Stefan Eklöf Amirell
ProfessorI am a professor of Global History and the director of the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. I am also the Sweden's delegate to the International Committee of Historical Sciences (ICHS/CISH) and a member of the Steering Group of the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH).
I received my Ph.D. in History at Lund University in 2002 and since 2008 I am an associate professor in History at the University of Gothenburg. I have worked as a teacher and researcher at Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Malmö College University and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm. I have been a visiting scholar in Denmark, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Australia and France. Between 2009 and 2015 I was the editor-in-chief of Sweden's leading journal for research in History and Economic History, Historisk tidskrift, and between 2016 and 2022 I was the President of the Swedish Historical Association.
I am coordinating the Linnaeus University's Research Training Program in Global Humanities, which started in the autumn 2022. For more information, see the website of the program.
I am currently not teaching any undergraduate courses but I have previously taught various courses in History, European Studies, Asian Studies and Regional Studies at University of Gothenburg, Lund University and Malmö University College.
My research interests include colonialism and decolonisation, contemporary political culture and democracy in Southeast Asia, piracy and maritime security in global historical perspective, Swedish historiography in relation to international history and female political leadership in world history. I am currently in the process of concluding a research project is called "Intermediaries in Imperial Expansion: Connections and Encounters on the U.S. Frontiers, 1876-1916" (see below for more information). From January 2022, I am also coordinating a major collaborative research project entitled "Imperial Expansion and Intercultural Diplomacy: Treaty-making in Southeast Asia, c.1750−1920" (see further below and the project's website). Both projects are financed by the Swedish Research Council.
Sweden's delegate to the International Committee of the Historical Sciences, Comité international des sciences historiques (ICHS/CISH) (
Member of the Steering Commitee of the European Network in Global and Universal History (ENIUGH)
Representative of Linnaeus University in the Collaboration Committee for the National Research School in Historical Studies
Treasurer of the Swedish Association for Scholarly Publishing (
Doctoral research training programme: Global Humanities
My research groups
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
The Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons The Research Cluster for Colonial Connections and Comparisons aims to uncover the complex links that operated within and across the borders of…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Imperial Expansion and Intercultural Diplomacy: Treaty-making in Southeast Asia, c.1750−1920 This collaborative research project in Global and Diplomatic History investigates the often…
Project: Intermediaries in Imperial Expansion: Connections and Encounters on the U.S. Frontiers, 1876–1916 The project focuses on a U.S. Cavalry officer, Hugh Lenox Scott (1853–1934), a…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Eklöf Amirell, S., Manse, M. (2024). Treaty-Making and Translation European and Asian Versions and Their Paper Trails. DIPLOMATICA. 6 (2). 311-339.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2023). From Global Studies to Global Humanities. Humanities. 12 (2).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2023). Tools of imperialism or sources of international law? : Treaties and diplomatic relations in early modern and colonial Southeast Asia. History Compass. 21 (12).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2022). ‘An Extremely Mild Form of Slavery … of the Worst Sort’ : American Perceptions of Slavery in the Sulu Sultanate, 1899–1904. Slavery & Abolition. 43 (3). 517-532.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2022). The end of methodological nationalism : the internationalization of historical research in Sweden since 2000. Scandinavian Journal of History. 47 (4). 391-413.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2022). New Diplomatic History and the Study of the Global Nineteenth Century. Global Nineteenth-Century Studies. 1 (1). 27-36.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2020). The making of the “Malay pirate” in early modern European thought. Humanities. 9 (3). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2019). Fredens och barmhärtighetens budbärare? [The harbingers of peace and mercy?] : Hugh Lenox Scott och den amerikanska arméns relationer med Oklahomas indianer under 1890-talet [Hugh Lenox Scott and US Army−Indian relations in Oklahoma in the 1890s]. Historisk Tidskrift. 139 (3). 455-481.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2018). Civilizing Pirates : Nineteenth Century British Ideas about Piracy, Race and Civilization in the Malay Archipelago. HumaNetten. (41). 25-45.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2017). Pirates and pearls : Jikiri and the challenge to maritime security and American sovereignty in the Sulu Archipelago, 1907–1909. International Journal of Maritime History. 29 (1). 44-67.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2016). Global maritime security studies : The rise of a geopolitical area of policy and research. Security Journal. 29 (2). 276-289.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2015). Female Rule in the Indian Ocean World (1300-1900). Journal of world history. 26 (3). 443-489.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2013). Språk och kvalitet i historisk forskning. Historisk Tidskrift. 133 (3). 483-505.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2012). Progressive Nationalism and Female Rule in Post-colonial South and Southeast Asia. Asian Journal of Women's Studies. 18 (2). 35-69.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2019). Pirates of Empire : Colonisation and Maritime Violence in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2023). Nationalism, Colonialism and Decolonisation in Southeast Asia : The Rise of Emancipatory Nationalism. The Routledge Handbook of Nationalism in East and Southeast Asia. London, Routledge. 361-374.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2022). The Exceptional Normal : Hugh Lenox Scott (1853–1934) and the United States’ Imperial Expansion. Global Biographies : Lived History as Method. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 143-161.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2021). "Pirates of the Sea and the Land" : Concurrent Vietnamese and French Concepts of Piracy during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century. Piracy in World History. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 245-266.
- Eklöf Amirell, S., Buchan, B., Hägerdal, H. (2021). Introduction : Piracy in World History. Piracy in World History. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 9-34.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). The Tools of Terror : Technological Development and Modern Piracy. La piraterie au fil de l’Histoire : Un défi pour l’Etat. Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne. 185-196.
