Sebastian Hönel
Postdoctoral FellowAbout Me
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher and co-Pi in the project In-line visual inspection using unsupervised learning.
- You will find me in building D, room D2254.
- I have a calendar where you can find my public appearances, talks, meetings, office hours, and other public activities at
I am usually involved in teaching courses around (Deep) Machine Learning (e.g., 4DV652, 4DV660, 4DV661).
I was previously a teaching assistant in courses for agile product development, both first- and second-level cycles (e.g., 1DV508, 4DV611).
Currently, I do focus on the analysis (e.g., quality), manipulation, and generation of media such as audio, imagery, and video utilizing statistical methods and, most notably, artificial intelligence. In particular, I attempt to apply and improve models for unsupervised and zero-/few-shot learning for the detection of manufacturing defects and other material anomalies.
Previously, I emphasized the usage of Machine- and Deep Learning, Optimization, as well as distributed computing for the analysis, calibration, and optimization of models that are related to software applications and -processes. I was (and still am) interested in obtaining quantitative data from software evolutionary processes and applying it through models used for the greater goal of organizational learning.
My ongoing research projects
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hönel, S., Picha, P., Ericsson, M., Brada, P., Löwe, W., et al. (2024). Activity-Based Detection of (Anti-)Patterns : An Embedded Case Study of the Fire Drill. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal. 18 (1).
Status: Published -
Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2023). Metrics As Scores : A Tool- and Analysis Suite and Interactive Application for Exploring Context-Dependent Distributions. Journal of Open Source Software. 8 (88).
Status: Published -
Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2020). Using source code density to improve the accuracy of automatic commit classification into maintenance activities. Journal of Systems and Software. 168. 1-19.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hönel, S. (2023). Exploiting Relations, Sojourn-Times, and Joint Conditional Probabilities for Automated Commit Classification. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Software TechnologiesJuly 10-12, 2023, in Rome, Italy. 323-331.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2022). Contextual Operationalization of Metrics as Scores : Is My Metric Value Good?. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). 333-343.
- Picha, P., Hönel, S., Brada, P., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2022). Process anti-pattern detection : a case study. Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop 2022, Irsee, Germany, July 6-10, 2022. 1-18.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Importance and Aptitude of Source code Density for Commit Classification into Maintenance Activities. 359,569 commits with source code density; 1149 commits of which have software maintenance activity labels (adaptive, corrective, perfective).
- Ulan, M., Hönel, S., Martins, R.M., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2018). Quality Models Inside Out : Interactive Visualization of Software Metrics by Means of Joint Probabilities. Proceedings of the 2018 Sixth IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, (VISSOFT), Madrid, Spain, 2018. 65-75.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2018). A changeset-based approach to assess source code density and developer efficacy. ICSE '18 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings. 220-221.
Dataset (Refereed)
Hönel, S., Pícha, P., Brada, P., Rychtarova, L., Danek, J. (2023). Detection of the Fire Drill anti-pattern : 15 real-world projects with ground truth, issue-tracking data, source code density, models and code.
A dataset comprised of various files, such as CSV or Excel spreadsheets, notebooks, and code in R, pre-computed results as RDS, etc.
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Hönel, S. (2019). 359,569 commits with source code density; 1149 commits of which have software maintenance activity labels (adaptive, corrective, perfective).
This dataset comes as SQL-importable file and is compatible with the widely available MariaDB- and MySQL-databases.
It is based on (and incorporates/extends) the dataset "1151 commits with software maintenance activity labels (corrective,perfective,adaptive)" by Levin and Yehudai (
The extensions to this dataset were obtained using Git-Tools, a tool that is included in the Git-Density ( suite. For each of the projects in the original dataset, Git-Tools was run in extended mode.
Other (Refereed)
Hönel, S. (2020). mmb : Arbitrary Dependency Mixed Multivariate Bayesian Models.
mmb is a package for the R statistical software environment.
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Ulan, M., Hönel, S., Martins, R.M., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2018). Artifact: Quality Models Inside Out : Interactive Visualization of Software Metrics by Means of Joint Probabilities.
The artifact is a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). Part of this bundle is a file with instructions. Please read those first.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Bayesian Regression on segmented data using Kernel Density Estimation. 5th annual Big Data Conference : Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, 5-6 December 2019.
Report (Other academic)
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Hönel, S. (2023). Quantifying Process Quality : The Role of Effective Organizational Learning in Software Evolution. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press.
Other (Other academic)
Hönel, S. (2020). Git Density : Analyze git repositories to extract the Source Code Density and other Commit Properties.
Git Density is a software suite to analyze git-repositories with the goal of detecting the source code density and other properties of the software, such as metrics.
Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Hönel, S. (2020). Efficient Automatic Change Detection in Software Maintenance and Evolutionary Processes. Licentiate Thesis. Växjö, Faculty of Technology, Linnaeus University. 37.