Soniya Billore
Associate professorCurrent position: Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Marketing, School of Business and Economics
1. Program Head - Masters program in Innovation through Business, Engineering, and Design. See
2. Coordinator Marketing Specialisation Track, Civilekonomprogrammet Board
3. Member Internationalisation Committee, Linnaeus University
4. Founder member 'LNU India group'
Soniya is the receipient of the prestigious STINT fellowship as a teaching fellow at the W.P Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, US in 2019 where she taught in Fall 2019. She has been invited as a visiting faculty at various Universities in Europe, India and Japan. In recent years, she has also been a project leader in various projects related to research and teaching. She has managed the Linnaeus Palme Student and Teacher exchange between Sweden and India since 2014. In 2019 she was part of the highly competitive EU-UIA grants project titled DIACCESS to work on the topic of Smart cities and Digital acceleartion. In 2021 Soniya coordinated two MIRAI grant based research projects with Japanese universities since 2021. In 2022 she was a member of two E-Uniwell projects that facilitated research between European universities on topics of strategic importance for European policy making. From 2022 she has started working on a Sweden funded FORMAS project on the topic of sustainable consumption of natural resources.
Ph.D.: Doctoral degree in Marketing Management, 2011, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan (Monbukagakusho Scholar, Government of Japan). Thesis: 'Understanding Corporate Branding of Retail Banks with Reference to Management Projections and Customer Perceptions in Japan and India'
Previous employment: Faculty (Marketing) at Temple University - Japan campus, Tokyo, Japan.Tenure: July 2005 – October 2010
Research area 1: Consumer behavior
Billore, S., Anisimova, T., & Vrontis, D. (2023). Self-regulation and goal-directed behavior: A systematic literature review, public policy recommendations, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 156, 113435.
Billore, S. and Anisimova, T. (2021). Panic Buying Research: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 00:1–28.
Billore, S., Kobayashi, T. and Wang, O. (2021), "Consumer attitudes towards leftover food takeout interventions: a case study of the doggy bag in Japan", British Food Journal, Vol. 123 No. 9, pp. 3228-3244.
Billore, S. and Billore, G. (2020). Consumption switch at haste: insights from Indian low-income customers for adopting Fintech services due to the pandemic. Transnational Marketing Journal, 8(2), 197–218.
Billore, S. and Billore, G. (2020), Internationalization of SMEs and market orientation: A study of customer knowledge, networks, and cultural knowledge, European Business Review, 32 (1), 69-85.
Rosen, C. and Billore, S. (2020). Consumption of digital education-A cross-cultural study of students attitudes towards digital tools for language learning’, HumaNetten, 45
Sattari, S. and Billore, S. (2020), Bring it on Covid-19: being an older person in developing countries during a pandemic, Working with Older People, 24(4), pp. 281-291.
Billore, S. & Rosen, C. (2017). A cross-cultural study of attitudes to digital tools among students and teachers in the European language classroom. Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016): Växjö, Sweden, November 7-8, 2016 / [ed] Koraljka Golub & Marcelo Milrad,, 2017, Vol. 2021, p. 10-28
Billore, S., & Billore, G. (2015). Innovation in the Indian Banking Industry: An Exploration of the Evolution. Handbook of Research on Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy, 158. Ed. Luisa Cagica Carvalho, March 2015, pgs.547, ISBN13: 9781466682160
Billore, S., Billore, G., & Yamaji, K. (2013). The Online Corporate Branding of Banks-A Comparative Content Analysis of Indian and Japanese Banks. Journal of American Business Review, Cambridge, 1, 90-96.
Billore, S. (2012), 'Doing Business in India Inc'. Translated into Spanish as 'Hacer Negocios en India Inc.,' Comercio Global, INCAE Business Review, Volume 2, pp. 2-9, January – April 2012, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica.
Billore, S. (2011). Female immigrant entrepreneurship: Exploring international entrepreneurship through the status of Indian women entrepreneurs in Japan.International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 3(1), 38-55.
Billore,S., Norashfah Hanim Yaakop Yahaya Al-haj and Daphne Halkias (2010), Female immigrant entrepreneurship: A developing sector in Japan's entrepreneurial economy', Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (JDE), Vol.15, No.2, June 2010. Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University.