- Eklöf Amirell, S., Müller, L. (2014). Introduction : Persistent Piracy in World History. Persistent Piracy : Historical Perspectives on Maritime Violence and State Formation. Palgrave Macmillan. 1-23.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Eklöf Amirell, S., Buchan, B., Hägerdal, H. (2021). Piracy in World History. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 290.
- Eklöf Amirell, S., Müller, L. (2014). Persistent Piracy : Historical Perspectives on Maritime Violence and State Formation. Palgrave Macmillan. 215.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2023). Till det trista och inåtvända tilltalets lov [To the praise of the dull and unaccustomed address]. Historisk Tidskrift. 143 (1). 1-2.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2020). 134th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York, 3−6 januari 2020. Historisk Tidskrift. 140 (2). 365-367.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2017). Ruptures, empires, revolutions : Femte ENIUGH-konferensen, Budapest, 31 augusti – 3 september 2017. Historisk Tidskrift. 137 (4). 749-751.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S., Lindström, P. (2016). Tjugoandra världshistorikerkongressen, Jinan, 23–29 augusti 2015. Historisk Tidskrift. 136 (1). 131-134.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). Föreningen för vetenskaplig publicering. Historisk Tidskrift. 134 (4). 789-789.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2013). Anmälan av böcker utgivna 2011. Historisk Tidskrift. 133 (4). 759-766.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2012). Anmälan av böcker utgivna 2009 och 2010. Historisk Tidskrift. 132 (4). 736-741.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2007). Svenska doktorsavhandlingar i historia 1976-2005 : En bibliografi sammanställd och kommenterad av Stefan Eklöf Amirell. Stockholm, National Library of Sweden.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2022). Consuls and Corsairs in the Twilight of the British Empire : The Curious Case of the Abduction of two British Women by Moro Pirates. Connected Oceans. Lund, Universus Academic Press. 205-220.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2021). Svenska historiker och internationaliseringen. Historikern i samhället : Roller och förändringsmönster. Gidlunds förlag. 42-67.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2019). Förtroende och vänskap : Militär diplomati i Kiowa-, Comanche- och Washita-reservatet, Oklahoma, 1891. Tillit och diplomati : En diskussionsbok om personliga relationer och diplomatiska processer 1670-1990. Uppsala, Historiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet. 97-114.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). Indiska oceanen : Nationalism och självständighet. En samtidig världshistoria. Studentlitteratur AB. 911-937.
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2013). Sjöröveri i Sydöstasien. En maritim värld : från stenåldern till idag. Lindome, Bricoleur Press. 148-157.
Article, review/survey (Other academic)
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2023). International Treaties : The Foundations of Colonial Rule in Southeast Asia. IIAS Newletter. International Instutute of Asian Studies. 95. 20-20.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2020). Elin Anna Labba, Herrarna satte oss hit: Om tvångsförflyttningarna i Sverige (Stockholm: Norstedts 2020). 191 s. Historisk Tidskrift. Stockholm University. 140 (3). 558-560.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). Citeringar är inget direkt mått på kvalitet : Gustaf Nelhans : Citeringens praktiker : Det vetenskapliga publicerandet som teori, metod och forskningspolitik, Göteborgs universitet, 390 s., ISBN 9789162887674. Respons : recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap. (1). 70-71.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). Ghosts of the past in southern Thailand : Essays on the history and historiography of Patani : Edited by Patrick Jory : Singapore: NUS Press, 2013. Pp. xxix + 336. Maps, Figures, Bibliography, Index. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 45 (1). 139-141.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2013). Gunnela Björk, Margaret Thatcher : en biografi : (Lund: Historiska Media 2013). 192 s.. Historisk Tidskrift. 133 (3). 550-552.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2012). Karin Tegenborg Falkdalen, Vasadöttrarna : (Lund: Historiska Media 2010). 317 s.. Historisk Tidskrift. 132 (1). 157-159.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2024). Myter och makt i mayakulturen. Historiskan. (3). 60-67.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2021). Hövdingen som släckte Magellans liv blev nationalhjälte. Dagens nyheter. (2021-04-25).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2018). Svartvit svensk debatt om "Den svarte mannens börda" : Bokrecension. Dagens Nyheter. (2018-10-25).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2018). Därför ifrågasätts hjältebilden av upptäckaren James Cook. Dagens Nyheter. (2018-07-11).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2018). Regenter runt Indiska oceanen. Historiskan. (4). 60-65.
Status: Published -
Amirell, S. (2017). Trump väcker Jacksons spöke till liv. Svenska dagbladet. (2017-02-23).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2017). När kyrkan manade till blodbad och heligt krig. Svenska Dagbladet. (2017-04-19).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2016). Monstren speglar vår egen förträfflighet. Svenska dagbladet. (2016-11-01).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2015). Globalhistoria utmanar metodologisk nationalism : Konferensrapport. Respons : recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap. (5). 8-9.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2014). Brist på perspektiv i ämnet historia. Svenska dagbladet. (2014-10-06).
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2012). Dynastier grogrund för kvinnliga ledare : Kvinnor står för hopp om svunna politiska ideal i Sydasien. Internationella Studier. (1). 34-37.
Status: Published -
Eklöf Amirell, S. (2012). Historiens vingslag : Föregångare kan väga tyngre än jämställdhet. Internationella Studier. (1). 26-29.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2021). James Cook - En astronomisk resa?. När Europa upptäcker världen : Från antiken till Pax Britannica. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Stolpe. 188-201.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Eklöf Amirell, S. (2013). Från tidskriftsstöd till tidskriftsdöd. Riksbankens jubileumsfond.