Pernilla Severson
Associate ProfessorI hold a PhD in Media and Communication Studies from Uppsala University (2004). I am Associate Professor (Docent) in Media and Communication Studies at the Department of Media and Journalism, Linnaeus University. My research focuses on media development, participatory practices and democratic values, gender, and digital methods. I have been and am part of various quality assurance projects and processes for education and research. In this, have done several projects on course evaluations, program revisions, academic integrity and research ethics. I am head of subject in journalism, deputy member of the faculty board, and member of the knowledge environment "A questioned democracy" where I develop the track of "everyday democracy" and polarization and radicalization.
I teach and supervise broadly in journalism, media and communication studies and in digital humanities on media development, participatory practices and democratic values, gender, and digital methods. I also take on suggestions from PhD students for supervision within this field.
My research takes place of everything I find interesting in the realm of on media development, participatory practices and democratic values, gender, and digital methods. Therefore, my PhD thesis was on the transition from analogue to terrestrial television focusing public service. I have since then conducted studies broadly on media managers futuremaking, new media genres, gender and archives etc. At the moment I find the suffragette movement in the news, gender and alternative media, AI and journalism, and public service media and diversity particularly interesting.
Member of the Knowledge environment A questioned democracy 2020-2022, 2023-
Member of Center for Gender Studies 2022-2023
My ongoing research projects
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: The book Everyday Democracy – building resilience against polarization and radicalization A book that invites researchers and practitioners to explore various aspects of the everyday doing of…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hanell, F., Severson, P. (2023). An open educational resource for doing netnography in the digital arts and humanities. Education for Information. 39 (2). 155-172.
Status: Published -
Leckner, S., Severson, P. (2019). Exploring the Meaning Problem of Big and Small Data Through Digital Method Triangulation. Nordicom Review. 40. 79-94.
Status: Published -
Severson, P. (2018). The Politics of Women’s Digital Archives and Its Significance for the History of Journalism. Digital Journalism. 6 (9). 1222-1238.
Status: Published -
Severson, P. (2016). Medvetna frågor och val : Utveckling av metoder för att undersöka användargenererat material i digitala kontexter. Nordicom Information. 38 (3). 57-70.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hanell, F., Severson, P. (2022). Netnography : Two Methodological Issues and the Consequences for Teaching and Practice. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022) : Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022. 221-227.
- Jonsson Severson, P. (2021). Exploring journalists and researchers use of social media methods. NordMedia2021 conference, Crisis and Resilience: Nordic Media Research in the Frontline, online 18–20 August 2021.
- Severson, P. (2021). How non-sharing in social media can signal trust. "Trust Me!" Truthfulness and Truth Claims across Media Book of Abstracts : Online conference, 9-12 march 2021.
- Severson, P. (2021). Swedish local and national newspaper journalism on the women’s suffrage 1907 to 1921. Suffrage Now : International conference on Gender and Democracy.
- Severson, P. (2021). Women pop-political icons as memes in the American Election 2020. IAMCR conference, Rethinking borders and boundaries. Beyond the global/local dichotomy in communication studies. Nairobi, Kenya and online, 11-15 July 2021..
- Jonsson Severson, P. (2021). A historiography of migration in Nordic public service-television research. Presented at the ECREA 8th European Communication Conference, Communication and Trust: building safe, sustainable and promising futures, Online, September 6-9, 2021 (moved from October 2-5, 2020).
- Severson, P. (2021). Participatory action research : an approach with unspoken autoethnographic claims. “Breaking the rules? power, participation, transgression” : SIEF2021 15th Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 19-24 June 2021.
- Severson, P. (2019). How to understand and use action research as critical digital methods. Nordmedia 2019 : Communication, Creativity & Imagination: Challenging the Field.
- Severson, P. (2019). Exploring how to research webisodes. Media Mixing 2019 : International symposium at Lund University, Sweden.
- Leckner, S., Severson, P. (2018). Young persons’ willingness to pay for cross-media consumption : a study of demand and use in a multi-platform media environment.. 7th European Communication Conference Centres and Peripheries : Communication, Research, Translation Conference Booklet.
- Severson, P., Leckner, S. (2017). Media audiences imagining themselves in relation to future living. Audiences2030 Imagining a Future for Audiences : Book of Abstracts. 36-36.
- Severson, P. (2017). Searching for voice as democratic values in contemporary Swedish web archive initiatives. Digital Democracy : Book of Abstracts.
- Severson, P. (2015). Using profession theory concept jurisdiction to further understanding of SOTL’s bridging boundary conditions and possibilites. EuroSoTL 2015: Bridging Boundaries through the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning : Proceedings of the inaugural European conference on the scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 29.
- Severson, P. (2015). En workshop om utmaningsbaserat lärande. .
- Severson, P. (2014). Strategic development of educational technologies. Educational Development in a changing world, 16-18 June, 2014, Stockholm.
- Severson, P. (2014). Jurisdiktion i professionella identitets-berättelser på ett interaktionsdesign-företag. .
- Severson, P. (2013). Public service media engaging in fan-based social networked practices. The Place of Public Service Broadcasting : Transnationalism, Localism and Identity in the Digital Age.
- Severson, P. (2013). Participatory design theory on collaboration to further understanding of journalistic practices. Defending Democracy : Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism.
- Severson, P. (2011). Exploring Twitter as network site for research on and in social innovation.. .
- Severson, P. (2010). Social media support and strengthen public service media among media professionals. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Severson, P. (2019). How Critical Digital Method Development can Strengthen Studies of Media and Terrorism. Media and Journalism in an Age of Terrorism. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 168.
- Severson, P. (2016). Super Teletext : A Social Shaping of Teletext as Locating Newness in a Media Convergence Future. Teletext in Europe : From the Analogue to the Digital Era. Gothenburg, Nordicom. 131-149.
- Severson, P. (2014). Stories on futuremaking in everyday practices from managers within the creative industries. Making Futures : Marginal Notes on Innovation, Design and Democracy. Cambridge, MIT Press. 258-266.
- Björgvinsson, E., Severson, P. (2014). Creative class struggles. Making Futures : Marginal Notes on Innovation, Design and Democracy. Cambridge, MIT Press. 173-186.
Other (Refereed)
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ringfjord, B., Severson, P. (2017). Raising Theoretical Concept Understanding In Courses With Journalist Students. The 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden : Long paper.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Severson, P., Ekström, A. (2024). Att värna demokratiska värden i en digital, uppkopplad och automatiserad medievärld. En ifrågasatt demokrati : Forskare och praktiker i dialog. Göteborg och Stockholm, Makadam Förlag. 27-56.
- Severson, P. (2022). Webisodes as Different Subversive Forms of Representation of Gender and Sexuality. Identities and Intimacies on Social Media. Routledge. 119-133.
- Severson, P. (2020). Applying Critical Digital Method : Ethics, Sampling Strategies and Analysis Methods. Doing Digital Humanities : Concepts, Approaches, Cases. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 81-98.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Severson, P. (2004). En gökunge i public service-boet? : Publikens roll i digitaliseringen av marksänd television. Doctoral Thesis. Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. 224.