I teach in courses such as Numerical methods, Linear algebra, and Calculus.
I am active in the research fields numerical analysis and scientific computing. Mainly, I am interested in the development of finite difference methods used to solve time-dependent partial differential equations.
You can find my publications on ResearchGate.
My research groups
Computational Mathematics for Predictive Digital Twins (PreDiTwin) In recent years, remarkable progress in mathematics, process-based modeling, data science, and sensor technology has opened up…
Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations Within this research theme, we study numerical methods for partial differential equations, analysis of differential and pseudo-differential…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Eriksson, S., Nordqvist, J. (2024). Inverting the sum of two singular matrices. Results in Applied Mathematics. 22.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S. (2021). Inverses of SBP-SAT Finite Difference Operators Approximating the First and Second Derivative. Journal of Scientific Computing. 89 (2).
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S., Wang, S. (2021). Summation-by-Parts Approximations of the Second Derivative : Pseudoinverse and Revisitation of a High Order Accurate Operator. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 59 (5). 2669-2697.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2018). Finite difference schemes with transferable interfaces for parabolic problems. Journal of Computational Physics. 375. 935-949.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S. (2018). A Dual Consistent Finite Difference Method with Narrow Stencil Second Derivative Operators. Journal of Scientific Computing. 75 (2). 906-940.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2017). Exact Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions Revisited : Well-Posedness and Stability. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 17 (4). 957-986.
Status: Published -
Nordström, J., Eriksson, S., Eliasson, P. (2012). Weak and strong wall boundary procedures and convergence to steady-state of the Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics. 231 (14). 4867-4884.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S., Abbas, Q., Nordström, J. (2011). A stable and conservative method for locally adapting the design order of finite difference schemes. Journal of Computational Physics. 230 (11). 4216-4231.
Status: Published -
Nordström, J., Eriksson, S. (2010). Fluid structure interaction problems : the necessity of a well posed, stable and accurate formulation. Communications in Computational Physics. 8 (5). 1111-1138.
Status: Published -
Nordström, J., Eriksson, S., Law, C., Gong, J. (2009). Shock and vortex calculations using a very high order accurate Euler and Navier-Stokes solver. Journal of Mechanics and MEMS. 1 (1). 19-26.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2009). Analysis of the order of accuracy for node-centered finite volume schemes. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 59 (10). 2659-2676.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2013). Well-posedness and stability of exact non-reflecting boundary conditions. 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Fluid Dynamics and Co-located Conferences.
- Eriksson, S., Svärd, M., Nordström, J. (2009). Simulations of Ground Effects on Wake Vortices at Runways. Proceedings of the Sixth South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics. 101-108.
- Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2009). Analysis of mesh and boundary effects on the accuracy of node-centered finite volume schemes. 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
- Eliasson, P., Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2009). The influence of weak and strong solid wall boundary conditions on the convergence to steady-state of the Navier-Stokes equations. 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2009.
Report (Refereed)
- Nordström, J., Eriksson, S., Eliasson, P. (2011). Weak and Strong Wall Boundary Procedures and Convergence to Steady-State of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 32.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Eriksson, S., Abbas, Q., Nordström, J. (2010). A stable and conservative method of locally adapting the design order of finite difference schemes. Proceedings of the 7th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics. 128-136.
- Eriksson, S., Law, C., Gong, J., Nordström, J. (2009). Shock Calculations using a Very High Order Accurate Euler and Navier-Stokes Solver. Proceedings of the Sixth South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics. 63-73.
Report (Other academic)
- Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2018). Finite difference schemes with transferable interfaces for parabolic problems. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 16.
- Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2012). Exact non-reflecting boundary conditions revisited : well-posedness and stability. Uppsala University. 31.
- Eriksson, S., Nordström, J. (2009). Analysis of the order of accuracy for node-centered finite volume schemes. Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University. 23.
- Nordström, J., Eriksson, S. (2009). Well Posed, Stable and Weakly Coupled Fluid Structure Interaction Problems. Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi. 20.
- Eriksson, S., Svärd, M., Nordström, J. (2007). Simulations of Ground Effects on Wake Vortices at Runways. Uppsala Univeristet, Institutionen för informationsteknologi. 23.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Eriksson, S. (2012). Stable Numerical Methods with Boundary and Interface Treatment for Applications in Aerodynamics. Doctoral Thesis. Uppsala, Uppsala University. 26.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Eriksson, S. Inverses of SBP-SAT finite difference operators approximating the first and second derivative.
- Eriksson, S., Wang, S. Summation-by-parts approximations of the second derivative : Pseudoinverses of singular operators and revisiting the sixth order accurate narrow-stencil operator.
- Eriksson, S., Nordqvist, J. Inverting the sum of two singular matrices.