Billore, S. & Kuwahara, T. (2010), Corporate Branding in Financial Services- management and customer perceptions for retail banks in India, Keio SFC Journal, 10 (1).
Research area 2: Cultural consumption and consumer practices
Billore, S.(2022), ‘Digital museums anyone? Consumer perceptions for digital cultural consumption in a developing country. In print in the International Journal of Management Practice (IJMP), Special issue ‘Digital Markets and Consumers’ .
Billore, S. (2021). Cultural Consumption and Citizen Engagement—Strategies for Built Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development. A Case Study of Indore City, India, 13(5), 2878. Special issue- The fourth pillar: Culture in Sustainability,
Billore, S., & Maruyama, Y. (2021). Cultural Consumption through Innovative Experiential Marketing: Insights from Japanese Resorts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Virus Outbreaks and Tourism Mobility. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Billore, S. and Hägerdal, H. (2019), The Indian Patola: import and consumerism in early-modern Indonesia, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing,11(3),271-294. Special Issue: Historical Perspectives on Non-western Markets and Consumer Cultures,
Billore, S. (2018). Enriching Cultural Experiences from Rural Tourism: Case Studies from Japan. In Camilleri, M. A. (Ed.), Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing (pp. 141-160). Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
Myrvold, K. & Billore, S. (2017). Introduction India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University. Gothenburg, Makadam Publisher.
Billore, S, & Sharma, P. (2017). Social Marketing and Change: The role of Self Help groups, their efforts, and possibilities for the empowerment of rural women in Madhya Pradesh. India: Research on Cultural Encounters and Representations at Linnaeus University. Gothenburg, Makadam Publishers
Research area 3: Higher education and pedagogical research
Billore, S.(2021). The Sandwich model workshop - an innovative integrated teaching approach for theory and practice-based knowledge in marketing. Marketing Education Review, 1-12.
Billore, S., Sattari, S. (2015), Opportunities for double degree programs in management: an investigation of Indian and Swedish universities, 2015 Lärarlärdom - Conference on higher education at Linnaeus University
Billore,S. (2014), Management Education in Sweden, 53rd Nationwide Conference of the Japan Association for Management Systems (JAMS), 2014, at the Aichi Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
Innovation, Consumer Behaviour, Culture, and consumption, Innovation studies and Business, International marketing
2019- 2023 - EU funds Projekt: Digital acceleration for medium size sustainable cities (DIACCESS) at Funds : 4.5 million Euros
2015-2022 - SIDA funds - Linnaeus Palme teacher and student exchange project with IMED, India.
2021: E-Uniwell consortium funds for research - Civic leadership and the entrepreneurial society - embedding innovative and cultural civic leadership.
2021: E-Uniwell consortium funds for research - Mental health symposium: exploring and enhancing mental health initiatives and resources
2020: Växjö kommun research grants – ‘The Glass project’. Prof. Helena Forslund, Soniya Billore & Fredrik Lindblad, Näringslivschef, Växjö kommun. Granted funds: 445,000 SEK.
2018: Cultural encounters
2017: Lars Hiertas Minnes research funding, for study of ‘International business and SMEs from Sweden in Japan’.
2017: Samhällelig Drivkraft (Interdisciplinary research) funding, 2016-2017, for research on ‘Digital tools in learning, a comparative study between Sweden and Germany’.
2016: Samhällelig Drivkraft (Interdisciplinary research) funding, 2016-2017, for research on ‘Diabetes among children and health aids on mobile technology, a comparative study between Sweden and India’.
2015- 2017: The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ for higher education - Swiss-European Mobility program (SEMP).
2018: Erasmus+ grants for Internationalisation and Capacity building application with the Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur, India
2019: STINT teaching and research sabbatical grants at Arizona State University (ASU), 2019 for teaching at the W.P.Carey School of Business, ASU Tempe campus, Phoenix. Funded by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education.
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
My completed research projects
Project: Addressing consumer behaviour and circularity related to recycling of window glass The project deals with the complex problem that known technical solutions are not being utilized by…
Project: Innovation link for IT and industry in Kronoberg Innovation link is a collaborative project for increased innovation among small and medium-sized companies within IT and industry in Kronoberg…
Project: Student Mental Health – The Mental Health Symposium Project The purpose of the mental health symposium is to emphasise the importance of mental health awareness amongst the EUniWell…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Rodrigues, C., Brandao, A., Billore, S., Oda, T. (2024). The mediating role of perceived brand authenticity between brand experience and brand love : a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Brand Management. 31. 293-309.
