Sven Nordebo
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology
My research groups
International Center for Mathematical Modeling ICMM is a centre for research in mathematical modelling, applicable within a number of different subjects and fields. Since 2000, the research group has…
Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations Within this research theme, we study numerical methods for partial differential equations, analysis of differential and pseudo-differential…
Waves, Signals and Systems The research in waves, signals and systems deals primarily with acoustic and electromagnetic direct and inverse problems, with engineering and industrial applications.
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Nordebo, S. (2024). On the interpretation and significance of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in infrared spectroscopy. Results in Optics. 14.
Status: Published -
Štumpf, M., Nordebo, S. (2024). Physical Bounds on the Time-Domain Response of a Linear Time-Invariant System. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 31. 1324-1328.
Status: Published -
Štumpf, M., Nordebo, S. (2024). Time-Domain Physical Limitations on the Response of a Class of Time-Invariant Systems. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 72 (6). 5110-5116.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Štumpf, M. (2024). Time-domain constraints for passive materials : The Brendel-Bormann model revisited. Physical Review B. 110 (2).
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S. (2023). A modified projection approach to line mixing. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 310.
Status: Published -
Bayford, R.H., Damaso, R., Neshatvar, N., Ivanenko, Y., Rademacher, T.W., et al. (2022). Locating Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Using Electrical Impedance Tomography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 69 (1). 494-502.
Status: Published -
Becher, T.H., Miedema, M., Kallio, M., Papadouri, T., Karaoli, C., et al. (2022). Prolonged Continuous Monitoring of Regional Lung Function in Infants with Respiratory Failure. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 19 (6). 991-999.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S. (2021). Uniform error bounds for fast calculation of approximate Voigt profiles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 270.
Status: Published -
Dalarsson, M., Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2021). Wave propagation in waveguides with graded plasmonic obstacles. Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics. 38 (1). 104-113.
Status: Published -
Seifnaraghi, N., De Gelidi, S., Nordebo, S., Kallio, M., Frerichs, I., et al. (2021). Model Selection Based Algorithm in Neonatal Chest EIT. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 68 (9). 2752-2763.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Naeem, F., Tans, P. (2020). Estimating the short-time rate of change in the trend of the Keeling curve. Scientific Reports. 10. 1-11.
Status: Published -
Mirmoosa, M., Nordebo, S., Tretyakov, S. (2020). Physical Meaning of the Dipole Radiation Resistance in Lossless and Lossy Media : What is the Radiation Resistance of Antennas in Lossy Media?. IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine. 62 (4). 75-81.
Status: Published -
Ivanenko, Y., Nedic, M., Gustafsson, M., Jonsson, B.L.G., Luger, A., et al. (2020). Quasi-Herglotz functions and convex optimization. Royal Society Open Science. 7 (1). 1-15.
Status: Published -
Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2020). TE-wave propagation in graded waveguide structures. OSA Continuum. 3 (1). 67-76.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Mirmoosa, M., Tretyakov, S. (2019). On the quasistatic optimal plasmonic resonances in lossy media. Journal of Applied Physics. 125 (10). 1-11.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Kristensson, G., Mirmoosa, M., Tretyakov, S. (2019). Optimal plasmonic multipole resonances of a sphere in lossy media. Physical Review B. 99 (5).
Status: Published -
Ivanenko, Y., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2019). Optical theorems and physical bounds on absorption in lossy media. Optics Express. 27 (23). 34323-34342.
Status: Published -
Ivanenko, Y., Gustafsson, M., Jonsson, B.L.G., Luger, A., Nilsson, B., et al. (2019). Passive Approximation and Optimization Using B-Splines. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 79 (1). 436-458.
Status: Published -
Shiraz, A., Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Yerworth, R., Frerichs, I., et al. (2019). Compressive sensing in electrical impedance tomography for breathing monitoring. Physiological Measurement. 40 (3). 1-9.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Ivanenko, Y., Nilsson, B., Sjöberg, D. (2018). Cylindrical multipole expansion for periodic sources with applications for three-phase power cables. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences. 41 (3). 959-965.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Dalarsson, M., Khodadad, D., Müller, B., Waldermann, A.D., et al. (2018). A parametric model for the changes in the complex valued conductivity of a lung during tidal breathing. Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics. 51 (20).
