Sofia Ryman Augustsson
Senior lecturerI received my PhD from the University of Gothenburg, 2009, with the dissertation “Strength training for physical performance and injury prevention in sports -Individualised and supervised training for female athletes”. My current research area is on traumatic knee injury in young female athletes and injury panorama in padel. My research focuses on modifiable factors, such as the role of leg muscle strength on neuromuscular control strategies, and risk of traumatic knee injury in sports with regards to gender disparity.
Teaching at the Sports Science program and the Master program in Sports Science. I also teach in the area of Special Sports and at the PhD-Program in Sports Science.
PhD, Associate Professor of Sports Science with special research interest in sports medicine and risk factors for injuries in youth female athletes.
Ongoing project
Injuries in Swedish padel.
The role of muscle function as a potential risk and/or protective factor for traumatic knee injury in youth female athletes.
Injury rate and training load in young elite athletes.
Girls are not small boys
Operation ACL
Program manager at The Sport Science Program, Linnaeus University
Chairman of the board of education at the Department of Sport Science
Vice chairman of the supervisor board/group at the Department of Sport Science
External assignments:
Chairman of the Section of Physical Activity and Sport Medicine at the Swedish Association of Physiotherapists (professional body and trade union)
Topical Advisory Panel Member of Sports which is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal published monthly online by MDPI.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Girls are not small boys This study seeks to improve girls’ mental, physical, and social health, and extend the time they participate in organised sport. This shall take place by enhancing…
Project: Injuries in Swedish Padel The purpose of this project is to investigate the injury panorama of acute and overuse injuries in women and men who regularly participate in padel. The intention is…
Project: Nordic hamstring The purpose of the project is to study the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) in different ways, as the NHE has been recognized to decrease the risk of hamstring injuries among…
Project: Operation ACL: Rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury This project aims to improve rehabilitation for individuals who have suffered an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.…
Project: Sustainable football: Physical profile, training load, risk factors and injuries in Swedish elite football This project aims to investigate the physical factors crucial for success in elite…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Laxdal, A., Torstveit, M.K., Ryman Augustsson, S., Ausland, A., Bjärsholm, D., et al. (2024). FIDES Athlete Development Programme : project background and study protocol of an embedded multiple case study. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine. 10 (1).
Status: Published -
Lindman, I., Ryman Augustsson, S., Baranto, A., Sansone, M., Abrahamson, J. (2024). Prospective cohort study identifying risk factors for sports injuries in adolescent athletes : the Healthy Injury-Free Adolescent Athletes (HIFAA) study. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 10 (3).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Olsson, M.C., Haglund, E. (2024). Changes in Physical Fitness in Youth Padel Players during One Season : A Cohort Study. Sports. 12 (7).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Bergh, M., Petersson, K. (2024). Post-race reactions : The emotional paradox of high performance and anxiety – a conventional content analysis. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 16 (1).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Gustafsson, T., Ageberg, E. (2024). Can tests of physical fitness predict traumatic knee injury in youth female athletes? : A prospective cohort study. Physical Therapy in Sport. 69. 15-21.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Sjöstedt, E. (2023). A test battery for evaluation of muscle strength, balance and functional performance in subjects with chronic ankle instability : a cross-sectional study. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 15.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Lundin, F. (2023). Injuries and risk factors in Swedish padel. Sports Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 39 (1). 75-83.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Grannby, E. (2023). The significance of maximal squat strength for neuromuscular control in elite handball players : a cross-sectional study. Sports. 11 (12).
Status: Published -
Augustsson, J., Ryman Augustsson, S. (2022). Development of a Novel Nordic Hamstring Exercise Performance Test Device : A Reliability and Intervention Study. Sports. 10 (2).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Reinodt, S., Sunesson, E., Haglund, E. (2022). Short-term effects of postural taping on pain and forward head posture : a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 23 (1).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Nae, J., Karlsson, M., Peterson, T., Wollmer, P. (2021). Postural orientation, what to expect in youth athletes? A cohort study on data from the Malmö Youth Sport Study. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation. 13 (1).
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Arvidsson, J., Haglund, E. (2019). Jump height as performance indicator for the selection of youth football players to national teams. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 59 (10). 1669-1675.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Frodi-Lundgren, A., Svantesson, U. (2018). Elbow strength profiles and performance level in Swedish climbers. HSOA Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation & Disabilities. 4. 1-7.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Tranberg, R., Zugner, R., Augustsson, J. (2018). Vertical drop jump landing depth influences knee kinematics in female recreational athletes. Physical Therapy in Sport. 33 (5). 133-138.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Ageberg, E. (2017). Weaker lower extremity muscle strength predicts traumatic knee injury in youth female but not male athletes. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 3 (1). 1-8.
