Per Servais
ProfessorThe plasticity of international start-ups
I have always been interested in small businesses and how and why they internationalise, especially digitally (digi-preneurs). Entrepreneurial leadership then becomes central and how teams, well-being and boundary spanning are realised in transnational small businesses. I also do research in entrepreneurial "sourcing", digital, and immigrant entrepreneurship, for example in a project with Ukrainian refugees. The research area is within Management, between Entrepreneurship and International business. I am active in the Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations where I work together with colleagues from Information Science.
The research field I study is in three areas;
Entrepreneurial Internationalization (International Opportunity Alertness, E/M business networks, founding teams – virtual teams, Portfolio Entrepreneurs, Business model ambidexterity/synchronization/lean internationalization, change management).
International Entrepreneurship (Transnational Entrepreneurship, Diaspora Entrepreneurs, Returnee entrepreneurs, Emerging market entrepreneurship and sustainable internationalization, Imprint theory, talent management).
International New Ventures (event driven – outcome driven, domestic driven – customer driven, import/supplier orientation, Born Global Superstars – hidden champions, signal theory, Cultural capital, local networks).
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Elo, M., Taube, F.A., Servais, P. (2022). Who is doing "transnational diaspora entrepreneurship"? : Understanding formal identity and status. Journal of World Business. 57 (1).
Status: Published -
Bhatti, W.A., Larimo, J., Servais, P. (2020). Relationship learning : A conduit for internationalization. International Business Review. 29 (3). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Vedel, M., Servais, P. (2019). The role of entry nodes in industrial firms’ internationalization : the significance of network structures for value innovation. Journal of business & industrial marketing. 34 (6). 1236-1247.
Status: Published -
Emontspool, J., Servais, P. (2017). Cross-border entrepreneurship in a global world : a critical reconceptualisation. European Journal of International Management. 11 (3). 262-279.
Status: Published -
Hannibal, M., Evers, N., Servais, P. (2016). Opportunity recognition and international new venture creation in University spin-offs : Cases from Denmark and Ireland. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 14 (3). 345-372.
Status: Published -
Mainela, T., Puhakka, V., Servais, P. (2014). The Concept of International Opportunity in International Entrepreneurship : A Review and a Research Agenda. International journal of management reviews (Print). 16 (1). 105-129.
Status: Published -
Servais, P., Jensen, J.M. (2012). Buyer-Seller relationships in a period of recession : The role of satisfaction in repeat patronage and the propensity to initiate price negotiation. Innovative Marketing. 8 (4). 18-29.
Status: Published -
Rasmussen, E.S., Madsen, T.K., Servais, P. (2012). On the foundation and early development of domestic and international new ventures. Journal of Management and Governance. 16 (4). 543-556.
Status: Published -
Rasmussen, E.S., Jensen, J.M., Servais, P. (2011). The impact of internationalisation on small firms’ choice of location and propensity for relocation. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 18 (3). 457-474.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Servais, P. (2010). Combining industrial buyer and seller strategies for international supply and marketing management. European Business Review. 22 (1). 64-81.
Status: Published -
Servais, P. (2008). Industriel co-branding med succes - når 1+1 bliver til 3 : Hvor ligger de største udfordringer for co-banding?. Market Magazine. 27 (4). 36-40.
Status: Published -
Luthje, T., Servais, P. (2005). Firms’ International Sourcing and Intra-Industry Trade. Quaderni di ricerca. (2). 3-41.
Status: Published -
Madsen, T.K., Rasmussen, E.S., Servais, P. (1999). Små, globalt orienterede virksomheders internationalisering og kompetencer. Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi. 63 (4). 251-266.
Status: Published -
Madsen, T.K., Servais, P. (1997). The internationalization of Born Globals : an evolutionary process?. International Business Review. 6 (6). 561-583.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Quagrainie, F.A., Owusu, R.A., Servais, P. (2023). Founders' identity and international business opportunity recognition : A study of Ghanaian Women's international micro businesses. Prsented at the 49th Conference of the European International Business Academy: "The Changing Global Power Balance: Challenges for European Firms", Lisbon, Portugal, December 15-17, 2023.
