Sadaf Salavati holds a PhD in Computer and Information Systems from Linnaeus University.
Sadaf's interest lies in Systems Thinking, primarily Soft Systems Thinking. She is the leading contact person for the Linnaeus University Systems Community. Sadaf teaches in the undergraduate programs at the Department of Informatics. She also teaches courses at undergraduate and advanced level in Systems Thinking for professionals.
Sadaf has been involved in several research projects and has also worked administratively, have had shared program coordinator responsibility and worked with course and program development.
My research groups
Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies The research in the subject Media Technology at Linnaeus University revolves a lot around mobility, social media and learning, and is mainly carried out…
Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) Linnaeus University Systems Community emphasizes Systems Thinking in research, education and practice. The community is part of the Linnaeus Knowledge…
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kurti, E., Salavati, S. (2024). Towards a Viable Knowledge Environment within an Academic Institution. Systemic Practice and Action Research.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Salavati, S., Mirijamdotter, A., Elm, P., Perez, M. (2021). Coordinated SSM : An Adaptation of the SSM Learning Cycle. Systems. 9 (3).
Status: Published -
Kurti, E., Salavati, S., Mirijamdotter, A. (2021). Using Systems Thinking to Illustrate Digital Business Model Innovation. Systems. 9 (4).
Status: Published -
Mirijamdotter, A., Somerville, M.M., Salavati, S., Hajrizi, E. (2018). Making Local Knowledge Visible : The Case of the University for Business and Technology in Kosovo. Systems research and behavioral science. 35 (5). 588-597.
Status: Published -
Alvarez, C., Salavati, S., Nussbaum, M., Milrad, M. (2013). Collboard : Fostering new media literacies in the classroom through collaborative problem solving supported by digital pens and interactive whiteboards. Computers and education. 63. 368-379.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Villius Zetterholm, M., Elm, P., Salavati, S. (2021). Designing for Pandemics : a Design Concept based on Technology Mediated Nudging for Health Behavior Change. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 3474-3483.
- Somerville, M.M., Mirijamdotter, A., Bruce, C.S., Chaudhary, N., Salavati, S. (2018). Informed Systems : To Advance Organizational Capacity and Co-Worker Capability. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 5327-5334.
- Hajrizi, E., Mirijamdotter, A., Salavati, S., Somerville, M.M. (2017). University for Business and Technology University Libraries and Knowledge Center : A Concept Paper. 8th International Conference Information Systems and Technology Innovations, Tirana, Albania, June 23-24, 2017. : Fostering the As-A-Service Economy.
- Mirijamdotter, A., Somerville, M.M., Salavati, S., Hajrizi, E. (2017). University for Business and Technology Knowledge Center : Making Local Knowledge Visible. Paper presented at the Vienna 2017 International Society for System Sciences, The 61st ISSS World Conference, Vienna, July 9-14, 2017.
- Salavati, S., Mirijamdotter, A. (2017). Soft Systems Methodology and Cognitive Mapping : A Linkage between the Initial Phases of SSM. Paper presented at the Vienna 2017 International Society for System Sciences, The 61st ISSS World Conference, Vienna, July 9-14, 2017.
- Salavati, S. (2017). The Complexity of Teachers’ Use of Digital Technologies in Everyday School Practice. Dilemmas 2015 Papers from the 18th Annual International Conference Dilemmas for Human Services: Organizing, Designing and Managing.
- Salavati, S. (2017). Dilemmas in Teachers’ Use of Digital Technologies in Everyday School Practice. Dilemmas 2015 Papers from the 18th Annual International Conference Dilemmas for Human Services: Organizing, Designing and Managing.
- Salavati, S. (2016). The Complexity of Teachers’ Everyday Practice Using Digital Technologies. Proceedings of 7th International Conference Information Systems and Technology Innovations : the New Paradigm for a Smarter Economy.
- Salavati, S. (2014). The complex picture of novel use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in every teaching and learning practices. EDULEARN14 Proceedings. 4293-4302.
- Salavati, S., Mörtberg, C. (2012). Researching Innovative Educational Practices : Exploring the Use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies. .
- Yau, J., Salavati, S. (2011). Researchers' and teachers' perspectives on the use of mobile technologies for inquiry-based learning. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. 136-143.
- Sollervall, H., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Peng, A., Pettersson, O., et al. (2011). Designing with mobile technologies for enacting the learning of geometry. Workshop Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 305-312.
- Yau, J., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Pettersson, O., Salavati, S., et al. (2011). Identifying the potential needs to provide mobile context-aware hints to support students' learning. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 365-372.
- Sollervall, H., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Peng, A., Pettersson, O., et al. (2011). Trade-offs between pedagogical and technological design requirements affecting the robustness of a mobile learning activity. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 381-385.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Salavati, S., Mörtberg, C. (2012). Researching Innovative Educational Practices : Experiences of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies. IRIS : selected papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. Akademika forlag. 53-68.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Salavati, S., Kurti, E. (2022). A Multisystem Approach in Tackling Digital Innovation Process. Presented at The OR Society's 64th Annual Conference, Warwick University, September 13 - 15 2022.
- Perez, M., Salavati, S., Tyrberg, B. (2021). Forskning inom ett komplext projekt riktat mot skolan. Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning : Bidrag från konferensen Fobas NT19 17-18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping.. 147-160.
- Salavati, S. (2012). Researching Innovative Educational Practices using Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies.
- Salavati, S., Mirijamdotter, A. (2011). Researching Innovative Educational Practices: Use of up-to-date digital technology for exploring implications on educational settings..
- Salavati, S. (2010). Beyond Innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning. .
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Salavati, S. (2016). Use of Digital Technologies in Education : The Complexity of Teachers' Everyday Practice. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 317.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Salavati, S. (2013). Novel Use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Everyday Teaching and Learning Practices : A Complex Picture. Licentiate Thesis. Linnaeus University. 141.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Perez, M., Salavati, S., Tyrberg, B. (2022). Maker tour : Mot nya höjder, avslutande rapport från forskargruppen vid Linnéuniversitetet. Fakulteten för teknik, Linnéuniversitetet. 9.
- Perez, M., Tyrberg, B., Salavati, S. (2020). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : Analys av fem utmaningar. Fakulteten för teknik. Linnéuniversitetet. 19.
- Salavati, S., Tyrberg, B., Perez, M. (2019). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : En rapport om projektet och dess utveckling. 19.
- Perez, M., Salavati, S., Tyrberg, B. (2019). Maker tour – Mot nya höjder : Forskningsrapportering juni 2019. Linnéuniverstitetet. 37.