Staffan Andersson
Associate ProfessorMy research and teaching mainly concerns comparative politics and public administration. I am particularly interested in the functioning of democracy, how power is organised, why institutions work well or badly and the integrity of public administration. British politics is another interest.
I started to work at Linnaeus University in October 2006. Before that, during 2004-2006, I was a Research Fellow at the School of Politics & International Relations, University of Nottingham. I defended my PhD thesis at Umeå University (2002). My master’s degree in economics is from Lund University (1994).
I teach courses in comparative politics, public administration, method, and political corruption and supervise undergraduate and masters dissertations. I also supervise doctoral students.
The main part of my publications concern corruption, public integrity, public administration and decision making in times of crisis. I am director for the research group Governance, ethics, and corruption (GEC). Currently I work on two books: Ethics in long term care in the U.S. and Sweden (with Frank Anechiarico and Elian Sorensen, Hamilton College) and Public sector ethics in practice (with Helena Ekelund, Torgny Klasson and Erik Wångmar).
Selected publications (see full list below).
Andersson, S., Aylott, N., Eriksson, J. (2022). Democracy and Technocracy in Sweden's Experience of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Political Science. 4.
Andersson, S., Ekelund, H. (2021). Promoting Ethics Management Strategies in the Public Sector : Rules, Values, and Inclusion in Sweden. Administration & Society.
Corruption and Corruption Control: Democracy in the Balance (2019, Routledge, with Frank Anechiarico)
I engage with society in relation to my research. During 2023-2024 I served as scientific expert for the Council of Europe's anti-corruption organisation GRECO in the preparation of its 6th evaluation round on preventing corruption and promoting integrity at the sub-national level in member states. Another example is that I am a member of the Scientific Council of the Swedish Agency for Public Management.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Andersson, S., Aylott, N., Eriksson, J. (2022). Democracy and technocracy in Sweden's experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Political Science. 4.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Larue, T. (2022). Ethics Management in Swedish Political Parties. Public Integrity.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Andersson, S., Ekelund, H. (2022). Promoting Ethics Management Strategies in the Public Sector : Rules, Values, and Inclusion in Sweden. Administration & Society. 54 (6). 1089-1116.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Aylott, N. (2020). Sweden and Coronavirus : Unexceptional Exceptionalism. Social Sciences. 9 (12).
Status: Published -
Andersson, S. (2017). Beyond Unidimensional Measurement of Corruption. Public Integrity. 19 (1). 58-76.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Heywood, P.M. (2009). The Politics of Perception: Use and Abuse of Transparency International’s Approach to Measuring Corruption. Political Studies. 57 (4). 746-767.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Bergman, T. (2009). Controlling Corruption in the Public Sector. Scandinavian Political Studies. 32 (1). 45-70.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Martínez-Cousinou, G. (2009). El control de la corrupción : Un marco analítico para su estudio. Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia. 43. 103-126.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S. (2008). Studying the Risk of Corruption in the Least Corrupt Countries. Public Integrity. 10 (3). 193-214.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Martinsson, J., Andersson, S. (2021). Tre nyanser av grått : En studie om hur män och kvinnor i Sverige ser på Gråzonssituationer i politiken. Surveyjournalen. 8 (1). 2-14.
Status: Published -
Andersson, S., Babajan, T. (2014). Korruptionen i det svenska folkstyret : vad säger medborgarna?. Surveyjournalen. 1 (2). 103-121.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Andersson, S. (2010). Litteraturgranskning/anmälan av avhandling : Conditions for Corruption: Institutions, Executive Power, and Privatization in Argentina and Chile in the 1990s, Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, av Viviana Stechina.. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Andersson, S., Anechiarico, F. (2019). Corruption and Corruption Control : Democracy in the Balance. New York and Abingdon, Routledge.
- Andersson, S. (2008). Exploring Corruption in Sweden : Types of Corruption, Danger Zones, and Control Mechanisms. Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag.
- Andersson, S. (1999). Hederlighetens pris: en ESO-rapport om korruption (Ds 1999:62). Stockholm, Regeringskansliet.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Andersson, S. (2002). Corruption in Sweden: Exploring Danger Zones and Change . Doctoral Thesis. Umeå, Department of Political Science, Umeå University. 277.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Andersson, S., Ekelund, H. (2024). The Bureaucratic Society : Public Governance and Its Challenges. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Leeds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 49-66.
- Andersson, S., Aylott, N. (2023). An Exceptional Case : Sweden and the Pandemic. The Political Economy of Global Responses to COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan. 75-101.
- Andersson, S. (2022). Storbritannien. Komparativ politik : Elva politiska system. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 39-73.
- Andersson, S. (2022). Corruption. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer. 2645-2654.
- Andersson, S. (2018). Storbritannien. Komparativ politik : tio politiska system. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 41-76.
- Anechiarico, F., Andersson, S. (2016). Shaping the state to private purposes : A comparison of conflicts of interest in the United States and Sweden. Legal but Corrupt : A new perspective on public ethics. Lanham, Lexington Books. 29-53.
- Andersson, S. (2016). Corruption. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer. 1-10.
- Andersson, S., Bromander, T. (2016). Legitimate and legal boundaries for political entrepreneurship. Political entrepreneurship : regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity in Sweden. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar Publishing. 21-39.
- Andersson, S., Anechiarico, F. (2015). The political economy of conflicts of interest in an era of public-private governance. Routledge handbook of political corruption. Abingdon, Routledge. 253-269.
- Andersson, S., Bromander, T. (2015). Politiska entreprenörer, nätverk och intressekonflikter. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regionalt och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 133-152.
- Andersson, S. (2015). Storbritannien. Komparativ politik : nio politiska system. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 41-75.
