Solène Prince

Solène Prince

Associate professor
Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies School of Business and Economics
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I am Senior Lecturer in tourism studies at the Department of Marketing and Tourism at the School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University.

I obtained my PhD from Mid Sweden University in 2017, where I also worked as a researcher at the European Tourism Research Institute (ETOUR) from 2018 to 2019 and from 2021 to 2023. 

I have a master's degree in sustainable development from Uppsala University and a bachelor's of arts in international relations and economics from Mount Allison University, Canada. I am a native of New-Brunswick in Canada. 


At Linnaeus University, I teach in courses related to destination management, tourism studies and sustainable tourism. I also supervise students at the master's levels. I also have experience teaching in courses related to research methdologies and tourism geography.

In 2022, I was awarded Mid Sweden University's United Student Unions (MFS) Pedagogical Award for innovation and excellence in teaching. 


I am currently the principle investigator on the project "Wind power establishments and experience values in nature areas" at Mid Sweden University, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The project runs 2021 to 2023. I have been involved in many projects related to wind power, tourism, and communities.

My post-doctoral research project at Linnaeus University (2019-2021) related to the experience of ancestral tourists seeking their roots and relatives in Sweden. My work on that topic has been published in Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Heritage Tourism and Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 


  • Associate Editor at Tourism Geographies
  • Editorial Board Member at Annals of Tourism Research
  • Board Member for the Small Island Cultures Research Initiative (SICRI)


Article in journal (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Collection (editor) (Other academic)