Sofia Backåberg
Associate professorI am a senior lecturer at the Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University, and programme coordinator for the international Health Science Master Programme.
Through my background as a Physiotherapist, I have a passion for human movements and how to use technology to create movement awareness, movement quality, physical activity and confidence to move, especially among older adults. In my PhD thesis (2016), I developed a model to support learning, awareness and development of individual movements with the support of video as a tool for feedback and reflection.
In 2020, I had the privilege to be a Post-doc Associate at the Faculty of Kinesiology, the University of Calgary in Canada, where I now have the position of Adjunct Assistant Professor.
I am teaching, supervising and examining theses in the Nursing Program, undergraduate and advanced level, as well as in the Health Science Master Programme in Health Sciences, where I am also course coordinator for two courses.
I have a great interest in experiential learning and creating learning opportunities that are engaging to facilitate creativity and reflection, such as the use of Forum Play.
I am involved in several multi-disciplinary research projects focusing on supporting older adult's overall health, independence and active living.
In the project Confidence in every step, we are using co-design to explore how digital tools can be developed and used in health care to engage older adults in self-care at home and to motivate healthy behaviour, such as functional mobility. Within this project, I am co-supervising the PhD student Susanna Strandberg and belong to the Resilient healthcare and patient activation group - The ReAction group at the Dept. of Health and Caring Sciences led by professor Mirjam Ekstedt.
In another project, we are exploring how 3D visualization of movements through the Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) can be used and facilitate assessments of functional ability among older adults to, for example, early detection of functional impairments. The project is connected to Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications - DISA e-Health.
I am also co-supervising the PhD student Joakim Niklasson in a project connected to Region Blekinge with a focus on mapping and reducing sedentary behaviour among community-dwelling older adults.
In my research, I am collaborating with a research group at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary.
Programme Coordinator Health Science, Master Programme, 120 credits.
My research groups
E-health – Improved Data to and from Patients The research in the e-health area within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) will result in novel ways for…
The ReAction group – Resilient healthcare and patient activation Our research aims to improve resilient healthcare to provide safe care characterised by continuity and equality through patient’s chain…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Confidence in every step 2.0 In this project, we will explore how a digital tool as part of a peer-to-peer intervention can be integrated into the home healthcare, to sustainably support and…
Seed project: Mitigating Health Inequalities in the Kronoberg Region - A Transdisciplinary System Thinking Approach The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
My completed research projects
Project: Best practice of integrated care Optimizing health and quality of life for people living with chronic complex conditions requires radically rethinking ways to coordinate care and support…
Project: Confidence in every step 1.0 In this co-design project we are exploring, together with older adults, how technology can be developed and used by older adults to enhance functional mobility,…
Project: Confidence in every step 3.0 This project is about interprofessional knowledge sharing about retaining, training and maintaining physical functioning among older adults integrated into daily…
Project: Sedentary behavior in older persons and supportive methods for breaking sedentary for sustainable aging This project aimed to map older people's (65+) activity behaviour to identify unhealthy…
Seed project: Developing the Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) as a rapid, valid and sensitive measurement of mobility in elderly persons The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: User performance data from a video-based application/platform The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Backåberg, S., Östh, K.E., Kimming, A., Frykberg, G.E. (2024). Sustainable human movements - a threshold concept with potential to open up new perspectives in physiotherapy. European Journal of Physiotherapy.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Strandberg, S., Ekstedt, M., Fagerström, C., Backåberg, S. (2024). Cocreation of a Video Feedback Tool for Managing Self-Care at Home With Pairs of Older Adults : Remote Experience-Based Co-Design Study. JMIR Formative Research. 8.
Status: Published -
Niklasson, J., Fagerström, C., Backåberg, S., Lindberg, T., Bergman, P. (2024). Daily activity patterns in older adults receiving initial support : the association between daily steps and sitting in bouts of at least 60 min. BMC Geriatrics. 24 (1).
Status: Published -
Niklasson, J., Backåberg, S., Lindberg, T., Bergman, P., Fagerström, C. (2024). Embodied navigation : the influence of lived experience on physical activity and sedentary behavior among older adults. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 19 (1).
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Strandberg, S., Freeman, G., Katz, L., Milajerdi, H.R., et al. (2024). Facilitating co-design among older adults in a digital setting : methodological challenges and opportunities. CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Niklasson, J., Fagerström, C., Bergman, P., Lindberg, T., Backåberg, S. (2023). The meaning of sedentary behavior among older adults : a phenomenological hermeneutic study.. BMC Public Health. 23 (1).
Status: Published -
Lincke, A., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., Löwe, W., Backåberg, S. (2023). A comparative study of the 2D- and 3D-based skeleton avatar technology for assessing physical activity and functioning among healthy older adults. Health Informatics Journal. 29 (4).
Status: Published -
Strandberg, S., Backåberg, S., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Self-care management and experiences of using telemonitoring as support when living with hypertension or heart failure : A descriptive qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances. 5.
Status: Published -
Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K., Backåberg, S., Ljungholm, L., Fagerström, C. (2022). ‘We just have to make it work’ : a qualitative study on assistant nurses’ experiences of patient safety performance in home care services using forum play scenarios. BMJ Open. 12 (5).
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Brunt, D., Rask, M., Gummesson, C. (2021). Experiences of using a video-based learning model during a long-term process of movement awareness and learning – a hermeneutical study. European Journal of Physiotherapy. 23 (1). 41-47.
Status: Published -
Lincke, A., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., Löwe, W., Backåberg, S. (2021). Skeleton avatar technology as a way to measure physical activity in healthy older adults. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 24.
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Hellström, A., Fagerström, C., Halling, A., Lincke, A., et al. (2020). Evaluation of the Skeleton Avatar Technique for Assessment of Mobility and Balance Among Older Adults. Frontiers of Computer Science. 2.
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Rask, M., Gummesson, C., Brunt, D. (2015). Video-based feedback combined with reflective enquiry : An interactive model for movement awareness among nursing students. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. 10 (4). 246-264.
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Gummesson, C., Brunt, D., Rask, M. (2015). Is that really my movement? : Students’ experiences of a video-supported interactive learning model for movement awareness. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 10.
Status: Published -
Backåberg, S., Rask, M., Brunt, D., Gummesson, C. (2014). Impact of musculoskeletal symptoms on general physical activity during nursing education.. Nurse Education in Practice. 14 (4). 385-390.
Status: Published
Report (Other academic)
- Backåberg, S., Kimming, A., Peter, K., Christina, R. (2020). IRAF - Instrument for Movement Analysis of Person Transfer and Mobility in Daily Living. 4.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Backåberg, S. (2016). Video-supported Interactive Learning for Movement Awareness : a learning model for the individual development of movement performance among nursing students. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 59.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Backåberg, S., Djukanovic, I., Ekstedt, M., Hagerman, H., Lindberg, C., et al. (2022). Tidöavtalet hotar den sömlösa vården av äldre. Sydsvenskan. (2022-11-09).
Status: Published