Status: Published -
De Gelidi, S., Seifnaraghi, N., Bardill, A., Tizzard, A., Wu, Y., et al. (2018). Torso shape detection to improve lung monitoring. Physiological Measurement. 39 (7).
Status: Published -
Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Mueller, B., Waldmann, A.D., Yerworth, R., et al. (2018). Optimized breath detection algorithm in electrical impedance tomography. Physiological Measurement. 39 (9).
Status: Published -
Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S., Sjöberg, D., Bayford, R. (2017). Absorption and optimal plasmonic resonances for small ellipsoidal particles in lossy media. Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics. 50 (34).
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Dalarsson, M., Ivanenko, Y., Sjöberg, D., Bayford, R. (2017). On the physical limitations for radio frequency absorption in gold nanoparticle suspensions. Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics. 50 (15).
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, S., Nilsson, B. (2015). Dispersion modeling and analysis for multilayered open coaxial waveguides. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 63 (6). 1791-1799.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, S., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Sjöberg, M. (2015). Wave propagation characteristics and model uncertainties for HVDC power cables. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 30 (6). 2527-2534.
Status: Published -
Vakili, I., Gustafsson, M., Sjöberg, D., Seviour, R., Nilsson, M., et al. (2014). Sum Rules for Parallel-Plate Waveguides : Experimental Results and Theory. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 62 (11). 2574-2582.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, S., Ioannidis, A., Nilsson, B. (2014). Asymptotic analysis of non-discrete radiating modes for open waveguide structures. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences. 37 (2, Special Issue). 251-256.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, S., Biro, T., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, M., Karlsson, A., et al. (2014). Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and measurements for HVDC power cables. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 29 (6). 2439-2447.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B., Sjöberg, D. (2014). Optimal Realizations of Passive Structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 62 (9). 4686-4694.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, A. (2014). A Quasi-Static Electromagnetic Analysis for Experiments with Strong Permanent Magnets. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. 61. 1-16.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Khrennikov, A. (2014). Estimation of initial one photon temporal modes in waveguides using the asymptotic radiation zone. Physica Scripta. T163.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Volovich, I. (2014). Photon Flux and Distance from the Source : Consequences for Quantum Communication. Foundations of physics. 44 (4). 389-405.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B., Gustafsson, S., Biro, T., Cinar, G., et al. (2013). Low-frequency dispersion characteristics of a multilayered coaxial cable. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 83 (1). 169-184.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2013). Optimal Antenna Currents for Q, Superdirectivity, and Radiation Patterns Using Convex Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 61 (3). 1109-1118.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2013). Quantum rule for detection probability from Brownian motion in the space of classical fields. Theoretical and mathematical physics. 174 (2). 298-306.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B., Sjödén, T., Soldovieri, F. (2013). Fisher information analysis in electrical impedance tomography. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 10 (6). Article ID: 064008.
Status: Published -
Aksimsek, S., Cinar, G., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2013). TEM wave scattering by a step discontinuity on the outer wall of a coaxial waveguide. IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 61 (8). 2783-2791.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2012). Classical signal model reproducing quantum probabilities for single and coincidence detections. Journal of Physics, Conference Series. 361.
Status: Published -
Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2012). Image reconstruction in microwave tomography using a dielectric Debye model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 59 (1). 156-166.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2012). Quantization of propagating modes in optical fibres. Physica Scripta. 85.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Toft, J. (2012). Fisher information for inverse problems and trace class operators. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 53 (12).
Status: Published -
Toft, J., Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2012). Decompositions of Gelfand-Shilov kernels into kernels of similar class. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 396 (1). 315-322.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2012). On an experimental test of prequantum theory of classical random fields : an estimate from above of the coefficient of second-order coherence. International Journal of Quantum Information. 10 (8). Article ID: 1241014.
Status: Published -
Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Volovich, I.V. (2012). Distance Dependence of Entangled Photons in Waveguides. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1424. 262-269.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Sjödén, T., Soldovieri, F. (2011). Data fusion for electromagnetic and electrical resistive tomography based on maximum likelihood. International Journal of Geophysics. 2011.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Bernland, A., Gustafsson, M., Sohl, C., Kristensson, G. (2011). On the relation between optimal wideband matching and scattering of spherical waves. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 59 (9). 3358-3369.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Soldovieri, F. (2011). Data fusion for reconstruction algorithms via different sensors in geophysical sensing. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering. 8 (3). S54-S60.
