Stefan Gössling
Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies
School of Business and Economics
Stefan Gössling is a professor of Tourism Research at Linnaeus University and Human Ecology at Lund University. His research focuses on the sustainability of tourism, transport & mobilities.
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Gössling, S., Vogler, R., Humpe, A., Chen, N.(. (2024). National tourism organizations and climate change. Tourism Geographies. 26 (3). 329-350.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Sun, Y. (2024). Are emissions from global air transport significantly underestimated?. Current Issues in Tourism.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Rushton, B., Gössling, S. (2024). A review of the IPCC Sixth Assessment and implications for tourism development and sectoral climate action. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 32 (9). 1725-1742.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Schweiggart, N., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Mceachan, R.R.C., Khreis, H. (2024). Urban transport system changes in the UK : In danger of populism?. Cities. 153.
Status: Published -
Neger, C., León-Cruz, J.F., Gössling, S. (2024). The tourism fire exposure index for the European Union. Tourism Management. 103.
Status: Published -
Fernandez, S., Gössling, S., Martin-Rios, C., Fointiat, V., Pasamar, S., et al. (2024). To tip or not to tip? : Explaining tipping behavior in restaurants with service-inclusive pricing. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 117.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Reinhold, S. (2024). Accelerating small and medium sized tourism enterprises' engagement with climate change. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Sun, Y., Faturay, F., Lenzen, M., Gössling, S., Higham, J. (2024). Drivers of global tourism carbon emissions. Nature Communications. 15.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A. (2024). Net-zero aviation : Transition barriers and radical climate policy design implications. Science of the Total Environment. 912.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Sun, Y. (2024). On track to net-zero? Large tourism enterprises and climate change. Tourism Management. 100. 104842-104842.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Leitao, J.C. (2024). Private aviation is making a growing contribution to climate change. Communications Earth & Environment. 5.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Dolnicar, S. (2023). A review of air travel behavior and climate change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Climate Change. 14 (1).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Neger, C., Steiger, R., Bell, R. (2023). Weather, climate change, and transport : a review. Natural Hazards. 118. 1341-1360.
Status: Published -
Hopkins, D., Gössling, S., Cohen, S., Hanna, P., Higham, J.E.S. (2023). Aeromasculinities and the fallacy of sustainable aviation. Energy Research & Social Science. 106.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2023). Extending the theoretical grounding of mobilities research : transport psychology perspectives. Mobilities. 18 (2). 167-183.
Status: Published -
Sun, Y., Gössling, S., Babakhani, N. (2023). Macro-scale decarbonisation of tourism : insights from Australia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A. (2023). Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions. Cleaner Production Letters. 4.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A. (2023). Net-zero aviation : Time for a new business model?. Journal of Air Transport Management. 107.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Freytag, T., Humpe, A., Scuttari, A. (2023). Keeping older people mobile : Autonomous transport services in rural areas. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 18.
Status: Published -
Humpe, A., Sun, Y., Gössling, S. (2023). Cruise emissions and economic feasibility of biofuels. Annals of Tourism Research. 103.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Kees, J., Litman, T., Humpe, A. (2023). The economic cost of a 130 kph speed limit in Germany. Ecological Economics. 209.
Status: Published -
Cohen, S., Liu, H., Hanna, P., Hopkins, D., Higham, J., et al. (2022). The Rich Kids of Instagram : Luxury Travel, Transport Modes, and Desire. Journal of Travel Research. 61 (7). 1479-1494.
Status: Published -
Higham, J., Hanna, P., Hopkins, D., Cohen, S., Gössling, S., et al. (2022). Reconfiguring Aviation for a Climate-Safe Future : Are Airlines Sending the Wrong Message?. Journal of Travel Research. 61 (6). 1458-1473.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Kees, J., Litman, T. (2022). The lifetime cost of driving a car. Ecological Economics. 194.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2022). From Djerba to Glasgow : have declarations on tourism and climate change brought us any closer to meaningful climate action?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (1). 199-222.
Status: Published -
Haustein, S., Humpe, A., Gössling, S. (2022). Risky and anxious-aggressive drivers : A key barrier to traffic safety legislation in Germany. Transportation Research Part F : Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 89. 84-96.
