue of Justice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), deals with the contested issue of animal rights.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Tepe, F.F., Bauhn, P. (2024). Professor Mali Romantic-Longhair and the Girl. Journal of International Women's Studies. 26 (1).
Status: Published -
Tepe, F.F., Bauhn, P. (2024). A feminist rewriting of cartoon captions. Visual Studies. 39 (4). 440-442.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Gewirthian Prudence, Generic Agency, and Moral Rights. Pro-Fil. 25 (1). 1-11.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Just war, human shields, and the 2023–24 Gaza War. Israel Affairs. 30 (5). 863-878.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Tepe, F.F. (2024). Recaptioning Cartoons from Historical Turkish Humor Magazines as Feminist Media Activism: The Case of Boşboğaz. Philosophy of Humor Yearbook. 5. 219-222.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Fatma, F. (2023). Osman Hamdi Bey – Osmanlı Oryantalisti mi Yoksa Hümanist Osmanlı mı?. Aydın Sanat. 9 (18). 229-249.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Tepe, F.F. (2023). The Reception of Frozen among Young Women in Turkey: A Feminist Film or Not?. Kadin/Woman 2000 – Journal for Women's Studies. 24 (1). 97-114.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2023). Levels of Reasoning and Their Impact on Universalism and Particularism in Ethics. Aydın Insan ve Toplum Dergisi. 9 (2). 95-117.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Tepe, F.F. (2022). Deconstructing a Disempowering Normative Identity : Angela Carter’s Adaptations of the Ashputtle Story. Interlitteraria. 27 (2). 248-260.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2022). Osman Hamdi Bey – an Ottoman Orientalist or a Humanist Ottoman?. Iconographisk post : Nordisk tidskrift för ikonografi. (3/4). 7-37.
Status: Published -
Tepe, F.F., Bauhn, P. (2022). The Turkish Angel in the House : A Travelling Concept in the Housewife Poems of Ziya Gökalp and Halide Nusret Zorlutuna. Journal of International Women's Studies. 24 (5).
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2019). Universal Rights and Particularist Duties : The Case of Refugees. Migration Letters. 16 (2). 145-153.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). On Hedegaard ‘Taste and Aesthetic Learning’. Wassard Elea Rivista. 6 (3). 107-110.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). Environmental Beauty and the Morality of Vandalism. The International Journal of Social, Political, and Community Agendas in the Arts. 13 (3). 27-38.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). Judgements of Taste and Cultural Conflict. Wassard Elea Rivista. 6 (2). 55-64.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Tepe, F.F. (2017). Turkish Occidentalism and Representations of Western Women in Turkish Media. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication. (26). 65-82.
Status: Published -
Tepe, F.F., Bauhn, P. (2017). Two Arguments About Women’s Rights in the Türk Kadını Magazine 1966–1974 : [ Deux arguments sur les droits de la femme dans le magazine Türk Kadını 1966-1974 ]. Galatasaray University Journal of Communication. (27). 135-152.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Tepe, F.F. (2016). Hybridity and agency : some theoretical and empirical observations. Migration Letters. 13 (3). 350-358.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2014). Art, magic, and agency. The International Journal of Arts Theory and History. 9 (1). 1-10.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2013). The Duty to Rescue and the Duty to Aid the Starving. ID: International Dialogue, A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs. 3. 4-37.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). The Extension and Limits of the Duty to Rescue. Public Reason. 3 (1). 39-49.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). The Morality of Humanitarian Interventions. ID: International Dialogue A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs. 1. 23-42.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Aesthetic Identity, Well-Being, and the Right to Beauty. The International Journal of the Arts in Society. 4 (1). 71-80.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2008). The End of Duty. Essays in Philosophy. 9 (2). Article ID: 14.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1998). Universal Rights and the Historical Context. The European Journal of Development Research. 10(2). 19-32.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Bauhn, P. (2007). Two Concepts of Courage. The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy.
Book (Refereed)
- Bauhn, P. (2023). Animal Suffering, Human Rights, and the Virtue of Justice. New York, Palgrave Pivot.