Status: Published -
Bernland, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2011). Physical limitations on the scattering of electromagnetic vector spherical waves. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical. 44 (14). Article ID: 145401.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B. (2010). A Green's function approach to Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in microwave tomography. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 18 (8). 1043-1063.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Bayford, R., Bengtsson, B., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., et al. (2010). An adjoint field approach to Fisher information based sensitivity analysis in electrical impedance tomography. Inverse Problems. 26 (12).
Status: Published -
Proto, M., Bavusi, M., Bernini, R., Bigagli, L., Bost, M., et al. (2010). Transport Infrastructure Surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing : The ISTIMES Project. Sensors. 10 (12). 10620-10639.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Cismasu, M., Nordebo, S. (2010). Absorption Efficiency and Physical Bounds on Antennas. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2010.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2009). A priori modeling for gradient based inverse scattering algorithms. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. 16. 407-432.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Sjödén, T. (2009). Estimation of Twist in Uniaxial Cylinders WithInverse Electromagnetic Scattering. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 57 (10). 3264-3273.
Status: Published -
Lundbäck, J., Nordebo, S., Biro, T. (2008). A Digital Directional Coupler with Applications to Partial Discharge Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements. 57 (11). 2561-2567.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Persson, M. (2008). A Systematic Approach to Robust Preconditioning for Gradient Based Inverse Scattering Algorithms. Inverse Problems. 24 (2). Article ID: 025027.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, B., Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Säll, H. (2007). A method for under bark detection of the wood grain angle radial dependence. Wood Material Science and Engineering. 2 (3,4). 118-129.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B. (2007). Fisher Information Analysis for Two-Dimensional Microwave Tomography. Inverse Problems. 23. 859-877.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Mohammed, A. (2007). A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Spatial Decorrelation of Independently Polarized Signals. Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Journal. 7 (1). 91-101.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2007). On the spectral efficiency of a sphere. Progress in Electromagnetics Research PIER. 67. 275-296.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Persson, K. (2007). Sensitivity Analysis for Antenna Near-Field Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 55 (1). 94-101.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2006). Characterization of MIMO Antennas using Spherical Vector Waves. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 54 (9). 2679-2682.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Lundbäck, J. (2006). Fundamental Limitations for DOA and Polarization Estimation with Applications in Array Signal Processing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 54 (10). 4055-4061.
Status: Published -
Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2006). Statistical Signal Analysis for the Inverse Source Problem of Electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 54 (6). 2357-2361.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2006). Bandwidth, Q factor, and resonance models of antennas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research PIER. 62. 1-20.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2006). Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for Inverse Scattering Problems of Multilayer Structures. Inverse Problems. 22. 1359-1380.
Status: Published -
Persson, P., Nordebo, S., Claesson, I. (2005). Design of Discrete Coefficient FIR Filters by a Fast Entropy-Directed Deterministic Annealing Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 53 (3). 1006-1014.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Ivanenko, Y. (2020). On the optical theorem and optimal extinction, scattering and absorption in lossy media. 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP, 15 - 20 March 2020 Copenhagen, Denmark. 1-5.
- Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2019). TM-wave propagation in a graded waveguide structure. 2019 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS). 1-4.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2019). Non-passive approximation as a tool to study the realizability of amplifying media. 2019 URSI International symposium on electromagnetic theory (EMT2019) : May 27-31, 2019, San Diego, CA, USA. 1-4.
- Nordebo, S., Ivanenko, Y., Bayford, R. (2019). On the optimal plasmonic resonances in gold nanospheres embedded in dispersive media. 2019 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS). 1-4.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2019). Passive Approximation with High-Order B-Splines. Analysis, Probability, Applications, and Computation. 83-94.
- Nordebo, S., Dalarsson, M., Gustafsson, M., Sjöberg, D. (2018). On the optimal plasmonic resonances in lossy media. 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials). 296-298.
- Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Seifnaraghi, N., Yerworth, R., Waldmann, A.D., et al. (2018). The Value of Phase Angle in Electrical Impedance Tomography Breath Detection. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2018. 1040-1043.
- Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2018). TE-wave propagation in a graded waveguide structure. 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials). 93-95.
- Ivanenko, Y., Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S., Bayford, R. (2018). On the plasmonic resonances in a layered waveguide structure. 2018 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials). 188-190.
