Sigurdur Ormarsson
ProfessorI am a Professor of Timber Engineering with a focus on computational mechanics of wood and timber structures. I work at the Department of Building Technology and hold the so-called "Linnéprofessuren".
Courses at the undergraduate, advanced and Ph.D. levels that I have been teaching are listed below:
Applied programming, Structural analysis, Finite element modelling (basic and advanced), Material and fracture mechanics, Wood mechanics, Wood materials, Design of steel and wood structures, Design of advanced timber structures, Stabilization of buildings and roof constructions in wood, Applied FEM, Training school – Modelling, Scientific methodology and planning, Wood, timber and engineered wood products, From roundwood to timber engineering, Modelling of wood and timber structures, Timber based building systems.
An important part of my (and the department) research activities is to support the wood industry in developing of new and innovative quality wood products and to develop strategies of sustainable (multi-storey) timber buildings that are able to meet quality requirements regarding both design safety and society's needs. Wood is an environmentally friendly and renewable material, though very complex. It is a moisture sensitive, inhomogeneous and strongly orthotropic material that often has a spiral formed fibre orientation. To efficiently use wood as a building material during varying climatic conditions, it needs to be thoroughly analysed with respect to material strength, shape stability and load bearing capacity.
The ability to manufacture shape stable quality products in wood is very important for all sawmills, carpenters and furniture companies. My research interests are mainly on the numerical modelling of climate-related distortions in wood and timber structures, time-dependent behaviour of wood, stability of wood structures, and computer-based design of advanced timber structures. Moisture related stresses-cracking-and-fatigue as well as permanent compression deformations in wood are very complex phenomena that need to be carefully analysed because they are controlled by combined strain behaviours from reversible hygro-elasticity, mechano sorption, viscoelasticity and irreversible plasticity.
The department has several advanced experimental facilities that consist of various servo hydraulic testing machines at the material, component and structural levels, combined with a digital image correlation system called ARAMIS. Based on the combined numerical and experimental approaches, I develop simulation tools (adaptive 1D/2D/3D models) that are usable for the design of quality products in wood and timber structures with different degrees of complexity.
Some of my model applications are briefly listed below:
- a growth stress model for radial tree growth
- a 3D model for moisture-induced distortion of solid timber and laminated timber products
- an enhanced beam model for hygro-mechanical and long-term behaviour in inhomogeneous glulam structures
- a model for lateral torsional- and out-of-plane instability of slender timber structures
- a model for moulding, spring-back and moisture related deformations in double curved veneer products
- a 3D model for moisture-induced stresses in mechanical dowel type timber connections.
- A 3D model of structural behaviour of large wooden volume modules used for multi storey houses
My research groups
Connections in Timber Structures Connections in Timber Structures is one of the research fields at the Department of Building Technology. We investigate the mechanical behaviour of connections at…
Wood Building Technology The main direction of our research environment is wood building technology and applied mechanics. The research is to a large extent applied and is practised in close…
My completed research projects
Project: Design of innovative modular-based multi-storey timber buildings Constructing multi-storey buildings with light-frame timber modules is an innovative construction method, but at the same time…
Project: Performance prediction of a biobased product The aim of the project was to develop a prediction tool for laminated veneer products, to improve product performance by reducing rejects and…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Maharjan, R., Kuai, L., Vessby, J., Ormarsson, S. (2024). An experimental analysis of full scale light-frame timber modules. Engineering structures. 304.
Status: Published -
Kuai, L., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2024). Numerical and experimental investigations of prefabricated light-frame timber modules. Engineering structures. 303.
Status: Published -
Kuai, L., Maharjan, R., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2024). Numerical and experimental investigations of cracked light-frame timber walls. Journal of Building Engineering. 96.
Status: Published -
Blomqvist, L., Ormarsson, S., Ziethen, R. (2023). Stress distribution in veneers under lamination and simultaneously bending : an experimental and numerical investigation. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 18 (3). 995-1002.
Status: Published -
Kuai, L., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2023). Nonlinear FE-analysis and testing of light-frame timber shear walls subjected to cyclic loading. Construction and Building Materials. 362.
