Article in journal (Refereed)
Svedberg, P., Johansson, I., Persson, S., Roxberg, Å., Fridlund, B., et al. (2012). Psychometric evaluation of “The 25-item Sex after MI Knowledge Test” in a Swedish context. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 26 (1). 203-208.
Status: Published
Svedberg, P., Ivarsson, B., Nilsson, U.G., Roxberg, Å., Baigi, A., et al. (2012). Psychometric evaluation of a Swedish version of Krantz Health Opinion Survey. Open Journal of Nursing. 2 (3). 181-187.
Status: Published
Kristofferzon, M., Johansson, I., Brännström, M., Arnhall, E., Baigi, A., et al. (2010). Evaluation of a Swedish version of the Watts Sexual Function Questionnaire (WSFQ) in persons with heart disease: A pilot study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 9 (3). 168-174.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U. (2007). Blood pressure reactions to insulin treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Angiology. 16 (4). 135-138.
Status: Published
Persson, S., Larsson, H. (2006). Studies on effects of insulin theraphy on body weight and blood pressure in obese type 2 diabetics. Obesity Reviews. 7. 151.
Status: Published
Larsson, H., Persson, S.U., Apelquist, J. (1999). Studies on blood pressure, pulse rate, laboratory parameters, blood and plams viscosity in 55 patients with impaired glucose tolerance (borderline diabetes). Biorheology. 36 (1/2). 87-88.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Odeberg, H. (1998). Reduced number of cirkulating monocytes after institution of insulin therapy : Relevance for development of atherosclerosis in diabetics?. Angiology. 49 (6). 423-433.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Odeberg, H. (1998). How should blood rheology be measured in macroglobulinaemia?. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 58. 669-676.
Status: Published
Gustavsson, C.G., Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Persson, S., Thorvinger, B.O.S. (1996). Vein blood rheology alterations immediately after coronary angiography with iohexol, and one month later.. Clinical Hemorheology. 16 (6). 737-743.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Wohlfart, G., Larsson, H., Gustafson, A. (1996). Correlations between fatty acid composition of the erythrocyte membrane and blood rheology data. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 56. 183-190.
Status: Published
Cwikiel, M., Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Albertsson, M., Eskilsson, J. (1995). Changes of blood viscosity in pateints treated with 5-fluorouracil : A link to cardiotoxicity?. Acta Oncologica. 34 (1). 83-85.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Hedner, P. (1994). A filtrometric study on red blood cells after storage in frozen form. Clinical Hemorheology. 14 (6). 831-840.
Status: Published
Gustavsson, C.G., Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Persson, S. (1994). Changed blood rheology in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Angiology. 45 (2). 107-111.
Status: Published
Gustavsson, C.G., Persson, S.U., Larsson, H., Persson, S. (1994). Blood viscosity in relation to blood haemoglobin concentration in healthy subjects and in patients with different cardiovascular diseases. Clinical Hemorheology. 14 (5). 677-683.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Larsson, H. (1993). Column technique : A way to assess erythrocyte deforambility?. Clinical Hemorheology. 13. 270.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Hedner, P., Cantera, L., Larsson, H. (1993). Effects of corticosteroids on erythrocyte filterability and blood viscosity in vitro. Clinical Hemorheology. 13. 237-243.
Status: Published
Fagher, B., Persson, S., Persson, G., Larsson, H. (1993). Blood viscosity during long-term treatment with ticlopidine in patients with intermittent claudication. : A double-blind study. Angiology. 44 (4). 300-306.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Hedner, P. (1993). Erythrocyte deformability measured by filtrometry : Influences of variations in filtration pressure, MCV and MCHC. Clinical Hemorheology. 13. 791-801.
Status: Published
Persson, S., Larsson, H. (1991). Studies on red cell filterability : Significance of buffer media. Clinical Hemorheology. 11. 317-324.
Status: Published
Persson, S.U., Gustavsson, C.G., Larsson, H., Persson, S. (1991). Studies on blood rheology in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. Angiology. 42 (10). 836-842.
Status: Published
Larsson, H., Persson, S.U., Hedner, P. (1990). Changes in the functional state of the erythrocyte membrane : Significance for red cell filterability and blood viscosity. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. 50. 177-181.
Status: Published
Nash, G., Dormandy, J., Juhan-Vague, I., Billerey, M., Rieger, H., et al. (1990). Haemorheological result in a large multicentre study of claudicants treated with ketanserin. Clinical Hemorheology. 10. 321-327.
