Article in journal (Refereed)
Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Kleja, D.B., Jarsjö, J., Fröberg, M., et al. (2024). Challenges in geochemical modelling of metal(loid) solubility and binding mechanisms along a soil profile at a multi-contaminated site. Applied Geochemistry. 170.
Status: Published
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Fröberg, M., Berggren Kleja, D., Åström, M.E., et al. (2020). Failure of generic risk assessment model framework to predict groundwater pollution risk at hundreds of metal contaminated sites : Implications for research needs. Environmental Research. 185. 1-9.
Status: Published
Uddh Söderberg, T., Berggren Kleja, D., Åström, M.E., Jarsjö, J., Fröberg, M., et al. (2019). Metal solubility and transport at a contaminated landfill site – From the source zone into the groundwater. Science of the Total Environment. 668. 1064-1076.
Status: Published
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Filipsson, M., Helmfrid, I., Berglund, M., et al. (2018). Challenges in assessing the health risks of consuming vegetables in metal-contaminated environments. Environment International. 113. 269-280.
Status: Published
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Jarsjo, J., Åström, M.E., Olofsson, B., et al. (2016). The risk of overestimating the risk-metal leaching to groundwater near contaminated glass waste deposits and exposure via drinking water. Science of the Total Environment. 566. 1420-1431.
Status: Published
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Hogmalm, J., Filipsson, M. (2015). Metal uptake by homegrown vegetables : the relative importance in human health risk assessments at contaminated sites. Environmental Research. 138. 181-190.
Status: Published
Uddh Söderberg, T., Gunnarsson, S., Hogmalm, J., Lindegård, B., Augustsson, A. (2015). An assessment of health risks associated with arsenic exposure via consumption of homegrown vegetables near contaminated glassworks sites. Science of the Total Environment. 536. 189-197.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T., Alriksson, S., Helmfrid, I., Berglund, M., et al. (2017). Challenges in assessing metal exposure around contaminated sites : the example of local vegetable consumption in the Swedish glassworks district. 26th SRA-E annual conference (SRA-E Lisbon 2017) : Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-21, 2017.
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T. (2015). The risk with overestimating the risk – the example of metal exposure via drinking water around contaminated glassworks sites. The Future of Risk Analysis in the Nordic Contries : 1st Nordic Chapter Risk Conference, Lund, Sweden.
Conference paper (Other academic)
Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Jarsjö, J., Berggren Kleja, D., Fröberg, M., et al. (2016). Heavy metal transport at a contaminated glassworks site in southeast Sweden.. .
Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Åström, M.E., Bergbäck, B. (2016). Hur kan boende i glasriket exponeras för metaller? : Studier över föroreningsspridning och exponering vid Miljöriskgruppen på LNU. .
Uddh Söderberg, T., Gunnarsson, S., Hogmalm, J., Lindegård, B., Augustsson, A. (2016). Elevated arsenic exposure via consumption of homegrown vegetables for residents in glassworks villages.. .
Uddh Söderberg, T. (2015). The use of hazardous chemicals in small enterprises - risk perception, competence and risk management methods. .
Uddh Söderberg, T., Augustsson, A., Hogmalm, J., Filipsson, M. (2015). The variability in bioconcentration factors and the importance of bioconcentration factors in probabilistic risk assessments. The Future of Risk Analysis in the Nordic Countries : Lund, Sweden, 16-17 November 2015.
Augustsson, A., Uddh Söderberg, T. (2014). Health risks from drinking water around contaminated glassworks sites. ABSTRACTS OF SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 2014 NGL ANNUAL SCIENCE MEETING : Oskarshamn, Sweden 3-4 of November 2014.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)