Per Lindström Lussi

Per Lindström Lussi

Senior lecturer
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Technology
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Per Lindström Lussi born 1967 in Stockholm, is a Swedish Sámi originating from Kitajaur; Läkjaevrie; and Rissjenjaevrie in Laponia (Swedish Lappland). On September 15, 2015 he defended his doctoral thesis "Improved CWM platform for modeling welding procedures and their effects on structural behavior" in the field of Computational Welding Mechanics (CWM) at University West in Trollhättan, Sweden. He is graduated from Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden with a Licentiate of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (2005), a Master of Science in Marine Engineering (2001) and a Diploma of Commercial Management & Organization in Nautical Science (1999); and from the Kalmar Maritime Academy, Sweden with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (1991); and he has an International Welding Engineer certificate from IIW (2001). During 1989 – 1996 he served as Engineer Officer in the Swedish Merchant Navy and the two last years as Chief Engineer on M/S Humber Arm. From 1996 - Present he has concentrated his professional career on specialty welding operations for the sake of Fatigue and Fracture Avoidance (FFA) as well as Fitness For Service (FFS) in the field of ship and offshore structures, nuclear reactors, power- and recovery boilers, pressure vessels as well as pressurized pipe- and tube systems at the following organizations: Lloyd's Register, Transatlantic, Kvaerner Power, Westinghouse Electric, PL Engineering, DNV GL. His last industrial assignment was: Chief Specialist - Advanced Calculations and Simulation at COWI AB Industrial Division in Gothenburg, Sweden.


Marine Technology with emphasis on Marine Engineering, Operation and Maintenance


Fatigue and Fracture Avoidance (FFA) as well as Fitness For Service (FFS) in the field of Marine Technology which is an integrated part of Kalmar Maritime Academy's Maritime Science research activities.


Since 2006 the Swedish delegate in the "Working unit C X", Structural performances of welded joint - Fracture avoidance at the International Institute of Welding (IIW).

Also since 2006 elected committee member to the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC); current mandate 2015 – 2018 (ISSC-2018) in the Committee III.2 - Fatigue and Fracture.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Report (Other academic)

Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)