Status: Published -
Sun, Y., Gössling, S., Zhou, W. (2022). Does tourism increase or decrease carbon emissions? : A systematic review. Annals of Tourism Research. 97.
Status: Published -
Moyle, B.D., Weaver, D.B., Gössling, S., Mclennan, C., Hadinejad, A. (2022). Are water-centric themes in sustainable tourism research congruent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (8). 1821-1836.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Hologa, R., Riach, N., Freytag, T. (2022). Parking violations as an economic gamble for public space. Transport Policy. 116. 248-257.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Mcrae, S. (2022). Subjectively safe cycling infrastructure : New insights for urban designs. Journal of Transport Geography. 101.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Schweiggart, N. (2022). Two years of COVID-19 and tourism : what we learned, and what we should have learned. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (4). 915-931.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Prayag, G., Safonov, A., Coles, T., Gössling, S., et al. (2022). Airbnb and the sharing economy: Introduction. Current Issues in Tourism. 25 (19). 3057-3067.
Status: Published -
Sun, Y., Gössling, S., Hem, L.E., Iversen, N.M., Walnum, H.J., et al. (2022). Can Norway become a net-zero economy under scenarios of tourism growth?. Journal of Cleaner Production. 363.
Status: Published -
Humpe, A., Gössling, S., Haustein, S. (2022). Car careers : A socio-psychological evaluation of aspirational automobile ownership. Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice. 164. 156-166.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2022). Destination net-zero : what does the international energy agency roadmap mean for tourism?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30 (1). 14-31.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Fernandez, S., Martin-Rios, C., Reyes, S.P., Fointiat, V., et al. (2021). Restaurant tipping in Europe : a comparative assessment. Current Issues in Tourism. 24 (6). 811-823.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2021). Technology, ICT and tourism : from big data to the big picture. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 29 (5). 849-858.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2021). Tourism, technology and ICT : a critical review of affordances and concessions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 29 (5). 733-750.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Lyle, C. (2021). Transition policies for climatically sustainable aviation. Transport reviews. 41 (5). 643-658.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Fichert, F., Creutzig, F. (2021). COVID-19 and pathways to low-carbon air transport until 2050. Environmental Research Letters. 16 (3).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Nicolosi, J., Litman, T. (2021). The Health Cost of Transport in Cities. Current Environmental Health Reports. 8 (2). 196-201.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Meyer-Habighorst, C., Humpe, A. (2021). A global review of marine air pollution policies, their scope and effectiveness. Ocean and Coastal Management. 212.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Moyle, B.D., Weaver, D. (2021). Academic entrepreneurship : A bibliometric engagement model. Annals of Tourism Research. 90.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M. (2021). Pandemics, tourism and global change : a rapid assessment of COVID-19. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 29 (1). 1-20.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Larson, M., Pumputis, A. (2021). Mutual surveillance on Airbnb. Annals of Tourism Research. 91.
Status: Published -
Lund-Durlacher, D., Gössling, S. (2021). An analysis of Austria's food service sector in the context of climate change. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 34.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Lund-Durlacher, D. (2021). Tourist accommodation, climate change and mitigation : An assessment for Austria. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 34 (June).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Bausch, T. (2020). Does 'flight shame' affect social norms? : Changing perspectives on the desirability of air travel in Germany. Journal of Cleaner Production. 266. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A. (2020). The global scale, distribution and growth of aviation : Implications for climate change. Global Environmental Change. 65. 1-12.
Status: Published -
Ritchie, B.W., Sie, L., Gössling, S., Dwyer, L. (2020). Effects of climate change policies on aviation carbon offsetting : a three-year panel study. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 28 (2). 337-360.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2020). Integrating e-scooters in urban transportation : Problems, policies, and the prospect of system change. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 79. 1-12.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Mccabe, S., Chen, N.(. (2020). A socio-psychological conceptualisation of overtourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 84. 1-12.