Status: Published -
Beischer, S., Ryman Augustsson, S. (2016). Lower extremity injuries in young floorball players : A prospective study on overuse injuries. The Open Sports Sciences Journal. 9. 135-142.
Status: Published -
Svantesson, U., Ryman Augustsson, S., Stibrant Sunnerhagen, K. (2014). Muscle strength and stiffness of the calf muscle in healthy subjects of different ages. Gazzetta Medica Italiana. 173 (1-2). 13-20.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S. (2013). Maximum Strength in Squats Determines Jumping Height in Young Female Volleyball Players.. The Open Sports Sciences Journal. 6. 41-46.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Svantesson, U. (2013). Reliability of the 1 RM bench press and squat in young women. European Journal of Physiotherapy. 15 (3). 118-126.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Klintberg, I.H., Svantesson, U., Sernert, N. (2012). Clinical evaluation of muscle function, quality of life and functional capacity after shoulder surgery. Advances in Physiotherapy. 14 (1). 29-37.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Augustsson, J., Thomeé, R., Karlsson, J., Eriksson, B., et al. (2011). Performance Enhancement Following a Strength and Injury Prevention Program : A 26-Week Individualized and Supervised Intervention in Adolescent Female Volleyball Players. International journal of sports science & coaching. 6 (3). 399-417.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Willén, C. (2011). Athletes' Experience of an Individualised, Supervised Strength-Training Programme. The Open Sports Sciences Journal. 4. 14-21.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Bersås, E., Magnusson Thomas, E., Sahlberg, M., Augustsson, J., et al. (2009). Gender differences and reliability of selected physical performance tests in young women and men. Advances in Physiotherapy. 11 (2). 64-70.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Augustsson, J., Thomeé, R., Svantesson, U. (2006). Injuries and preventive actions in elite Swedish volleyball. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 16 (6). 433-440.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2023). Injuries and training load in youth Swedish padel athletes – a pilot study. Presented at STMS 2023 World Congress in Tennis Medicine and Science: "Back to the Future", Palma, Mallorca, Spain, October 6-7, 2023.
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2018). Posters : Leg muscle strength and neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee. . 127-415.
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2016). The role of lower extremity muscle strength for traumatic knee injury risk in youth athletes.. . 115-435.
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2011). Strength training for injury prevention. .
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2009). Individualiserad och övervakad styrketräningför unga kvinnliga volleybollspelare.. .
- Ryman Augustsson, S. (2006). Injuries and preventive actions in elite Swedish volleyball.. .
- Ryman Augustsson, S., Augustsson, J., Thomeé, R., Svantesson, U. (2006). Injuries and preventive actions in elite Swedish volleyball. .
Article in journal (Other academic)
Ryman Augustsson, S., Lundquist, P. (2022). External stressors prior to traumatic knee injury : A cohort study on youth athletes [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review].. F1000 Research. 11.
Status: Submitted
Book (Other academic)
- Augustsson, J., Ryman Augustsson, S., Thomeé, R., Karlsson, J. (2019). Styrketräning för idrott, motion och rehabilitering. Stockholm, SISU Idrottsböcker.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ryman Augustsson, S. (2024). Skadepanorama, riskfaktorer och prevention inom padel. Fysioterapi. (2). 28-33.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S., Hjern, A. (2022). Hög skaderisk på idrottsgymnasier. Idrott & Kunskap. (6). 44-49.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S. (2021). Styrkans betydelse för prestation och skadeprevention hos unga idrottare. Manualen : sjukgymnaster i forskning och praktik. (2). 13-14.
Status: Published -
Kindlund, I., Ryman Augustsson, S. (2019). En annorlunda vardag - En intervju med Bakare Ummukulthoum, fysioterapeut från Nigeria.. Manualen : sjukgymnaster i forskning och praktik. (4). 15.
Status: Published -
Ryman Augustsson, S. (2019). Idrottarens hjärna: neuroplacticitet vid rehabilitering och senaste nytt om hjärnskakning. Manualen : sjukgymnaster i forskning och praktik. (4). 13-13.
Status: Published -
Augustsson, J., Ryman Augustsson, S. (2019). Förebyggande och rehabiliterande styrketräning.. Fysioterapi. (4). 34-40.
Status: Published