I have a PhD in political science and I am associate professor in gender studies.
I have extensive experience of teaching and course development in political science and gender studies, both theoretical and methodological courses, especially with a focus on ethnography and text analysis. I have experience of supervision at all levels, including doctoral level.
My research interests lie at the intersection of politics, global economic relations and intersectional power relations. I obtained my PhD in political science at Stockholm University with the thesis Capital Visions. The Politics of Transnational Production in Nicaragua (2010). The thesis was awarded the Rudolf Meidner Prize for research in the history of the trade union movement.
I have worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Freie Universität in Berlin, where I was associated with desiguALdades.net, an international research network on transnational inequalities in Latin America. During a second postdoctoral period at the Department of Political Science, Stockholm University, I worked on a project about gender equality initiatives of global corporations, which I investigated through ethnographic studies of empowerment programmes for micro-entrepreneurs in Mexico and South Africa. This study is the basis for the monograph The Business of Women's Empowerment: Corporate Gender Politics in the Global South.
Ongoing research projects:
“Grassroots Initiatives for Energy Transition (GRIT)”, financed by the Swedish Energy Agency (2020-2024).
“Between free and unfree labour. Labour market relations and the welfare society in Sweden 1880-2022”, financed by the Swedish Research Council (2020-2024).
“Making unpaid care and domestic work count: Frames, strategies and effects of new global partnerships”, financed by the Swedish Research Council (2023-2026).
“Navigating anti-LGBTQ politics and homonationalism: Precarity and social support structures among Russian and Ugandan queer migrants in Sweden”, financed by the Swedish Research Council (2023-2027).
Article in journal (Refereed)
Gregoratti, C., Tornhill, S. (2025). The Making of a Business Case for Unpaid Care and Domestic Work in the Global South : New Frontiers of Corporate Social Responsibility?. Antipode. 57 (2). 536-553.
Status: Published -
Boréus, K., Bradley, K., Tornhill, S. (2024). Breaking through banal consumerism? Representations of postconsumerist perspectives in mainstream press media. Journal of Consumer Culture. 24 (1). 155-174.
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S., Emanuel, M., Bradley, K. (2024). No space to share. Challenges of accommodating grassroots initiatives in sustainable urban districts. City. 28 (5-6). 724-747.
Status: Published -
Gunnarsson Payne, J., Tornhill, S. (2023). The enemy's enemy : feminism at the crossroads of neoliberal co-optation and anti-gender conservatism. Journal of Political Ideologies. 28 (1). 62-82.
Status: Published -
Allison, K., Gregoratti, C., Tornhill, S. (2019). From the academy to the boardroom : Methodological challenges and insights on transnational business feminism. Feminist Review. (121). 53-65.
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S. (2016). A bulletin board of dreams : corporate empowerment promotion and feminist implications. International feminist journal of politics. 18 (4). 528-543.
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S. (2011). Capital visions : scripting progress and work in Nicaraguan free-trade zones. Latin American perspectives. 38 (5). 74-92.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Tornhill, S. (2019). The Business of Women's Empowerment : Corporate Gender Politics in the Global South. Rowman & Littlefield International.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Tornhill, S. (2019). Les iniquités entre genres et le travail dans le monde. Genre, féminismes et développement : Une trilogie en construction. Ottawa, University of Ottawa. 93-109.
- Gregoratti, C., Roberts, A., Tornhill, S. (2018). Corporations, gender equality and women's empowerment : feminism co-opted?. Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation. Edward Elgar Publishing. 93-105.
- Tornhill, S. (2016). The wins of corporate gender politics : Coca-Cola and female microentrepreneurship in South Africa. Gender equality and responsible business : Expanding CSR Horizons. Greenleaf Publishing Ltd. 185-202.
- Tornhill, S. (2015). Gender Equality Incorporated? : Coca-Cola’s and Wal-Mart’s Initiatives for Female Empowerment in Mexico. Institutionalizing gender equality : historical and global perspectives. Lexington Books. 127-148.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Hylmö, A., Tornhill, S., Svärd, P. (2013). Psyke, samhälle och kritisk teori. Fronesis. (44–45). 8-19.
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S., Tolvhed, H. (2008). Samhällsomdaningens subjekt och horisonter. Fronesis. (25-26).
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S., Carbin, M. (2004). Intersektionalitet - ett oanvänbart. begrepp?. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift. (3). 11-114.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Edenborg, E., Tornhill, S., Åse, C. (2021). Att utforma feministiska studier av global politik - en vägledning. Feministiska perspektiv på global politik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 23-39.
- Edenborg, E., Tornhill, S., Åse, C. (2021). Introduktion. Feministiska perspektiv på global politik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 11-22.
- Sundevall, F., Svanberg, J., Svanström, Y., Tornhill, S. (2021). Mellan frihet och tvång: Arbetets könade och ofria dimensioner. Feministiska perspektiv på global politik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 123-136.
- Gunnarsson Payne, J., Tornhill, S. (2019). ¿Atrapadxs entre el neoliberalismo y el populismo autoritario? : Movilización iliberal, feminismo corporativo y crítica anticapitalista. Feminismos y populismos del siglo XXI : Frente al patriarcado y al orden neoliberal. teseo editore. 47-60.
- Tornhill, S. (2016). Improvisation och reflexivitet i studiet av den globala ekonomin. Introduktion till politisk etnografi : Metoder för statsvetare. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 43-62.
- Brännström, L., Tornhill, S. (2015). Wendy Brown. Samtida politisk teori. Stockholm, Tankekraft. 85-104.
- Tornhill, S. (2014). Upp till kamp : socialistisk feminism och Flickorna i Dagenham. Feminism i rörliga bilder. Stockholm, Liber. 86-115.
- Tornhill, S. (2013). Globala produktionsmönster och det "nya" proletariatet. Internationella relationer : könskritiska perspektiv. Stockholm, Liber. 50-65.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Tornhill, S. (2010). Capital visions : the politics of transnational production in Nicaragua. Doctoral Thesis. Stockholm, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. 239.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Edenborg, E., Tornhill, S., Åse, C. (2021). Feministiska perspektiv på global politik. Studentlitteratur AB. 277.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Tornhill, S. (2011). Pursuing Feminist Radicality : Rethinking Contemporary Feminist Politics Jonathan Dean Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2010, ISBN 978-0-230-23892-3 (226 pp.). NORA : Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. Stockholm, Taylor & Francis. 19 (3). 205-209.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Gunnarsson Payne, J., Tornhill, S. (2018). Düşmanın Düşmanı: Queerfeminist anti-kapitalist tasavvurlara duyulan ihtiyaç ve toplumsal cinsiyet karşıtı politikalar. Kaos GL. 163. 43-46.
Status: Published -
Mukhtar-Landgren, D., Tornhill, S., Anving, T. (2015). Att sörja för de sina : Familjens reglering och skörhet. Fronesis. (50-51). 8-14.
Status: Published -
Hylmö, A., Tornhill, S. (2013). Intersubjektivitet, erkännande och rationalitetens gränser : . Fronesis. (44-45). 122-128.
Status: Published -
Tornhill, S., Tollin, K. (2008). Feministisk kunskapsproduktion och kapitalismens premisser. Fronesis. (25-26).
Status: Published