Status: Published -
Kuai, L., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Maharjan, R. (2022). A numerical and experimental investigation of non-linear deformation behaviours in light-frame timber walls. Engineering structures. 252.
Status: Published -
Florisson, S., Vessby, J., Ormarsson, S. (2021). A three-dimensional numerical analysis of moisture flow in wood and of the wood's hygro-mechanical and visco-elastic behaviour. Wood Science and Technology. 55. 1269-1304.
Status: Published -
Sejkot, P., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Källsner, B. (2020). Numerical out-of-plane stability analysis of long span timber trusses with focus on buckling length calculations. Engineering structures. 204. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Florisson, S., Vessby, J., Mmari, W., Ormarsson, S. (2020). Three-dimensional orthotropic nonlinear transient moisture simulation for wood : analysis on the effect of scanning curves and nonlinearity. Wood Science and Technology. 54. 1197-1222.
Status: Published -
Florisson, S., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2019). A numerical study of the effect of green-state moisture content on stress development in timber boards during drying. Wood and Fiber Science. 51 (1). 41-57.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, J., Ormarsson, S., Johansson, J. (2017). Moisture-related distortion and damage of lightweight wood panels : experimental and numerical study. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science. 14 (2). 99-109.
Status: Published -
Wang, X.(., Hagman, O., Sundqvist, B., Ormarsson, S., Wan, H., et al. (2016). Shear Strength of Scots Pine Wood and Glued Joints in a Cold Climate. BioResources. 11 (1). 944-956.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Gislason, O.V. (2016). Moisture-induced stresses in glulam frames. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 74 (3). 307-318.
Status: Published -
Wang, X., Hagman, O., Sundqvist, B., Ormarsson, S., Wan, H., et al. (2015). Impact of cold temperatures on the shear strength of Norway spruce joints glued with different adhesives. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 73 (2). 225-233.
Status: Published -
Pearson, H., Ormarsson, S., Gabbitas, B. (2015). Nonlinear tensile creep behavior of radiata pineat elevated temperatures and different moisturecontents. Holzforschung. 69 (7). 915-923.
Status: Published -
Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S. (2014). Experimental and finite element study of the effect of temperature and moisture on the tangential tensile strength and fracture behavior in timber logs. Holzforschung. 68 (1). 133-140.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O. (2013). Finite element modelling of moisture related and visco-elasticdeformations in inhomogeneous timber beams. Engineering structures. 49. 182-189.
Status: Published -
Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S. (2013). Numerical and experimental study of moisture-induced stress and strain field developments in timber logs. Wood Science and Technology. 47 (4). 837-852.
Status: Published -
Pearson, H., Gabbitas, B., Ormarsson, S. (2012). Equilibrium moisture content of radiata pine at elevated temperature and pressure reveals measurement challenges. Journal of Materials Science. 48 (1). 332-341.
Status: Published -
Pearson, H., Gabbitas, B., Ormarsson, S. (2012). Tensile behaviour of radiata pine with different moisture contents at elevated temperatures. Holzforschung. 66 (5). 659-665.
Status: Published -
Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S., Olesen, J.F. (2011). Moisture-driven fracture in solid wood. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 6 (1-2). 49-57.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Johansson, M. (2010). Numerical study of how creep and stiffness evolution affect the growth stress formation in trees. Trees. 24 (1). 105-115.
Status: Published -
Johansson, M., Ormarsson, S. (2009). Influence of growth stresses and material properties on distortion of sawn timber – Numerical investigation.. Annals of Forest Science. 66 (6).