- Nordebo, S., Dalarsson, M., Ivanenko, Y., Sjöberg, D., Bayford, R. (2017). Parameter studies on optimal absorption and electrophoretic resonances in lossy media. 32nd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2017. 1768-1769.
- Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., Seifnaraghi, N., Waldmann, A.D., Müller, B., et al. (2017). Breath detection using short-time Fourier transform analysis in electrical impedance tomography. 2017 32nd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, URSI GASS 2017. 1-3.
- Seifnaraghi, N., Tizzard, A., De Gelidi, S., Khodadad, D., Nordebo, S., et al. (2017). Estimation of thorax shape for forward modelling in lungs EIT. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography. 58-58.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2017). Passive approximation and optimization with B-splines. 2nd URSI GASS, Montreal, 19–26 August 2017. 2290-2293.
- Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S., Sjöberg, D. (2017). Optimal plasmonic resonances for small arbitrarily shaped particles in lossy media. 32nd URSI GASS, Montreal, 19–26 August 2017. 2667-2667.
- Nilsson, B., Ioannidis, A., Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2016). On absence of sources at infinity and uniqueness for waveguide solutions. Proceedings of the 2016 18th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEEA 2016. 780-783.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2016). Estimation of complex valued permeability of cable armour steel. 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS).
- Nordebo, S., Stumpf, M., Ivanenko, Y. (2016). A multi-resolution 4-D FFT approach to parametric boundary integral equations for helical structures. 2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS). 218-221.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2016). Approximation of dielectric spectroscopy data with Herglotz functions on the real line and convex optimization. Proceedings of the 2016 18th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications. 863-866.
- Sjöberg, D., Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2014). Convex optimization for optimal realization of material properties. 2014 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 3-8 Aug. 2014, Palm Beach. 782-785.
- Ioannidis, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2013). A mathematical framework for propagation in an open cavity. Proceeding of 2013 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) : International Conference Center HiroshimaHiroshima, Japan, May 20-24, 2013. 1043-1046.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, S., Ioannidis, A., Nilsson, B., Toft, J. (2013). On the generalized Jordan's lemma with applications in waveguide theory. Proceeding of 2013 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS) : International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan, May 20-24, 2013. 1039-1042.
- Nordebo, S., Ioannidis, A., Nilsson, B. (2013). Reduced volume integral formulations for an open waveguide based on the cylindrical vector wave expansion. PIERS 2013 Stockholm : Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium : Proceedings. 633-637.
- Nilsson, B., Cinar, G., Özge, C., Nordebo, S. (2012). Asymptotic Methods for Long Distance Monitoring of Power Cables. . 206-207.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Dumoulin, J., Perrone, A., Pignatti, S., et al. (2012). Frequency analysis and data correlation for beam displacement measurements based on the ISTIMES campaign in Montagnole. EGU General Assembly 2012, Programme Group Programme : GI- Geosciences Instrumentation & Data system. A151.
- Khrennikov, A., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Volovich, I. (2012). On the quantization of the electromagnetic field of a layered dielectric waveguide. QUANTUM THEORY : RECONSIDERATION OF FOUNDATIONS 6. 285-299.
- Gustafsson, S., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2012). An electromagnetic dispersion model for HVDC Power Cables. . 214-215.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, S., Nilsson, B. (2012). Fault localization for HVDC Power Cables. .
- Nordebo, S., Sjödén, T., Gustafsson, M., Soldovieri, F. (2012). Fisher information analysis in electrical impedance tomography. Geophysical Research Abstract : EGU General Assembly 2012. 2012-3553-1.
- Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2012). Sensitivity analysis for inverse problems in Electrical Impedance Tomography. . 220-221.
- Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Karlsson, A., Cinar, G. (2011). Simulation of electromagnetic pulses in waveguides at large distances. International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA11). 640-643.
- Hashemzadeh, P., Kantaritzis, P., Liatsis, P., Bayford, R., Nordebo, S. (2011). A Cramer-Rao Bound Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Experimental Setups in Electrical Impedance Tomography. Proceeding (723) Biomedical Engineering.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Soldovieri, F. (2011). Tunnel detection based on data fusion with radio frequency and electrical resistive tomography. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 4927.
- Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B., Biro, T., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, M., et al. (2011). Wave modeling and fault localization for underwater power cables. 2011 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC). 698-701.
