I have a PhD in Nordic languages and I am a senior lecturer in Swedish as a second language. I have a background as a speech and language pathologist and have previously worked clinically in educational settings.
I am interested in language development and reading and writing development – and difficulties, both in research and teaching. More specifically, I am interested in how to support and facilitate written language production and development in people with various underlying difficulties.
I am currently teaching phonetics and phonology. I also supervise students' essay writing, mainly in areas related to language and literacy development or language and literacy difficulties.
In the past, I have mainly been teaching language and literacy development, and language and literacy difficulties to several different student groups, such as students in speech and language pathology, teaching, and special education. I have also been teaching about voice use from a work environment perspective to teacher students.
My research focuses on the development of written language, the writing process and reading and writing difficulties, and how students with reading and writing difficulties can be supported to develop their written language.
I defended my thesis in June 2023. In my thesis I investigated whether the writing tool speech-to-text (i.e. using the vocie to let the computer write the text) can facilitate text production for children with reading and writing difficulties. To read my thesis (summary in English), follow the link below:
Speaking the text