I am a registered nurse (RN) since 1990. Since my exame, I have been working with patients admitted in different specialties such as gynecology, eye, ENT and infection. However, since 2004 am I employed at the Emergency Department at the Centralhospital in Växjö. 

In autumn 2015 I was accepted for PhD studies on half time, half time I continue my clinicial duty. I plan for examination in the first quarter of 2023.


My research topic is triage, and my main purpose with the studies is to illuminate triage and triage related work in Sweden today. 

The thesis is founded on four studies;
I - the reliability of the Swedish triage scale RETTS
II - a nationel survey of triage and triage related work in Sweden today
III - the validity of RETTS
IV - to describe how RNs experience triage  


Article in journal (Refereed)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)