Status: Published -
Spector, S., Higham, J.E.S., Gössling, S. (2020). Extraterrestrial transitions : Desirable transport futures on earth and in outer space. Energy Research & Social Science. 68. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism : be careful what you wish for. Tourism Geographies. 22 (3). 577-598.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2020). Risks, resilience, and pathways to sustainable aviation : A COVID-19 perspective. Journal of Air Transport Management. 89. 1-4.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Choi, A., Dekker, K., Metzler, D. (2019). The Social Cost of Automobility, Cycling and Walking in the European Union. Ecological Economics. 158. 65-74.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Zeiss, H., Hall, C.M., Martin-Rios, C., Ram, Y., et al. (2019). A cross-country comparison of accommodation manager perspectives on online review manipulation. Current Issues in Tourism. 22 (14). 1744-1763.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2019). Celebrities, air travel, and social norms. Annals of Tourism Research. 79. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2019). Sharing versus collaborative economy : how to align ICT developments and the SDGs in tourism?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27 (1). 74-96.
Status: Published -
Simonsen, M., Gössling, S., Walnum, H.J. (2019). Cruise ship emissions in Norwegian waters : A geographical analysis. Journal of Transport Geography. 78. 87-97.
Status: Published -
Peeters, P., Higham, J., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S. (2019). Desirable tourism transport futures. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27 (2). 173-188.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Hanna, P., Higham, J., Cohen, S., Hopkins, D. (2019). Can we fly less? : Evaluating the 'necessity' of air travel. Journal of Air Transport Management. 81.
Status: Published -
Oklevik, O., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Jacobsen, J.K.S., Grotte, I.P., et al. (2019). Overtourism, optimisation, and destination performance indicators : a case study of activities in Fjord Norway. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 27 (12). 1804-1824.
Status: Published -
Bausch, T., Humpe, A., Gössling, S. (2019). Does Climate Change Influence Guest Loyalty at Alpine Winter Destinations?. Sustainability. 11 (15). 1-22.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Humpe, A., Litman, T., Metzler, D. (2019). Effects of Perceived Traffic Risks, Noise, and Exhaust Smells on Bicyclist Behaviour : An Economic Evaluation. Sustainability. 11 (2). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Metzler, D., Humpe, A., Gössling, S. (2019). Is it time to abolish company car benefits? : An analysis of transport behaviour in Germany and implications for climate change. Climate Policy. 19 (5). 542-555.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2019). Global tourism vulnerability to climate change. Annals of Tourism Research. 77. 49-61.
Status: Published -
Hanna, P., Kantenbacher, J., Cohen, S., Gössling, S. (2018). Role model advocacy for sustainable transport. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 61 (Part: B). 373-382.
Status: Published -
Simonsen, M., Walnum, H.J., Gössling, S. (2018). Model for Estimation of Fuel Consumption of Cruise Ships. Energies. 11 (5).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Cohen, S.A., Hibbert, J.F. (2018). Tourism as connectedness. Current Issues in Tourism. 21 (14). 1586-1600.
Status: Published -
Choi, A.S., Gössling, S., Ritchie, B.W. (2018). Flying with climate liability? : economic valuation of voluntary carbon offsets using forced choices. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 62. 225-235.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2018). ICT and transport behavior : a conceptual review. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 12 (3). 153-164.
Status: Published -
Jacobsen, J.K.S., Gössling, S., Dybedal, P., Skogheim, T.S. (2018). Exploring length of stay : international tourism in south-western Norway. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 35. 29-35.
Status: Published -
Cohen, S.A., Hanna, P., Gössling, S. (2018). The dark side of business travel : a media comments analysis. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 61 (part B). 406-419.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Cohen, S., Higham, J., Peeters, P., Eijgelaar, E. (2018). Desirable transport futures. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 61 (Part: B). 301-309.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2018). The decarbonisation impasse : global tourism leaders' views on climate change mitigation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 26 (12). 2071-2086.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Andersson, A. (2018). The manager's dilemma : a conceptualization of online review manipulation strategies. Current Issues in Tourism. 21 (5). 484-503.
Status: Published -
Toubes, D.R., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Scott, D. (2017). Vulnerability of Coastal Beach Tourism to Flooding : A Case Study of Galicia, Spain. Environments. 4 (4).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Metzler, D. (2017). Germany's climate policy : Facing an automobile dilemma. Energy Policy. 105. 418-428.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2017). Tourism, information technologies and sustainability : an exploratory review. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 25 (7). 1024-1041.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Lohmann, M., Grimm, B., Scott, D. (2017). Leisure travel distribution patterns of Germans : Insights for climate policy. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 5 (4). 596-603.