- Nordebo, S., Bengtsson, B., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B., Sjödén, T. (2010). Fisher information analysis and gradient based optimization for electrical impedance tomography. 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May, 2010.. 65-66.
- Nordebo, S., Bayford, R., Bengtsson, B., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., et al. (2010). Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in electrical impedance tomography. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 224 (2010), 1742-6588. 012057.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Soldovieri, F. (2010). Data fusion for reconstruction algorithms via different sensors in geophysical sensing. European Geosciences Union General Assembly.
- Sjödén, T., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2010). Determination of wood parameters using electromagnetic measurements. 5th International Conference on Inverse Problems, Modeling and Simulation, Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 May, 2010.. 70-71.
- Gustafsson, M., Sohl, C., Kristensson, G., Nordebo, S., Larsson, C., et al. (2009). An overview of some recent physical bounds in scattering and antenna theory. 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. 1795-1798.
- Nordebo, S., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B. (2009). Applications of the Fisher information integral operator for inverse problems. The 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation. 302-303.
- Nordebo, S., Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nilsson, B. (2009). Fisher information analysis in microwave tomography. The Third International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP09). 217-220.
- Sjödén, T., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2009). Numerical verification of a microwave impedance model for a twisted wooden cylinder. Mathematical modelling of wave phenomena : 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. 243-252.
- Bernland, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2009). Summation rules and physical bounds for partial wave scattering in electromagnetics. The 9:th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves Propagation. 206-207.
- Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B., Lindhe, O. (2009). Estimation of Parameters of an Inhomogeneous Dielectric Layer. Mathematical Modeling of Wave phenomena. : 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. 94-103.
- Gustafsson, M., Kristensson, G., Nordebo, S., Larsson, C., Bernland, A., et al. (2009). Physical bounds and sum rules in scattering and antenna theory. Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2009. ICEAA '09. International Conference on. 600-603.
- Sohl, C., Gustafsson, M., Kristensson, G., Nordebo, S. (2008). A general approach for deriving bounds in electromagnetic theory. URSI 19 General Assembly.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Sohl, C., Kristensson, G. (2008). On the optimal limitations for scattering of spherical modes. URSI 19 General Assembly.
- Gustafsson, M., Sohl, C., Nordebo, S. (2008). Physical bounds on the antenna scattering matrix. 2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium.
- Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S., Persson, M. (2007). A statistical approach to gradient scaling microwave tomography. Proceedings of EMB 07, computational electromagnetics, methods and applications : Lund, Sweden, October 2007. 153-160.
- Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S., Persson, M. (2007). A Statistically Based Preconditioner for Two-Dimensional Microwave Tomography. Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP2007) : St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Dec. 12-14 2007. 173-176.
- Fhager, A., Gustafsson, M., Nordebo, S., Persson, M. (2007). A Fisher Information Based Gradient Scaling for Microwave Tomography. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium : Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30 Aug, 2007.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Kristensson, G. (2006). On the Capacity of the Free Space Antenna Channel. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. 3105-3108.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2006). On the Design of Optimal Measurements for Antenna Near-Field Imaging Problems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 234-249.
- Lundbäck, J., Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2006). A Generic Electromagnetic Model for DOA Estimation using Arbitrary Multiport Antennas. IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. 2549-2552.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Kristensson, G. (2006). Modeling and Capacity of the Free Space Antenna Channel. Antenna 06 Nordic Antenna Symposium, Linköping, Sweden, June, 2006.. 305-310.
- Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2006). Wood Grain Angle Estimation in Logs with Microwave Modeling. Mathematical Modeling of Wave phenomena : 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden. 278-285.
- Lundbäck, J., Nordebo, S. (2005). FMCW radar for fault localization on power lines. Radiovetenskaplig konferens RVK, Linköping, Sweden, June 2005..
- Sjödén, T., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2005). Microwave modelling and measurements for early detection of spiral grain in wood. 14th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood, Eberswalde, Germany, May 2005..
- Sjödén, T., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2005). Microwave modelling and signal estimation for detection of wood properties. Radiovetenskaplig konferens RVK, Linköping, Sweden, June 2005..
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2005). Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for the Inverse Source Problem of Electromagnetics. Radiovetenskaplig konferens RVK, Linköping, Sweden, June 2005..
