Susanna Nordmark

Susanna Nordmark

Senior lecturer
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Faculty of Technology
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PhD in Computer Science and Information Systems; Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Technology; Department of Computer Science and Media Technology. Main focus on educational technology (EdTech). Other areas of interest concern implementation science, digital transformation, data-driven teaching, learning, and decision-making supported by visual learning analytics.


I mainly teach in the Master Program of ​​Educational Technology.


I lead the research group EdTechLnu in collaboration with Professor Italo Masiello. The research within EdTechLnu has three main tracks, in which I actively participate:

  1. Development of new technology to support education and learning.
  2. Study of teaching and learning where students and teachers use digital technology.
  3. Change of educational activities through implementation of digital technology.


I am the department's representative in the faculty syllabi group and the subject's representative in the department educational council. 


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)