Status: Published -
Peeters, P., Higham, J., Kutzner, D., Cohen, S., Gössling, S. (2016). Are technology myths stalling aviation climate policy?. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 44. 30-42.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Peeters, P. (2016). Can tourism be part of the decarbonized global economy? : The costs and risks of alternate carbon reduction policy pathways. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (1). 52-72.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Buckley, R. (2016). Carbon labels in tourism : persuasive communication?. Journal of Cleaner Production. 111 (Part B). 358-369.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Cohen, S.A., Hares, A. (2016). Inside the black box : EU policy officers' perspectives on transport and climate change mitigation. Journal of Transport Geography. 57. 83-93.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Stavrinidi, I. (2016). Social Networking, Mobilities, and the Rise of Liquid Identities. Mobilities. 11 (5). 723-743.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Schröder, M., Späth, P., Freytag, T. (2016). Urban space distribution and sustainable transport. Transport reviews. 36 (5). 659-679.
Status: Published -
Dubois, G., Ceron, J., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2016). Weather preferences of French tourists : lessons for climate change impact assessment. Climatic Change. 136 (2). 339-351.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Abegg, B., Steiger, R. (2016). “It was raining all the time!” : Ex post tourist weather perceptions. Atmosphere. 7 (1).
Status: Published -
Cohen, S.A., Higham, J., Gössling, S., Peeters, P., Eijgelaar, E. (2016). Finding effective pathways to sustainable mobility : bridging the science-policy gap. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (3 Special issue). 317-334.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2016). A review of the IPCC Fifth Assessment and implications for tourism sector climate resilience and decarbonisation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (1). 8-30.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2016). A report on the Paris Climate Change Agreement and its implications for tourism : why we will always have Paris. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (7). 933-948.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Ring, A., Dwyer, L., Andersson, A., Hall, C.M. (2016). Optimizing or maximizing? A challenge to sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (4). 527-548.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2016). Urban transport justice. Journal of Transport Geography. 54. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M. (2015). Inter-market variability in CO2 emission-intensities in tourism : Implications for destination marketing and carbon management. Tourism Management. 46. 203-212.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2015). New performance indicators for water management in tourism. Tourism Management. 46. 233-244.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2015). What could the next 40 years hold for global tourism?. Tourism Recreation Resarch. 40 (3). 269-285.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., et al. (2015). No time for smokescreen skepticism : A rejoinder to Shani and Arad. Tourism Management. 47. 341-347.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., et al. (2015). On climate change skepticism and denial in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 23 (1). 4-25.
Status: Published -
Cohen, S.A., Gössling, S. (2015). A darker side of hypermobility. Environment and planning A. 47 (8). 1660-1679.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Amelung, B., Cohen, S., Eijgelaar, E., Gössling, S., et al. (2015). Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research.. Tourism Management. 47. 352-356.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Peeters, P. (2015). Assessing tourism's global environmental impact 1900-2050. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 23 (5). 639-659.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Lane, B. (2015). Rural tourism and the development of Internet-based accommodation booking platforms : a study in the advantages, dangers and implications of innovation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 23 (8-9). 1386-1403.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Choi, A.S. (2015). Transport transitions in Copenhagen : Comparing the cost of cars and bicycles. Ecological Economics. 113. 106-113.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Cohen, S. (2014). Why sustainable transport policies will fail : EU climate policy in the light of transport taboos. Journal of Transport Geography. 39. 197-207.
Status: Published -
Freytag, T., Gössling, S., Mössner, S. (2014). Living the green city : Freiburg’s Solarsiedlung between narratives and practices of urban sustainable development. Local Environment : the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. 19 (6). 644-659.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2013). National emissions from tourism : An overlooked policy challenge?. Energy Policy. 59. 433-442.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2013). The Primacy of Climate Change for Sustainable International Tourism. Sustainable Development. 21 (2). 112-121.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2013). Advancing a Clinical Transport Psychology. Transportation Research Part F : Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 19. 11-21.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2013). Urban transport transitions : Copenhagen, City of Cyclists. Journal of Transport Geography. 33. 196-206.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, J.H., Gössling, S. (2013). Tourist responses to extreme environmental events : the case of Baltic Sea algal blooms.. Tourism Planning and Development. 10 (1). 32-44.