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M. (2005). Multichannel Broadband Fano theory for Arbitrary Lossless Antennas with Applications in DOA Estimation. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 969-972.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Nordebo, S. (2016). Parametric boundary integral equations for helical structures. . 116-116.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2016). Cylindrical multipole expansion for periodic sources with applications for three-phase power cables. . 130-130.
- Sjöberg, D., Nordebo, S. (2015). Convex optimization for approximations of positive real functions. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). 85.
- Nordebo, S., Gustfsson, M., Nilsson, B., Sjöberg, D. (2015). Cylindrical multipole expansion for helical structures. M3ST (2015) Kalamat, Greece, 30 August-1 September : Book of Abstracts.
- Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, M., Sjöberg, D. (2015). Passive approximation and optimization. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). 84.
- Cinar, G., Aksimsek, S., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Cinar, Ö. (2015). Wiener-Hopf analysis of TM wave reflection by a step discontinuity on the junction of two coaxial waveguides with perfectly conducting and impedance walls. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts, Prague, Czech Republic, July 6-9, 2015. 1062.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2015). Estimation of electromagnetic parameters of cable steel. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Prague, Czech Republic, 6-9 July 2015. 1068.
- Stumpf, M., Nordebo, S. (2015). Pulsed EM field propagation in cylindrically layered structures. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). 1061.
- Nordebo, S., Ivanenko, Y. (2015). Periodic Green's dyadics for helical current distributions. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). 1069.
- Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Gustafsson, S., Ioannidis, A. (2012). Long distance source localization in waveguides with complicated structure. 2012 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET). 415-418.
- Sjödén, T., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2008). Sensitivity analysis for the estimation of twist in logs based on microwave scattering. Proceedings of Radio Science and Communications & Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena RVK08/MMWP08, Växjö, Sweden. 188-191.
- Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S., Sjödén, T. (2007). Inverse scattering for determination of twist in uniaxial cylinders. EMB 07 — Proceedings : Swedish National Conference on Computational Electromagnetics. 177-184.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Nedic, M., Ehrenborg, C., Ivanenko, Y., Ludvig-Osipov, A., Nordebo, S., et al. (2020). Herglotz functions and applications in electromagnetics. Advances in Mathematical Methods for Electromagnetics. Institution of Engineering and Technology. 491-514.
Report (Other academic)
- Ivanenko, Y., Nedic, M., Gustafsson, M., Jonsson, B.L.G., Luger, A., et al. (2018). Quasi-Herglotz functions and convex optimization. 24.
- Ivanenko, Y., Gustafsson, M., Jonsson, B., Luger, A., Nilsson, B., et al. (2017). Passive approximation and optimization with B-splines. 24.
- Dalarsson, M., Nordebo, S. (2017). The absorption of electromagnetic (EM) waves by a spherical dilute suspension of nanoparticles. 49.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nordebo, S. (2015). Measurements and estimation of the complex valued permeability of magnetic steel. 29.
- Gustafsson, S., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2012). Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and sensitivity analysis for HVDC power cables. Växjö, Linnaeus University, Scool of Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.
- Aksimsek, S., Cinar, G., Nilsson, B., Nordebo, S. (2012). TEM wave propagation in a coaxial cable with a step discontinuity on the outer wall. 25.
- Nordebo, S. (2011). Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and measurements for HVDC power cables. 40.
- Nordebo, S., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, S., Lindhe, O., Nilsson, B., et al. (2010). Time-domain pulse reflection measurements and modeling of the Baltic Cable submarin HVDC link.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S. (2015). Sensitivity Analysis for Measurement Configuration Evaluation in Electrical Impedance Tomography.
- Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2015). On the accuracy and resolution in inverse imaging.
- Ivanenko, Y., Nedic, M., Gustafsson, M., Jonsson, B.L.G., Luger, A., et al. Quasi-Herglotz functions and convex optimization.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
- Nilsson, B., Fishman, L., Karlsson, A., Nordebo, S. (2009). Mathematical Modeling of Wave phenomena. : 3rd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden, 9 – 13 June 2008. Melville, New York, American Institute of Physics. 334.
Other (Other academic)
- Sjödén, T., Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B. (2006). Wood grain angle estimation in logs with microwave modeling.
Patent (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Nordebo, S., Lundbäck, J., Biro, T. (2008). Method and device for monitoring a system. esp.