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Johansson, M. (2009). Finite element study of growth stress formation in wood and related distortion of sawn timber. Wood Science and Technology. 43. 387-403.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Sandberg, D. (2007). Numerical simulation of hot-pressed veneer products : moulding, spring-back and distortion. Wood Material Science & Engineering. 2 (3/4). 130-137.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, J., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (2006). Finite element analysis of coupled nonlinear heat and moisture transfer in wood. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications. 50 (9). 851-864.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2006). Finite element simulation of growth stress formation and related board distortions resulting from sawing and forced drying. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 36 (2/3). 408-423.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Eriksson, J. (2006). FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF COUPLED NONLINEAR HEAT AND MOISTURE TRANSFER IN WOOD. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications. 50 (9). 851-864.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2006). Finite element simulation of growth stress formation and related board distortions resulting from sawing and forced drying. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science. 36 (2). 408-423.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, J., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (2005). An experimental and numerical study of the shape stability in glued columns. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 63 (6). 423-429.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Cown, D. (2005). Moisture-Related Distortion of Timber Boards of Radiata Pine : Comparison with Norway Spruce. Wood and Fiber Science. 37 (3). 424-436.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, J., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (2004). Experimental study of shape stability in glued boards. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 62 (3). 225-232.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (2000). A numerical study of the shape stability of sawn timber subjected to moisture variation : Part 3: Influence of annual ring orientation. Wood Science and Technology. 34 (3). 207-219.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (2000). Numerical and experimental study of compression wood influence on drying timber distortion. Drying Technology. 18 (8). 1897-1919.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1999). A numerical study of the shape stability of sawn timber subjected to moisture variation : Part 2: Simulation of drying board. Wood Science and Technology. 33 (5). 407-423.
Status: Published -
Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1998). A numerical study of the shape stability of sawn timber subjected to moisture variation : Part 1: Theory. Wood Science and Technology. 32 (5). 325-334.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, P., Esping, B., Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S., Söderström, O. (1998). Optimization, a tool with which to create an effective drying schedule. Holzforschung. 52 (5). 530-540.
Status: Published -
Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (1996). Simulation of wood deformation processes in drying and other types of environmental loading. Annales des Sciences Forestieres. 53 (4). 857-866.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ormarsson, S., Kuai, L., Mahjoub, M.A., Aicher, S. (2023). Numerical and experimental study of glulam beams jointed with slotted-in steel plate connection. 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023, Vol 2. 1261-1268.
- Sejkot, P., Iqbal, A., Ormarsson, S. (2021). Finite-element modelling of connectors to achieve ductile connections in wood structures. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021.
- Vessby, J., Ormarsson, S., Sejkot, P. (2021). Impact of eccentricity in bracing supports on lateral instability of long-span timber trusses. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021.
- Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Johansson, M. (2021). Design of innovative modular-based timber structure based on advanced modeling and full-scale tests. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021.
- Kuai, L., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2021). Modelling and experimental verification of light-frame timber modules loaded in shear. World Conference on Timber Engineering 2021, WCTE 2021.
- Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Johansson, M., Kua, L. (2019). Numerical and Experimental Study on Modular-Based Timber Structures. 2019 MOC Summit: Banff, Alberta, Canada : Proceedings of the 2019 Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) SummitBanff, Alberta, CanadaMay 21 - 24, 2019. 471-478.
- Sejkot, P., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2018). Numerical and experimental study of punched metal plate connection used for long-span pitched timber roof truss structure. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Ormarsson, S. (2018). Parameterized and adaptive modelling of structural behaviour of innovative modular-based multi-storey timber buildings of wood. Presented at EMI 2018, Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, May 29 - June 1, 2018, MIT, Cambridge, USA.
- Florisson, S., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2018). Modelling of mechano-sorption in clear wood by using an orthotropic non-linear moisture flow and stress model. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering : 2018 World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2018; COEX Convention and Exhibition CenterSeoul; South Korea, 20-23 August 2018.
- Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2018). Finite element simulation of global structural behaviour of multifamily timber buildings using prefabricated volume modules. WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2017). Numerical simulations of structural behaviour of volume modules used for construction of multifamily timber houses. CompWood 2017 : Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber : Programme & Book of abstract.
- Florisson, S., Ormarsson, S. (2017). The effect of surface emission, diffusion and initial moisture profiles on stress development in timber boards. CompWood 2017 : Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber : Programme & book of abstract.
- Sejkot, P., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2017). Numerical and experimental study of punched metal plate connections to obtain spring stiffness needed for 3D buckling analysis of long-span timber trusses. Presented at CompWood 2017 – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Wood Mechanics – from Material Properties to Timber, June 7-9, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Florisson, S., Ormarsson, S. (2016). The effect of initial green state moisture gradients on stresses in timber boards during drying. Eccomas 2016 Proceedings.