Status: Published -
Hibbert, J.F., Dickinson, J.E., Gössling, S., Curtin, S. (2013). Identity and tourism mobility : an exploration of the attitude-behaviour gap. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21 (7). 999-1016.
Status: Published -
Higham, J., Cohen, S.A., Peeters, P., Gössling, S. (2013). Psychological and behavioural approaches to understanding and governing sustainable mobility. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 21 (7). 949-967.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2012). International tourism and climate change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Climate Change. 3 (3). 213-232.
Status: Published -
Hübner, A., Gössling, S. (2012). Tourist perceptions of extreme weather events in Martinique. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 1 (1-2). 47-55.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Schumacher, K.P. (2012). Conceptualizing the Survival Sector in Antananarivo, Madagascar.. Antipode. 44 (2). 321-342.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Peeters, P., Hall, C.M., Ceron, J., Dubois, G., et al. (2012). Tourism and Water : Supply, demand, and security. An International Review. Tourism Management. 33 (1). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Ekström, F., Brudvik Engeset, A., Aall, C. (2012). Transition management : a tool for implementing sustainable tourism scenarios?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 20 (6). 899-916.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2012). Scenario planning for sustainable tourism : an introduction. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 20 (6). 773-778.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Ceron, J., Dubois, G. (2012). Consumer behaviour and demand response of tourists to climate change. Annals of Tourism Research. 39 (1). 36-58.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Freytag, T. (2012). Die Globalisierung des Tourismus in Europa aus der Perspektive des Klimawandels. Geographische Rundschau. 64 (3). 36-42.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Garrod, B., Aall, C., Hille, J., Peeters, P. (2011). Food management in tourism. Reducing tourism’s carbon ‘foodprint’.. Tourism Management. 32 (3). 534-543.
Status: Published -
Hall, C.M., Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2011). Forests, climate change and tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism. 6 (4). 353-363.
Status: Published -
Dubois, G., Peeters, P., Ceron, J., Gössling, S. (2011). The future tourism mobility of the world population: Emission growth versus climate policy.. Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice. 45 (10). 1031-1042.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Peeters, P., Gössling, S. (2010). Can tourism deliver its ‘aspirational’ emission reduction targets?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18 (3). 393-408.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Schumacher, K. (2010). Implementing carbon neutral destination policies : issues from the Seychelles. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18 (3). 377-391.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Peeters, P., Scott, D. (2010). The Future of Tourism: Can Tourism Growth and Climate Policy be Reconciled? : A Climate Change Mitigation Perspective.. Tourism Recreation Resarch. 35 (2). 119-130.
Status: Published -
Andersen, O., Gössling, S., Simonsen, M., Walnum, H.J., Peeters, P., et al. (2010). CO2-emissions from the transport of China’s exported goods.. Energy Policy. 38 (10). 5790-5798.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Nilsson, J. (2010). Frequent Flyer Programmes and the Reproduction of Mobility.. Environment and planning A. (42). 241-252.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2009). Carbon neutral destinations a conceptual analysis : a conceptual analysis. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 17 (1). 17-37.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., J, H., L, H., H, K., M, R. (2009). Swedish air travellers and voluntary carbon offsets : towards the Co-creation of Environmental Value?. Current Issues in Tourism. 12 (1). 1-19.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Gössling, S. (2017). The psychology of the car : automobile admiration, attachment, and addiction. Elsevier.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Scott, D. (2015). Tourism and Water. Bristol, Channel View Publications.
- Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2012). Tourism and Climate Change : Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility). London, Routledge.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Aeberhard, M., Gössling, S., Krause, M., Meurer, J. (2020). Luxury Relevance of Selected Megatrends in Tourism. Luxury Tourism : Market Trends, Changing Paradigms, and Best Practices. Springer. 213-244.
- Gössling, S., Aeberhard, M., Meurer, J., Krause, M. (2019). Luxusrelevanz ausgewählter Megatrends im Tourismus. Grundlagen und neue Perspektiven des Luxustourismus : Kundenverhalten - Paradigmenwechsel - Markttrends - Best-Practice-Beispiele. Springer. 223-255.
