Thomas K Bader

Thomas K Bader

Department of Building Technology Faculty of Technology
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As Professor in Building Technology and Head of the Department of Building Technology at Linnaeus University, I am working with teaching, research and administrative tasks.

Timber engineering and wood mechanics are the main areas of my teaching and research activities. My core expertise encompasses experimental and numerical methods of mechanics, which are applied in teaching and research. Since July 2019, I am professor in building technology. In September 2016, I was appointed Associate Professor in Building Technology with specialization in Structural Engineering and I have a habilitation in the field of Mechanics of Materials and Structures from TU Wien. Before my start at the Linnaeus University, I was working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures at the Vienna University of Technology, where I even wrote my doctoral thesis in the field of wood mechanics after a master degree in civil engineering.


At the Department of Building Technology, I am teaching in the field of structural engineering, in the course Conceptual Structural Design at the advanced level within the master program in sustainable structural engineering. I was teaching in the Expert competence for sustainable timber buildings project. Courses within the latter project are targeted towards enhancing the competence of practical engineers. I am supervising degree projects for bachelor and master students, and I am supervising doctoral students. The aim of my teaching activities is to increase the knowledge of future or practicing engineers about timber as a structural material. A widespread and profound expertise about timber among the stakeholders in the building process will help to exploit its potential in structural applications.


Main areas of my research encompass, wood mechanics at different length scales, experimental characterization of wood and wood products, numerical simulation of wood at different length scales, dowel-type connections in timber structures, numerical modeling of timber structures, and the assessment of timber structures. My research aims at the development of computational or analytical methods for an enhanced description of the material or component behavior of timber in engineered structures. Advanced experimental methods are applied for the purpose of establishing suitable databases as a basis for computation models. Advanced modeling techniques will help to develop more advanced design methods for engineered timber structures in the future.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

Book (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))

Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)

Dataset (Refereed)

  • Schweigler, M., Bader, T.K., Bocquet, J., Lemaitre, R., Sandhaas, C. (2019). Database of embedment parameters from soft- and hardwoods. Växjö, Sweden, Linnaeus University.

    The database includes embedment parameters from in total 1565 tests, taken from 7 reports originating from ENSTIB/LERMaB Epinal, Vienna University of Technology (IMWS, TU Wien), Linnaeus University Växjö (LNU), TU Delft and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).It compromises parameters from embedment test on 6 soft- and hardwood spieces, 4 wood-based products, 4 dowel diameter, loaded at 7 different load-to-grain angles.

    The embedment parameters can be used to describe load-displacement curves of steel dowels embedded in wood, being exploited in numerical models for single-dowel connections.

    Embedment parameters given in the database are explained and discussed in:Schweigler, M., T. K. Bader, J.F. Bocquet, and C. Sandhaas (2019). "Embedment test analysis and data in the context of phenomenological modeling for dowelled timber joint design." In: Proceedings of INTER/52-07-08 , Tacoma, USA.

    Update:2020-07-06: Parameters from embedment tests on birch (solid timber) are added Benistand, T. (2020).


    The database includes embedment parameters taken from following reports:

    Benistand, T. (2019). “Comportements structurels des Essences de bois feuillus français en vue de leur meilleure intégration aux Eurocodes 5.” PhD thesis. University of Lorraine, France (in progress).

    Benistand T, Bleron L., Bocquet J.F (2020) " Embedding Strength Prediction for European Hardwood Species" In: Proceedings INTER/53-07-9.

    Blaß, H. J. and T. Uibel (2007). “Tragfähigkeit von stiftförmigen Verbindungsmitteln in Brettsperrholz (in German)”. In: Karlsruher Berichte zum Ingenieurholzbau Band 8.

    Lemaître, R. (2020). “Développement d’un outil de calcul non linéaire de dimensionnement d’assemblages bois tridimensionnels soumis à des torseurs plans.” PhD thesis. University of Lorraine, France.

    Sandhaas, C., G.J.P. Ravenshorst, H.J. Blass, and J.W.G. van de Kuilen (2013). “Embedment tests parallel-to-grain and ductility aspects using various wood species”. In: European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71(5), pp. 599–608.

    Schweigler, M., T. K. Bader, G. Hochreiner, G. Unger, and J. Eberhardsteiner (2016). “Load-to-grain angle dependence of the embedment behavior of dowel-type fasteners in laminated veneer lumber”. In: Construction and Building Materials 126, pp. 1020–1033.

    Schweigler, M., T. K. Bader, J. Vessby, and J. Eberhardsteiner (2017). “Constrained displacement boundary conditions in embedment testing of dowel-type fasteners in LVL”. In: Strain 53(6). DOI: 10.1111/str.12238.