- Servais, P., Aidemark, J. (2023). Entrepreneurial learning through international business model innovation : an example from a South Baltic Interreg project. .
- Servais, P., Zucchella, A. (2022). International new ventures in the wake of global factories : A network approach to opportunity exploration and exploitation. 8th Reading IB Conference : organised jointly with48th AIB UK & Ireland Conference 8-9 April 2022. 27-27.
- Owusu, R.A., Servais, P. (2019). The internationalization of project-business firms : an opportunities, learning, and networks perspective. 15th Vaasa Conference on International Business, August 19-21, 2019 : proceedings. 43-43.
- Servais, P. (2019). Conceptualization of migrants in international entrepreneurship : A theoretical review and mapping. 45th EIBA annual Conference: What Now? International Business in a Confused World Order, University of Leeds, 13th – 15th December 2019.
- Owusu, R.A., Servais, P. (2018). Potential localization effects of international new ventures : some implications for emerging economies. Presented at the 22nd McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, Halmstad, Sweden, August 22-24, 2018.
- Rask, M., Servais, P. (2015). Born Global Sourcers : Buying internationally right from inception. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Servais, P. (2023). Virtual Teams and Internationalisation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Virtual Teams Across National Borders. New York, Routledge. 83-96.
- Rana, M.B., Allen, M.M.C., Servais, P. (2021). Supplier internationalization in the global apparel value chain from Bangladesh to Ethiopia : the buyer’s business model, institutions and entrepreneurial capability. Upgrading the global garment industry : internationalization, capabilities and sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing. 13-45.
- Emontspool, J., Servais, P. (2019). Learning in various types of new ventures : the role of “incoming” entrepreneurs. Diaspora Networks in International Business : Perspectives for Understanding and Managing Diaspora Business and Resources. Springer. 41-54.
- Mainela, T., Puhakka, V., Servais, P. (2015). Hybrid ways of organizing opportunities in international entrepreneurship. Handbook on International Alliance and Network Research. Edward Elgar Publishing. 65-86.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Elo, M., Sandberg, S., Servais, P., Discua Cruz, A., Basco, R. (2019). Editorial : [Special Issue on: Entrepreneurship, Migration, and Family in Peripheral Contexts – Avenues for Growth and Internationalisation]. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 36 (1/2). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Elo, M., Sandberg, S., Servais, P., Basco, R., Cruz, A.D., et al. (2018). Advancing the views on migrant and diaspora entrepreneurs in international entrepreneurship. Journal of International Entrepreneurship. 16 (2). 119-133.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Søndergaard, M., Servais, P. (1999). Global relational capital in supplier networks of Danish small and medium sized enterprises : determinants of capacity of exploiting global inter-firm relations. Proceedings of the Metamorphosis of Organizations Conference (2nd Colloque la Metamorphose des Organisations), Nancy, France, October 21-23, 1999.
- Rasmussen, E.S., Servais, P. (1999). Born Globals : connectors between various industrial districts. Proceedings of RENT XIII (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business), November 25-26, 1999, Middlesex University, London, UK, 1999.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Elo, M., Servais, P. (2018). Migration perspective on entrepreneurship. The Palgrave Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Entrepreneurship. Palgrave Macmillan. 355-386.
- Vedel, M., Servais, P. (2017). On the Value of Different Entry Modes by SMEs in Foreign Markets. More Than Just One Middleman : On the Value of Different Entry Modes by SMEs in Foreign Markets. Palgrave Macmillan. 151-170.
- Knudsen, M.P., Servais, P. (2004). SME’s international engagements : import, exports and intra-industry trade. Recent European research on SME export behavior and internationalization. Vaasa, University of Vaasa. 115-130.
Report (Other academic)
- Servais, P., Keen, C. (2010). An Examination of Localization Effects on International New Ventures : Some Implications for Emerging Economies. Syddansk Universitet. Institut for Marketing og Management. 22.
- Keen, C., Servais, P. (2009). The start-up of International New Ventures : effectively effectuated?. Stanford University Press.