Status: Published -
Anisimova, T., Billore, S., Kitchen, P.J. (2024). Ego-depletion is in the way : the challenges of controlled communication and the role of the regulatory focus theory in sustainable goals pursuit. Journal of Communication Management. 28 (1). 134-146.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Genc, E.A., Ozturkcan, S. (2024). Brand museums, commodification of cultural heritage and cultural transfer : The case of IKEA museum. Scandinavian Journal of Management.
Status: In press -
Billore, S. (2023). Digital museums anyone? : Consumer perceptions for digital cultural consumption in a developing country. International Journal of Management Practice. 16 (1). 1-17.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Kobayashi, T., Wang, O. (2021). Consumer attitudes towards leftover food takeout interventions : a case study of the doggy bag in Japan. British Food Journal. 123 (9). 3228-3244.
Status: Published -
Billore, S. (2021). The Sandwich model workshop - an innovative integrated teaching approach for theory and practice-based knowledge in marketing. Marketing Education Review. 31 (2). 99-110.
Status: Published -
Billore, S. (2021). Cultural Consumption and Citizen Engagement - Strategies for Built Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development : A Case Study of Indore City, India. Sustainability. 13 (5).
Status: Published -
Rosén, C., Billore, S. (2021). Consumption of Digital education : a cross-cultural study of students’ attitudes towards digital tools for language learning. HumaNetten. (45). 256-290.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Billore, G. (2020). Internationalization of SMEs and market orientation : a study of customer knowledge, networks and cultural knowledge. European Business Review. 32 (1). 69-85.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Billore, G. (2020). Consumption switch at haste : insights from Indian low-income customers for adopting Fintech services due to the pandemic. Transnational Marketing Journal (TMJ). 8 (2). 197-218.
Status: Published -
Sattari, S., Billore, S. (2020). Bring it on Covid-19 : being an older person in developing countries during a pandemic. Working with Older People. 24 (4). 281-291.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Hägerdal, H. (2019). The Indian Patola : Import and consumerism in early modern Indonesia. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. 11 (3). 271-294.
Status: Published -
Billore, S. (2011). Female immigrant entrepreneurship : Exploring international entrepreneurship through the status of Indian women entrepreneurs in Japan. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 3 (1). 38-55.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Kuwahara, T. (2010). Corporate Branding in Financial Services : Management and customer perceptions for retail banks in India. KEIO SFC JOURNAL. 10 (1). 83-95.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Zainuddin, A.H., Al-Haj, N.H.Y.Y., Halkias, D. (2010). Female immigrant entrepreneurship : a developing sector in Japan's entrepreneurial economy. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 15 (2). 165-186.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Billore, S., Ozturkcan, S. (2024). Beyond Billy: Exploring the power of consumer imagination in the IKEA digital museum. Presented at the 9th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Lund University, Helsingborg, Sweden, November 5-7, 2024.
- Billore, S. (2021). Consumer perceptions for sustainable use of flat glass : A study of enablers and barriers. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Internet Technologies & Society / Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century / Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Sustainability, Technology and Education : Virtual Conference.
- Billore, S. (2019). Cultural intelligence and market sensing in internationalisation : case study of Swedish SMEs in Japan. Presented at the 10th International Conference on Developing Organizations for the Future: Re-Interpreting the Modern Business Landscape in Collaboration, ICFAI Business School, Bengaluru, India, June 27-28, 2019.
- Rosén, C., Billore, S. (2019). A cross-cultural study of students’ attitudes towards digital language learning tools. 12th Innovation in Language Learning International Conference, Florence, Italy, November 14-15, 2019 : conference proceedings. 100-105.
- Rodrigues, C., Rodrigues, P., Billore, S., Oda, T. (2018). Role of brand experience and brand authenticity in creating brand love : a cross-cultural comparative study. 2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo Proceedings. 1447-1447.
- Berndt, A., Billore, S., Peasley, M. (2018). Intention to use Uber in developing markets : a case of South Africa and India. 9th EMAC Regional Conference : Marketing Challenges, Innovations and Trends in Emerging Markets.