- Bauhn, P. (2017). Normative Identity. London, Rowman & Littlefield International.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Bauhn, P. (2022). Revolutionary Agency, Gender, and Integrity : The Story of T-Rx and Mary Taylor. Reshaping Philosophy : Michael Boylan's Narrative Fiction. Cham, Springer. 177-191.
- Bauhn, P. (2022). The Common Good and Individual Rights in Pandemic Times : The Case of Sweden's COVID-19 Strategy. Ethical Public Health Policy Within Pandemics : Theory and Practice in Ethical Pandemic Administration. Cham, Springer. 43-61.
- Tepe, F.F., Bauhn, P. (2021). Explicit and Implicit Career Impediments for Women : The Case of Turkish Engineering Academica. Female Voices from the Worksite : The Impact of Hidden Bias against Working Women across the Globe. Lanham, MD, Lexington Books. 109-126.
- Bauhn, P. (2021). Universalist Rights and Particularist Duties : The Case of Refugees. Fundamentals of International Migration. London, Transnational Press London. 119-128.
- Bauhn, P. (2019). Judgements of Taste and Cultural Conflict. On Taste : Aesthetic Exchanges. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 31-40.
- Bauhn, P. (2016). Introduction. Gewirthian perspectives on human rights. New York, Routledge. 1-10.
- Bauhn, P. (2016). The Gewirthian duty to rescue. Gewirthian perspectives on human rights. New York, Routledge. 212-226.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Bauhn, P. (2016). Gewirthian perspectives on human rights. Routledge. 234.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Bauhn, P. (2024). Alan Gewirth (1912-2004). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Bauhn, P. (2021). Alla har rätt till frihet och välbefinnande. Sans. 11 (1). 70-76.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). Agenter, motivation och moral. Filosofisk Tidskrift. 39 (1). 35-41.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2016). Om flyktingar och mänskliga rättigheter. Filosofisk Tidskrift. 37 (1). 36-46.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2015). Korsgaards teori om enade agenter. Filosofisk Tidskrift. 36 (1). 16-25.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2013). Reflektioner kring räddningsplikten. Filosofisk Tidskrift. 34 (1). 3-18.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2012). Rätt och orätt i lag och moral: ett normativt perspektiv på svensk rättskipning. Svensk Juristtidning. (4). 319-336.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Demirbag-Sten, D. (2011). Replik till Torbjörn Tännsjö. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi. (1). 27-33.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Universella rättigheter och partikulära skyldigheter. Filosofisk Tidskrift. (4). 19-32.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Frihet, jämlikhet och demokrati - några moralfilosofiska reflektioner. Insikt & Handling. 22. 105-126.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Om strukturell orättvisa och förtryck – slutreplik. Filosofisk Tidskrift. 4. 54-57.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Normativ strukturalism: en replik. Filosofisk tidskrift. 2. 40-45.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2005). Hungersnöd och institutionellt agentskap. Filosofisk tidskrift. 4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2004). Om normativ strukturalism. Filosofisk tidskrift. 1. 32-48.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2002). Aktörsperspektiv och historiematerialism. Filosofisk tidskrift. 2. 21-43.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2002). Krig och moral. Res Publica. 54. 69-85.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1998). Mening och moral. Tvärsnitt. 2.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1998). Mening, identitet, och moral. Filosofisk tidskrift. 2.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1995). Kärleken, friheten, och aktörskapet. Filosofisk tidskrift.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1994). Passion och självkontroll som filosofiskt problem. Tvärsnitt. 1.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1994). Nationalismens moraliska status. Filosofisk tidskrift. 3.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1991). Visst lyckas Gewirth utan att fuska!. Filosofisk tidskrift. 4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1991). Alan Gewirths moralteori. Filosofisk tidskrift. 4.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (2004). The Concept of Normative Identity. Personhood : Workshop papers of the conference 'Dimensions of personhood'. 14-20.
Book (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (2020). Leva fritt och leva väl : En studie i moral, mening & mänskliga rättigheter. Stockholm, Fri Tanke.