- Gössling, S. (2018). Air transport and climate change. The Routledge Companion to air transport management. London, Routledge. 402-416.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Scott, D. (2017). Coastal and Ocean Tourism. Handbook on Marine Environment Protection. Springer. 773-790.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2016). Conclusions : Food tourism and regional development - new localism or globalism?. Food Tourism and Regional Development : Networks, products and trajectories. Routledge. 287-294.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2016). Developing regional food systems : a case study of restaurant-customer relationships in Sweden. Food Tourism and Regional Development : Networks, products and trajectories. Routledge. 76-88.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2016). From food tourism and regional development to food, tourism and regional development : themes and issues in contemporary foodscapes. Food Tourism and Regional Development : Networks, products and trajectories. Routledge. 3-57.
- Gössling, S. (2015). Low-carbon and post-carbon travel and destinations. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 472-480.
- Rutty, M., Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M. (2015). The global effects and impacts of tourism : an overview. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 36-63.
- Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2015). Tourism in the future(s) : forecasting and scenarios. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 305-319.
- Gössling, S. (2015). Carbon management. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 221-233.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2015). Tourism and sustainability : an introduction. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 1-11.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2015). The evolution of sustainable development and sustainable tourism. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 15-35.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2015). Tourism and sustainability : towards a green(er) tourism economy?. The Routledge handbook of tourism and sustainability. London, Routledge. 490-519.
- Hall, C.M., Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2015). Tourism, climate change and development. Tourism and development : concepts and issues. Bristol, Channel View Publications. 332-357.
- Johansson, E., Gössling, S. (2014). Air travellers' willingness to donate frequent flyer points for charitable purposes : a Scandinavian case study. Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility : psychological and behavioural approaches. London, Routledge. 59-67.
- Hibbert, J.F., Dickinson, J.E., Gössling, S., Curtin, S. (2014). Identity and tourism mobility : An exploration of the attitude — behaviour gap. Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility : psychological and behavioural approaches. London, Routledge. 15-36.
- Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E., Peeters, P., Gössling, S. (2014). Why tourism mobility behaviours must change. Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility : psychological and behavioural approaches. London, Routledge. 1-12.
- Gössling, S., Peeters, P., Higham, J.E., Cohen, S.A. (2014). New governance models for behaviour change in tourism mobilities : a research agenda. Understanding and governing sustainable tourism mobility : psychological and behavioural approaches. London, Routledge. 300-305.
- Malm, K., Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2013). Regulatory and institutional barriers to new business development : the case of Swedish wine tourism.. Sustainable Culinary Systems : Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality. London, Routledge. 241-255.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2013). Sustainable Culinary Systems : An introduction. Sustainable Culinary Systems : Local Foods, innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality. London, Routledge. 3-44.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2013). Re-imagining sustainable culinary systems : The future of culinary systems. Sustainable Culinary Systems : Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality. London, Routledge. 293-304.
- Gössling, S. (2013). Case study : Climate change and tourism development. The Ethics of Tourism : Critical and applied perspectives. London, Routledge. 258-261.
- Gössling, S., Garrod, B. (2011). Tourism, Climate Change and Carbon Management : three Case Studies. Contemporary Cases in Tourism. Oxford, Goodfellow Publishers. 99-120.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2009). Global environmental change and tourism enterprise. Tourism enterprise and sustainable development : international perspectives on responses to the sustainability agenda. London, Routledge. 17-35.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Weaver, D.B. (2009). Synthesis and conclusions. Sustainable tourism futures : perspectives on systems, restructuring and Innovations. London, Routledge. 299-306.
- Paul, P., Gössling, S., Bernard, L. (2009). Moving towards low-carbon tourism : new opportunities for destinations and tour operators. Sustainable tourism futures : perspectives on systems, restructuring and innovations. London, Routledge. 240-257.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2016). Food Tourism and Regional Development : Networks, products and trajectories. Routledge. 298.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2015). The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Sustainability. London, Routledge.
- Cohen, S.A., Higham, J.E.S., Gössling, S., Peeters, P. (2014). Understanding and Governing Sustainable Tourism Mobility : Psychological and Behavioural Approaches.. London, Routledge. 312.