- Andersson, S., Erlingsson, G.Ò. (2014). Förvaltningsreformer och korruptionsrisker. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 192-234.
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2014). Vad kan vi läras oss?. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 263-278.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Slutsatser och avslutande diskussion. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 469-479.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Korruption i Sverige. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 79-96.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Offentlig sektor. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 203-232.
- Andersson, S., Ersson, S., Redeback, S. (2012). Riksdagen. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 115-138.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Riksrevisionen. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 329-350.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Antikorruption: arbetet mot korruption. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 99-112.
- Andersson, S., Ersson, S., Redeback, S. (2012). Regeringen. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 141-164.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Sammanfattning och rekommendationer. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 17-37.
- Andersson, S., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2012). New Public Management and Risks of Corruption: The Case of Sweden. The Social Construction of Corruption in Europe. Farnham, Ashgate. 33-58.
- Andersson, S., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2010). Förvaltningsreformer och korruptionsrisker. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Stockholm, Norstedts Förlag. 192-234.
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2010). Avslutning: Vad kan vi lära oss?. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Stockholm, Norstedts Förlag. 260-275.
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2010). Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet i mogna demokratier. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Stockholm, Norstedts Förlag. 15-27.
- Andersson, S., Heywood, P.M. (2008). Corruption and Democratic Stability: on the Unintended Consequences of International Anti-Corruption Campaigns. Governments, NGOs and Anti-Corruption : The New Integrity Warriors. Routledge, London.
- Andersson, S. (2003). Political Corruption in Sweden. Corruption in Contemporary Politics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 135-148.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G.Ó. (2014). Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet i mogna demokratier. Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 15-27.
- Eriksson, L., Alanärä, A., Andersson, S. (2003). Myter och sanningar om svensk fiskodling. Torskar torsken? Forskare och fiskare om fisk och fiske. Stockholm, Formas. 103-111.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Anechiarico, F., Sorensen, E., Andersson, S. (2023). Determinants of Ethics Management in Nursing Homes. .
- Andersson, S., Anechiarico, F., Segal, L. (2023). The Ethical Collapse of American Nursing Homes. .
- Andersson, S., Larue, T. (2021). Ethics Management in Swedish Parties. .
- Andersson, S., Ekelund, H. (2021). Ethics management in good governance settings: the case of Sweden. .
- Andersson, S., Ekelund, H. (2020). Promoting and coordinating ethics management in the public sector in good governance settings : The case of Sweden. .
- Andersson, S. (2019). Ethics Management Strategies in Public Organisations : The Case of Sweden. Presented at The Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (Panel: Best Practices in Public Ethics Management: The Role of Democratic Values), March 10, 2019, Washington, D.C.
- Andersson, S. (2015). Lessons from a Least Corrupt Case. . 1-31.
- Andersson, S., Anechiarico, F. (2014). Shaping the State to Private Purposes: A Comparison of Conflicts of Interest in Sweden and the United States. The 2014 EGPA Annual Conference, 8-12 September, Speyer, Germany, Permanent Study Group VII : Quality and Integrity of governance.
- Andersson, S. (2013). The Varieties of Corruption: Lessons From a Least Corrupt Case. Corruption in least corrupt countries. Scope, causes and consequences, Bergen 26-27 August 2013.. 1-36.
- Andersson, S., Anechiarico, F. (2012). The political economy of conflicts of interest in an era of public-private governance. 2012 EGPA Annual Conference, 5-8 sept 2012, Bergen, Norway.
- Andersson, S., Martínez-Cousinou, G. (2008). El control institucional de la corrupción. Un marco analítico para su estudio. Conference: IV Congreso Andaluz de Sociología : Sponsored by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, and Carmona (Seville, Spain).
- Bergh, A., Andersson, S., Gissur, E., Sjölin, M. (2008). Korruption i svenska kommuner: Lärdomar från evolutionär spelteori och experimentell ekonomi. Uppsats presenterad vid NOPSA i Tromsö, 6-9 augusti 2008..
- Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G., Sjölin, M., Andersson, S. (2008). How Corrupt is a Non-Corrupt Society? : Evidence from a Survey of Local Political Elites in Sweden. Canadian Political Science Association, 80th Annual Conference, 4-6 June 2008.
- Erlingsson, G., Sjölin, M., Andersson, S., Bergh, A. (2008). Hur korrupt är en icke-korrupt stat? Teoretiska förväntningar och lokala eliters subjektiva bedömningar.. Uppsats presenterad vid NOPSA i Tromsö, 6-9 augusti 2008.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
Report (Other academic)
- Andersson, S., Martínez Cousinou, G. (2006). Controlling political corruption in the United Kingdom. 38.
- Andersson, S. (2004). Partifinansiering: en riskzon för korruption (i SOU 2004:22). Stockholm, Fritzes Offentliga Publikationer. 36.
- Andersson, S. (2004). Personvalskampanjer i kommun- och landstingsvalen 2002 (i SOU 2004:22). Stockholm, Fritzes Offentliga Publikationer. 45.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G.Ó., Sjölin, M. (2014). Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 278.
- Andersson, S. (2012). Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: Kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International Sverige. 479.
- Andersson, S., Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G., Sjölin, M. (2010). Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Stockholm, Norstedts Förlag. 278.
Other (Other academic)
- Andersson, S., Bergman, T., Ersson, S. (2014). The European Representative Democracy Data Archive, Release 3.
- Andersson, S., Bergman, T., Ersson, S. (2013). The European Representative Democracy Data Archive, Release 2. Main sponsor: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (In2007-0149:1-E). [].
- Andersson, S., Ersson, S. (2012). The European Representative Democracy Data Archive.