- Bauhn, P., Demirbag-Sten, D. (2010). Till frihetens försvar : En kritik av den normativa multikulturalismen. Stockholm, Norstedts Förlag.
- Bauhn, P. (2006). Mänskliga rättigheter och filosofi. Liber.
- Bauhn, P. (2003). The Value of Courage. Nordic Academic Press.
- Bauhn, P. (1995). Nationalism and Morality. Lund University Press.
- Bauhn, P. (1990). Världens terrorism. Utrikespolitiska institutet.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (2022). Osman Hamdi Bey – en osmansk orientalist?. Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund : Årsbok 2022. Lund, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. 5-19.
- Bauhn, P. (2013). Gewirthian Positive Duties Reconsidered. Johanssonian Investigations : Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Heusenstamm, Ontos Verlag. 81-95.
- Bauhn, P. (2009). Ursprunglighet, nödvändighet och rättvisa. Uppbrott : Brytpunkter & övergångar i tid och rum. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar. 128-139.
- Bauhn, P. (2008). Aktörsperspektiv och AP-fondsetik. Etiken, miljön och pensionerna (SOU 2008:107). Etiken, miljön och pensionerna (SOU 2008:107).
- Bauhn, P. (2008). All makt är inte av ondo [tidigare publicerad i Axess]. Betydelsen av revolutionsåret 1968. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis.
- Bauhn, P. (2007). Humanitarian Military Interventions and the Rules of Just War. Eight essays in contemporary war studies. Stockholm, Militärhögskolan Karlberg.
- Bauhn, P. (2005). Heroic Virtues and Morality. Simposio internacional sobre la obra de Tzvetan Todorov. Lunds University. 127-134.
- Bauhn, P. (2004). Interventioner, oskyldiga offer och moraliskt ansvar. Våldets mening : Makt, minne, myt. Nordic Academic Press. 349-367.
- Bauhn, P. (2004). Political Terrorism and the Rules of Just War. Ethics of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism. Ontos Verlag. 123-134.
- Bauhn, P. (2002). Nationalism and Universal Rights. Universal Ethics : Perspectives and Proposals from Scandinavian Scholars. The Hague, Kluwer Law International. 99-104.
- Bauhn, P. (2001). Kan Kant hjälpa Maria?. Filosofins värld. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell.
- Bauhn, P. (2000). Demokrati, bildning, och nytta. Kultur, teori, praxis : kultursociologi i Lund. Lund, Sociol. inst., Lund Univ..
- Bauhn, P. (1999). Universal Rights and the Historical Context [previously published]. Development and Rights : negotiating justice in changing societies. London, Frank Cass in association with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes. 19-32.
- Bauhn, P. (1997). The Justification of Welfare Rights. Restructuring the Welfare State : Theory and Reform of Social Policy. Springer.
- Bauhn, P. (1996). Girighet är själslig fattigdom. Filosofins värld. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell. 150-153.
- Bauhn, P. (1995). Aktörskapet och det goda livet. Det goda livet : etik i det (post)moderna samhället : om renässansen för en borttappad disciplin. Eslöv, Symposion Brutus Östlings bokförlag. 75-88.
- Bauhn, P. (1995). Normative multiculturalism, communal goods, and individual rights. Multiculturalism and nationhood in Canada : the cases of First Nations and Quebec. Lund, Lund University Press. 85-100.
- Bauhn, P. (1993). Välfärdens moraliska grund. Välfärdens brytpunkt. Stockholm, Akademeja. 51-55.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (1989). Ethical Aspects of Political Terrorism : The Sacrificing of the Innocent. Doctoral Thesis. Lund University Press. 179.