- Wang, X.A., Hagman, O., Sundqvist, B., Ormarsson, S., Wan, H., et al. (2016). Impact of cold temperatures on the shear strength of Norway spruce & scots pine joints with different glues. WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Källsner, B., Filchev, I. (2016). Numerical analysis of failure modes and force distribution in a pitched roof structure of wood. Proceedings of the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE).
- Petersson, H., Källsner, B., Ormarsson, S. (2016). Strength grading of structural timber based on buckling analysis and scanning techniques. Proceedings of the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE).
- Sejkot, P., Kuklík, P., Ormarsson, S., Patlakas, P. (2016). Numerical simulations of timber element connections using angle brackets with a rib under the external load. Proceedings of the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE).
- Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J. (2016). Geometric nonlinear analysis of a pitched roof structure of wood. Eccomas 2016 Proceedings.
- Bolmsvik, Å., Linderholt, A., Ormarsson, S., Vercruysse, A., Stenberg, S. (2016). Vibration Distribution Due to Continous, Intermittent or Half Embedded Elastomer Connections in Wooden Constructions. Proceeding of the 2016 World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), August 22-25, 2016 Vienna. 2912-2920.
- Petersson, H., Ormarsson, S., Källsner, B., Vessby, J. (2015). Influence of structural stability and material property variations on bending strength of solid timber. Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Analyses in Wood Mechanics.
- Sejkot, P., Ormarsson, S., Vessby, J., Kuklik, P. (2015). Determination of Load Bearing Capacity for Spatial Joint with Steel Angle Brackets. 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE MATERIALS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNOLOGIES.
- Ormarsson, S. (2015). Moisture-induced stresses in curved statically indeterminate timber structures. Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Analyses in Wood Mechanics.
- Wang, X.A., Hagman, O., Sundqvist, B., Ormarsson, S., Wan, H., et al. (2014). Wood construction under cold climate : Part one : Impact of cold temperatures on the shear strength of different adhesives glued wood joints of Norway spruce and Scots pine. WCTE 2014 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, August 10-14, 2014.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O. (2014). An extended beam model for simulation of hygro-mechanical and visco elastic deformations in inhomogeneous timber structures. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics - 2014.
- Ormarsson, S., Steinnes, J.R. (2014). An enhanced beam model for glued laminated structures that takes moisture, mechano-sorption and time effects into account. WCTE 2014 World Conference on Timber Engineering, Quebec City, Canada, August 10-14, 2014.
- Ormarsson, S., Blond, M. (2012). An improved method for calculating force distributions in moment-stiff timber connections. Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2012.
- Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S. (2012). A numerical and experimental study of stress and crack development in kiln-dried wood. Proceedings of World Conference on Timber Engineering 2012.
- Pearson, H., Gabbitas, B., Ormarsson, S. (2011). Creep and Mechanosorption of Wood at High Temperature. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behaviour and Processing.
- Pearson, H., Gabbitas, B., Ormarsson, S. (2011). Instantaneous Wood Distortion under High Temperature Drying. COST Action FP0904: Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Wood Behaviour and Processing.
- Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S., Olesen, J.F. (2010). Experimental Investigation of Moisture Driven Fracture in Solid Wood. WCTE - World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010 : Conference Proceeding. 449-450.
- Larsen, F., Ormarsson, S., Olesen, J.F. (2010). Experimental study of moisture-driven distortion and fracture in solid wood. 11th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference : Recent Advances in the Field of Wood Drying. 137-144.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Nygaard, M.J. (2010). Finite Element Simulation of Mechanical and Moisture-Related Stresses in Laterally Loaded Multi-Dowel Timber Connections. WCTE - World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010.
- Crocetti, R., Gustafsson, P.J., Danielsson, H., Emilsson, A., Ormarsson, S. (2010). Experimental and numerical investigation on the shear strength of glulam. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction: Working Commission W18 ‑ Timber Structures — 2010.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O. (2008). Modelling of growth stress generation and timber distortions related to log sawing and forced drying. 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.