Status: Published
Larsson, H., Persson, S., Hedner, P., Gustafson, A. (1989). Studies on blood viscosity during the menstrual cycyle and in the postmenopausal period in healthy women. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 68. 483-486.
Status: Published
Larsson, H., Persson, S.U., Hedner, P., Odeberg, H., Gustafson, A. (1989). Studies on blood viscosity during the menstrual cycle and in the postmenopausal period in healthy women. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 68. 483-486.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Persson, S. (2010). Impaired glucose tolerance is associated with alterations in blood pressure, pulse rate, hemorheological and laboratory parameters. The 23rd Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Global Cardiovascular Risk Reduction. Vancouver, Canada, September 26-30, 2010 : .
Persson, S., Larsson, H. (2006). Studies on effects of insulin therapy on body weight and blood pressure in obese type 2 diabetics.. 10th International Congress on Obesity 2006, Sydney, Australia.
Persson, S. (2002). Temporary rise of blood pressure at start of insulin treatment in type II Diabetics. 49th Annual World Assembly of the American College of Angiology, Maui, USA, October 13-18, 2002..
Persson, S., Larsson, H., Apelquist, J. (1999). Studies on blood pressure, pulse rate, laboratory parameters, blood and plasma viscosity in 55 patients with impaired glucose tolerance (borderline diabetics). 10th International Congress of Biorheology and 3rd International Conference on Clinical Hemorheology, Pecs, Hungery, July 18-22, 1999.
Persson, S. (1999). Increase in blood pressure as a reaction to insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes. 13th Scientific Meeting, The Inter-American Society of Hypertension, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 7-11, 1999.
Persson, S. (1997). Erythrocyte deformability studied by viscometry and filtrometry. Nordisk kongress inom Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap, Lund, Sverige, 12-14 juni 1997..
Persson, S., Wohlfart, G., Larsson, H., Gustafson, A. (1991). Fatty acid composition of the erythrocyte membrane correlates with rheological properties of the erythrocyte in type II diabetics. 7th European Conference on Clinical Haemorheology, Southampton, United Kingdom, July 16-19, 1991.
Persson, S., Gustavsson, C.G., Larsson, H., Persson, S. (1991). Increased blood viscosity and decreased red cell filterability in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. 7th European Conference on Clinical Haemorheology, Southampton, United Kingdom, July 16-19, 1991..
Persson, S., Gustavsson, C.G., Larsson, H., Persson, S. (1990). Studies on blood rheology in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension. 32nd Annual Meeting of the International College of Angiology, Toronto, Canada, June 24-29, 1990.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Conference paper (Other academic)
Persson, S. (1998). Är blod tjockare än vatten?. Vårdhögskolans forskningdag, 2 april 1998.
Persson, S. (1997). Förändringar i blodets flödesegenskaper under normal mestruationscykel och efter menopaus. Forskningsdagarna vid Vårdhögskolan i Växjö, Sverige, 9-10 april, 1997.
Persson, S. (1997). Minskat antal cirkulerande monocyter efter insättande av insulinbehandling hos typ 2 diabetiker. : Signifikans för utveckling av ateroscleros?. Forskningdagarna vid Vårdhögskolan i Växjö, Sverige, 9-10 april, 1997..
Persson, S. (1995). From Laboratory Technician to Doctor of Medical Sciences, PhD, - "How to do it" within the Swedish Educational System.. 3. Österreichische MTA-Tagung, Innsbruck, 1995 : Verband der Diplomierten Medizin - Technischen Analytikerinnen, Österreichs, Universitätssklinik, Innsbruck, maj 19-20, 1995.
Persson, S. (1995). Erythrocyte deformability studied by viscometry and filtrometry. 3 Österreichische MTA-Tagung, Innsbruck, 1995 : Verband det Diplomierten Medizin-Technischen Analytikerinnen Österreichs, Universitätsklinik, Innsbruck, maj 19-20 1995.
Persson, S. (1994). A filtrometric study on red blood cells after storage in frozen form. 3:e Nordiska Hemoreologisymposiet, Helsingfors, Finland, 30 September - 1 oktober 1994.
Persson, S. (1992). Column technique : A way to assess erythrocyte deformability?. 2:a Nordiska Hemoreologisymposiet, Uppsala, Sweden, 3-4 april 1992.
Persson, S. (1990). Val av suspensionsmedium vid filtrering av erythrocyter. 1:a Nordiska Hemoreologisymposiet. Karlshamn, Sverige, 17-18 augusti, 1990..
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)