Report (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (2015). Bortom missunnsamhetens etik : argument för ett rättighetsbaserat jämlikhetstänkande. Stockholm, Timbro. 28.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Bauhn, P. (1990). Teorier om rättigheter. Thales.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Bauhn, P. (2020). Recension av Identitetsillusionen: Lögnerna som binder oss samman av Kwame Anthony Appiah. Filosofisk Tidskrift. Thales. 41 (2). 57-60.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2019). [Review of] Göran Collste, Historisk rättvisa: Gottgörelse i en postkolonial tid : (Göteborg: Daidalos 2018). 231 s.. Historisk Tidskrift. Stockholm, Svenska Historiska Föreningen. 139 (3). 613-615.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). Recension av Peter Haldén & Biörn Tjällén (red.), Mod i strid och filosofi: Dygdetiska perspektiv från Aristoteles till drönarkriget (Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2017).. Historisk Tidskrift. Svenska Historiska Föreningen. 138 (3). 575-578.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2018). Recension av Thomas Malm: Drakormens gåta. RIG : Kulturhistorisk tidskrift. Uppsala, Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien. 101 (2-3). 173-174.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2010). Jag är den sista juden : Treblinka (1942-1943). Chil Rajchman. Axess. (3). 74-75.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Other academic)
Bauhn, P. (2005). Recension av Michael Ignatieff, The Lesser Evil. Tidskrift för politisk filosofi. 3.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1994). En moralisk relativist (recension av M. Walzer, Pluralism och jämlikhet). Res Publica. 27.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1990). Review of Timo Airaksinen: The Ethics of Coercion and Authority. Theoria. vol LVI, Part 1–2.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Bauhn, P. (2025). Att likställa försvarare med angripare är fel. Fokus. (4). 40-43.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2025). Bör det bli olagligt att vara feg?. Axess. (1). 49-50.
Status: In press -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Europadomstolen sätter sig över demokratin. Fokus. (18). 38-40.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Det doftar leninism och sekteristisk vänster. Fokus.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Vi måste lära oss att prioritera. Axess. (5). 9-9.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2023). Stenarna där barn jag lekt. Axess. (6). 66-67.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2023). Bamse dikterar utrikespolitiken. Fokus. (5). 38-40.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2023). Jag lydde bara order .... Fokus. (40). 34-38.
Status: Published -
Malm, T., Bauhn, P. (2021). Kan något vara bra för klimatet?. Sans. 11 (3). 6-12.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P., Malm, T. (2021). Replik på Olof Öhlén ”Juridiska personer har rättigheter”. Sans. 11 (4). 96-97.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2021). Straffet måste innehålla ett mått av vedergällning. Fokus. (40). 36-38.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2020). Förtjänar Folkhälsomyndigheten folkets förtroende?. Kvartal. (2020-05-27).
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2020). Bevisbördans orimliga tyngd. Kvartal. (2020-09-29).
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2019). Fråga efter principer. Axess. (1). 9-9.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2017). Islamism, multikulturalism och folkhemsanpassning : Man kan inte jämka med idéer som är oförenliga med frihet. Kvartal. 1.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2015). Man måste dra en gräns. Axess. (8). 16-17.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2013). Varför vi har rättigheter. Axess. (1). 66-67.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2013). Bödlar och terrorister måste ställas till svars. Sans. (2). 50-51.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2013). Nätbedragare bör oroa mer än NSA. Axess. (8). 42-45.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). De kränktas herravälde. Sans : existentiellt magasin i upplysningens anda : samhälle, vetenskap, etik, livsåskådning. (4). 12-17.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). Hänsynslös tolerans. Sans. (2). 90-91.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). Baksidan av konsensus. Axess. (4). 36-39.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2010). Ingen klarar sig utan sanning. Axess. (4). 54-55.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Den goda viljans destruktivitet. Axess. 1. 54-55.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Hyckleriet kring konstbegreppet. Axess. 3.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Jonas Gardell är inte kränkt. Axess. 2009:9.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). Teokratins återkomst i Europa. Humanisten. 2009:3.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2009). All kultur är inte likvärdig. Axess. 5. 