- Billore, S., Billore, G. (2018). Internationalisation, barriers and cultural impacts : A study of SMEs entering foreign markets. Presented at the Nordic-India Business Conference, Stockholm School of Business, Stockholm University, Stockholm, October 25-26, 2018.
- Billore, S. (2018). Frugal innovation and its implementation in Indian SMEs : an exploratory study. 9th EMAC Regional Conference : Marketing Challenges, Innovations and Trends in Emerging Markets.
- Lundberg, J., Billore, S., Axelsson, C. (2017). Diabetes Among Children (DAC) : project - Exploring opportunities with support from mobile applications in a cross cultural Indo-Swedish study. BIOSTEC 2017 : Final Program and Book of Abstracts. 85.
- Oda, T., Billore, S. (2017). A proposal of new rating method applying extended fuzzy logic for the study of consumer behavior. Presented at the 12th Global Brand Conference - Academy of Marketing’s SIG in Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, Kalmar, Sweden, April 26-28, 2017.
- Billore, S., Golub, K. (2017). Digital humanities : an exploration of a new programs in higher education and its meaning making by community partners. Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016) : Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 119-125.
- Billore, S., Rosén, C. (2017). A cross-cultural study of attitudes to digital tools among students and teachers in the European language classroom. Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016) : Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 10-28.
- Lundberg, J., Billore, S., Axelsson, C. (2017). Diabetes Among Children (DAC) Project - Exploring Opportunities with Support from Mobile Applications in a Cross Cultural Indo-Swedish Study. Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Vol 5 : HEALTHINF. 407-412.
- Billore, S. (2017). Green tourism – an exploratory case-based approach of the study of model of tourism and interaction with rural Japan. Presented at the 11th International Conference On Developing Competencies and Skills for Global Competitiveness, Prestige Institute of Management, India, February, 2017.
- Rosén, C., Billore, S. (2017). A cross-cultural study of attitudes to digital tools among students and teachers in the English language classroom. ICAR - 2017 : 2nd International Conferenceon Advanced Research (ICAR – Nov, 2017). 119-121.
- Billore, S., Rosén, C. (2016). A Cross-cultural Study of Attitudes to Digital Tools Among Students and Teachers in the European Language Classroom. International Digital Humanities Symposium, Växjö, 7-8 Nov 2016 : Book of Abstracts. 18-20.
- Billore, S., Sattari, S. (2015). Opportunities for double degree programs in management : an investigation of Indian and Swedish universities. .
- Billore, S., Billore, G. (2014). Generation Y : Behavior and Attitudes towards Retail Banking Services in India. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (INTCESS14), VOLS I AND II. 901-909.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Billore, S. (2024). Innovative Marketing Through Creative Digitalization : Rethinking Customer Service in the Japanese Well-being Industry. Tourism Planning and Destination Marketing. Leeds, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 151-173.
- Billore, S., Maruyama, Y. (2021). Cultural Consumption through Innovative Experiential Marketing : Insights from Japanese Resorts during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Virus Outbreaks and Tourism Mobility : Strategies to Counter Global Health Hazards. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 195-211.
- Billore, S. (2019). Enriching cultural experiences from rural tourism : case studies from Japan. Tourism planning and destination marketing. Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 141-159.
- Billore, S., Billore, G. (2015). Innovation in the Indian banking industry : an exploration of the evolution, motivations, and effects. Handbook of research on internationalization of entrepreneurial innovation in the global economy. IGI Global. 158-176.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Billore, S., Anisimova, T., Vrontis, D. (2023). Self-regulation and goal-directed behavior : A systematic literature review, public policy recommendations, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research. Elsevier. 156.
Status: Published -
Billore, S., Anisimova, T. (2021). Panic Buying Research : A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies. John Wiley & Sons. 45 (4). 777-804.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K., Billore, S. (2017). Introduction. India : research on cultural encounters and representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 21-27.
- Billore, S., Sharma, P. (2017). Social marketing and change : the role of self-help groups, their efforts, and possibilities for the empowerment of rural women in Madhya Pradesh. India : research on cultural encounters and representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 243-272.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Myrvold, K., Billore, S. (2017). India : Research on cultural encounters and representations at Linnaeus University. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 280.