- Ormarsson, S., Rosenkilde, A., Norén, J., Johansson, C. (2006). Moisture-related Distortions in Wood-based Floor Structures – Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation. 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering. 321-328.
- Sandberg, D., Ormarsson, S., Johansson, J. (2005). Improved Manufacturing Process for Bent and Laminated Wood Products of Beech : FE-modelling. Hardwood research and utilisation in Europe. 151-155.
- Johansson, M., Ormarsson, S. (2005). Effect of residual stresses on performance of sawn timber : Experiments. Fifth IUFRO Workshop on Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality : Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software.
- Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2005). Finite element simulation of growth stresses and related board distortions caused by sawing and forced drying. Fifth IUFRO Workshop on Connection between Forest Resources and Wood Quality : Modelling Approaches and Simulation Software.
- Petersson, H., Källsner, B., Ormarsson, S. (2005). Shape stability of laminated planks made of green-glued pairs of side boards. COST Action E34 : International Conference/workshop of green gluing of wood – process – products - market.
- Ormarsson, S., Lindemann, J., Eriksson, J., Dahlblom, O. (2004). Computational Tool for Analysing Drying Distortion in Laminated Engineering Products of Wood. COST Action E15: Advances in Drying of wood.
- Kliger, R., Johansson, M., Ormarsson, S., Bäckström, M. (2004). The Builders' View on Drying Quality and its Consequences. Proceedings of COST E15 - Drying timber for value-added products, Athens, Greece, 22-24 April. 01/01/2004.
- Pearson, H., Gabbitas, B., Ormarsson, S., Pickering, K. (2004). Design of an investigative programme to model creep and mechanosorption of radiata pine at high temperatures. Third International Conference of the European Society for Wood Mechanics.
- Lindemann, J., Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Sandberg, G. (2003). Enabling Access to Distributed Resources in a Software for Simulating Drying Induced Deformation of Wood. 16th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanic.
- Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S. (2003). Simplified Three-dimensional Analysis of Micro- and Macrostructural Behaviour Based on Two-dimensional Finite Element Models. 2nd International Conference of the European Society for Wood Mechanics.
- Eriksson, J., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (2003). Adaptive Finite Element Analysis of Non-linear Moisture Flow and Associated Distortion Behaviour in Wood. ADMOS Conference on Adaptive Modelling and Simulation.
- Ormarsson, S., Cown, D. (2003). Moisture-Related Distortion of Boards and Wooden Products of Radiata Pine : Comparison with Norway Spruce. IUFRO – All Division 5 Conference, Forest products research – providing for sustainable choices.
- Dahlblom, O., Lindemann, J., Ormarsson, S. (2003). Software for Numerical Simulation of Drying Induced Deformation of Wooden Products. 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference. 45-50.
- Ormarsson, S., Cown, D., Dahlblom, O. (2003). Finite Element Simulations of Moisture Related Distortion in Laminated Timber Products of Norway Spruce and Radiata Pine. 8th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference.
- Walford, B., Ormarsson, S. (2003). Prediction of Twist in Poles that Contain Spiral Grain. IAWPS2003 International Conference on Forest Products.
- Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (2002). Finite Element Simulations of Moisture Transport and Moisture Related Warping in Wooden Products. Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics.
- Ormarsson, S., Eriksson, J., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (2001). Improved shape stability of timber products obtained by use of numerical simulation technique. 7th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference.
- Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (2001). Engineering tools to construct timber products with good shape stability. COST E15, Advances in the drying of wood.
- Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H., Ormarsson, S. (2001). Full 3-D FEM-Simulations of Drying Distortion in Spruce Boards based on Experimental Studies. 7th International IUFRO Wood Drying Conference.
- Persson, K., Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (2000). Wood structure modelling and homogenisation of wood and fiber micro structure. International Conference of COST Action E8, Wood and Wood Fiber Composites.
- Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H., Ormarsson, S. (2000). Stiffness, strength and shape stability grading analysis of sawn timber based on experimentally found growth characteristics. World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Dahlblom, O., Persson, K., Petersson, H., Ormarsson, S. (1999). Investigation of variation of engineering properties of spruce. Wood Drying Research & Technology for Sustainable Forestry Beyond 2000.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1999). Computer simulations of varying growth characteristics on stiffness grading properties of structural timber. RILEM Symposium on Timber Engineering. 549-559.
- Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (1999). A finite element study of drying distortion in timber containing compression wood. Wood Drying Research & Technology for Sustainable Forestry Beyond 2000. 149-158.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1999). Influence of spiral grain on stiffness grading of structural timber. Proceedings of Pacific Timber Engineering Conference PTEC 99. 63-69.
- Dahlblom, O., Persson, K., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (1999). Stiffness and shape stability analysis of sawn timber based on experimentally found variations of wood properties. Connection between Silviculture and Wood Quality through Modelling Approaches and Simulation Softwares.
- Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O. (1998). Influence of compression wood and spiral grain on shape stability of sawn timber. COST Action E8 - International Workshop - Mechanical performance of non-standard wood.
- Petersson, H., Persson, K., Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O. (1998). Mechanical properties of wood determined by cell structure modelling. BIONA-report 12. 271-280.
- Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H., Persson, K., Ormarsson, S. (1998). Experimental investigation of basic properties of spruce. World Conference on Timber Engineering.
- Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O., Persson, K. (1998). Influence of varying growth characteristics on stiffness grading of structural timber. International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation Working Commission W18 ‑ Timber Structures, Meeting Thirty-one..
- Petersson, H., Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S., Persson, K. (1997). Moisture distortion modelling of wood and structural timber. International Conference on Wood-Water relations, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark. 173-195.
- Dahlblom, O., Persson, K., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (1997). Experimental investigation of basic wood properties with respect to spatial variation in stem. International Conference on Wood-Water relations, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark. 197-212.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1996). Influence of annual ring orientation on shape stability of sawn timber. Quality Wood Drying Through Process Modelling and Novel Technologies. 427-436.
- Ormarsson, S., Dahlblom, O., Petersson, H. (1996). Shape stability of wooden products : Influence of radial variations of basic properties and spiral grain. Connection Between Silviculture and Wood Quality Through Modelling Approaches and Simulation Softwares — 1996.
- Dahlblom, O., Ormarsson, S., Petersson, H. (1996). Prediction of deformations by an extended two-dimensional formulation. Quality wood drying through process modelling and novel technologies. 69-76.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Bader, T.K., Ormarsson, S. (2023). Modeling the Mechanical Behavior of Wood Materials and Timber Structures. Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology. Springer. 507-568.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Jára, R., Ptáček, P., Pošta, J., Sejkot, P., Nechanický, P., et al. (2016). Navrhování spojů dřevěných prvků za pomoci kování. Dřevostavby 2016. 187-189.
- Kuklík, P., Ormarsson, S., Dolejš, J., Ptáček, P., Jára, R., et al. (2015). Úhelníky s prolisem ve spojích dřevěných prvků. Sympozium Energeticky efektivní budovy 2015. 149-154.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Ormarsson, S. (1999). Numerical Analysis of Moisture-Related Distortion in Sawn Timber. Doctoral Thesis. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, Dep. of Structural Mech. 213.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Ormarsson, S. (1995). A Finite Element Study of the Shape Stability of Sawn Timber Subjected to Moisture Variations. Licentiate Thesis. Lund, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, Division of Structural Mech.. 91.
Report (Other academic)
- Ormarsson, S., Johansson, M. (2017). FE-modell av en volymmodul - spännings- och stabilitetsanalys : Förstudie. 16.
- Gustafsson, P.J., Emilsson, A., Crocetti, R., Ormarsson, S. (2010). Provningar av limträs skjuvhållfasthet hösten 2009. Lund, Lund University. 42.
- Sandberg, D., Ormarsson, S. (2007). Numerical simulation of hot-pressed veneer products. Växjö, Växjö universitet, Teknik & design. 14.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Vessby, J., Källsner, B., Ormarsson, S. (2016). Stabilisering av takkonstruktioner i trä : arbetet med ny handbok. Bygg och Teknik. (4). 60-63.
Status: Published