60-63.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2008). All makt är inte av ondo. Axess. 3. 38-39.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Frihet omöjlig utan förnuft. Humanisten. 4. 14-19.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Skönhetens etiska konsekvenser. Axess. 3. 34-36.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2005). Förnuft och frihet hänger samman. Axess. 8.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2004). Sanningens återkomst, replik på Anne Marie Berggren, ”Strukturerna slår tillbaka”. Axess. 6.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2004). Vi har gått vilse bland strukturerna. Axess. 5. 39-41.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1998). Yttrandefriheten och dess gränser. Invandrare & Minoriteter. 1.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1998). Rationalitet, determinism och social ingenjörskonst. DoFF-tidningen. 1.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1996). FNL-rörelsen i Sverige som ett politiskt-moraliskt projekt. Zenit. 4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1995). Konfliktbegreppet—ett normativt perspektiv. Utrikesperspektiv. 2.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1995). Kulturell relativism och moralisk universalism. Zenit. 4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1995). Medborgarnationens kris. DoFF-tidningen. 6.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1994). Ett elitistiskt frihetsbegrepp. Zenit. 4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1992). Utan Gud, ingen kristen etik. Human-Etik. 84.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1992). Om verkligheten. Zenit. 3–4.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1992). Proprietism—den falska liberalismen. Zenit. 2.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (1991). Politisk terrorism. Vandringar med böcker. 4.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bauhn, P. (2014). Förord. Svensk mångfaldspolitik : en kritik från vänster. Malmö, Arx. 7-9.
- Bauhn, P. (2011). Frihet, skönhet och ett gott liv. Under omprövning : en antologi om konst, kanon & kvalitet. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis. 285-298.
- Bauhn, P. (2010). Konsten och dess konsumenter. En vänbok till Johan Lundberg. Axess. 19-22.
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Bauhn, P. (2024). Båda språken behövs. Axess. (5). 75-75.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Moral – en fråga om gener?. Parabol. Parabol. (9).
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2024). Från Luther till Greta : Recension av Katarina Barrling, Världens mest protestantiska land. Axess. (9). 73-74.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2023). En begränsad fri vilja : Recension av Ingvar Johansson, Den fria viljan och evolutionen. Sans. Lidingö, Sans media. 13 (1). 30-31.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2021). Smarthetens evangelium. Axess. Axess Publishing. (3). 78-80.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2020). Det nya tukthuset. Axess. Axess Publishing. (8). 94-95.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2019). Det svåra begreppet "naturlig" : Recension av F. Svenaeus, Det naturliga. Axess. Stockholm, Axess Publishing. (9). 90-90.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2019). En flexibel identitet. Axess. Stockholm, Axess Publishing AB. (2). 68-68.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2012). Bilderna som fostrade svenskarna. Axess. Axess publishing AB. (5). 81-82.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2012). Maskinen som ideal : Recension av David Dunér, Tankemaskinen: Polhems huvudvärk och andra studier i tänkandets historia. Axess. (7). 92-93.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). Skyttegravarnas och maskinkultens epok. Axess. Stockholm, Axel och Margaret Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse för allmännyttiga ändamål. (8). 79-80.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2011). Ändamålen helgar inte medlen : Recension av David Fisher, Morality and War. Axess. Stockholm, Axess publishing AB. (3). 72-73.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2007). Sanning eller inkonsekvens? : Recension av Paul A. Boghossian, Fear of Knowledge, och Ophelia Benson & Jeremy Stangroom, Why Truth Matters. Axess 5/2007. (5). 43-44.
Status: Published -
Bauhn, P. (2004). Det vänstras i smyg med fascismen : Recension av Richard Wolin, The Seduction of Unreason. Axess 6/2004. (6). 45-46.
Status: Published
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bauhn, P. (2023). Sommarkrönika: Etikprövning av svensk forskning kan stoppa politiskt obekväma fakta. Lund, Insamlingsstiftelsen Academic Rights Watch.
- Bauhn, P. (2022). Sommarkrönika : Viljan att göra gott ges företräde framför friheten att ifrågasätta och pröva. Lund, Insamlingsstiftelsen Academic Rights Watch.
- Bauhn, P. (2021). Sommarkrönika : Den akademiska friheten offras även i "mjuka" samhällen. Lund, Insamlingsstiftelsen Academic Rights Watch.
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