- Hall, C.M., Gössling, S. (2013). Sustainable Culinary Systems : local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality. London, Routledge. 312.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Nieuwenhuijsen, M., De Nazelle, A., Pradas, M.C., Daher, C., Dzhambov, A.M., et al. (2024). The Superblock model : A review of an innovative urban model for sustainability, liveability, health and well-being. Environmental Research. Elsevier. 251.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2024). Climate change and tourism geographies. Tourism Geographies. Taylor & Francis Group.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Gössling, S., Balas, M., Mayer, M., Sun, Y. (2023). A review of tourism and climate change mitigation : The scales, scopes, stakeholders and strategies of carbon management. Tourism Management. Elsevier. 95.
Status: Published -
Scott, D., Gössling, S. (2022). A review of research into tourism and climate change - Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism and climate change. Annals of Tourism Research. Elsevier. 95.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2018). Tourism, tourist learning and sustainability : an exploratory discussion of complexities, problems and opportunities. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Routledge. 26 (2). 292-306.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Fichert, F., Forsyth, P. (2017). Subsidies in Aviation. Sustainability. MDPI AG. 9 (8).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2017). Police Perspectives on Road Safety and Transport Politics in Germany. Sustainability. MDPI AG. 9 (10).
Status: Published -
Gössling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M. (2013). Challenges of tourism in a low-carbon economy. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Climate Change. 4 (6). 525-538.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Gössling, S. (2011). Carbon Management in Tourism : Mitigating the Impacts on Climate Change. Abingdon, Oxon, England, Routledge.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Gössling, S. (2012). Climate Policy and Tourism. Handbook of Tourism and the Environment. London, Routledge.
- Gössling, S., Scott, D. (2011). Recreation, Tourism, and Climate. Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Hall, C.M., Hultman, J., Gössling, S. (2010). Tourism mobility, locality and sustainable rural development. Sustainable Tourism in Rural Europe : Approaches to Development.. London, Routledge. 28-42.
- Gössling, S., Upham, P. (2009). Introduction: Aviation and Climate Change in Context. Climate Change and Aviation. Earthscan Taylor & Francis group. 1-23.
- Gössling, S., Ceron, J., Dubois, G., Hall, C.M. (2009). Hypermobile travellers. Climate Change and Aviation : issues, challenges and solutions. London ; Sterling, VA, Earthscan. 131-149.
- Gössling, S. (2009). Trends in Tourism in the Western Indian Ocean. Coastal Tourism Development : Planning and Management Issues. Channel View Publications. 53-66.
- Gössling, S., M.c, H., D, S. (2009). The Challenges of Tourism as a Development Strategy in an Era of Global Climate Change. Rethinking Development in a Carbon-Constrained World : Development Cooperation and Climate Change. Helsinki, Finland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 100-119.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., Weaver, D.B. (2009). Sustainable Tourism Futures : Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring and Innovations. Sustainable Tourism Futures : Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring and Innovations. London, Routledge. 1-15.
- C.m, H., D, S., Gössling, S. (2009). Tourism, Development and Climate Change. Disaster Prevention in Tourism : Climate Justice and Tourism. Chiang Mai, Ecumenical Coalition On Tourism and German Church Development Service (EED). 136-161.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M., David B, W. (2009). Sustainable Tourism Futures : Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring and Innovations. London, Routledge. 319.
- Gössling, S., Upham, P. (2009). Climate Change and Aviation : Issues, Challenges and Solutions. London, Earthscan. 386.
- Garrod, B., Gössling, S. (2008). New frontiers in marine tourism : diving experiences, management and sustainability. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 226.
- Gössling, S., Hultman, J. (2006). Ecotourism in Scandinavia : lessons in theory and practice. Wallingford, CABI Publishing. 211.
- Gössling, S., Hall, C.M. (2006). Tourism and global environmental change : ecological, social, economic and political interrelationships. New York, Routledge. 323.
- Gössling, S. (2003). Tourism and development in tropical islands : political ecology perspectives. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 288.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Gössling, S. (2015). Sustainable transportation in the national parks. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 23 (7). 1120-1121.
Status: Published -
Gössling, S. (2014). Planning sustainable transport. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 22 (8). 1268-1269.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Other academic)
Gössling, S. (2009). Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development. Macroeconomic Models and Empirical Methods (Brau, R., Lanza, A. and Usai, S. [eds] 2008). Ecological Economics. Elsevier. 69 (1). 206-207.
Status: Published