Torsten Löfstedt
ProfessorMy main areas of research are New Testament theology, Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, Canon and Authority in the context of Evangelical Christianity, and Didactics of religion.
What is New Testament theology? Unlike historical Jesus research, New Testament theology does not try to reach behind the text to reconstruct what Jesus 'really' said or did. New Testament theology also differs from systematic theology in that it is a descriptive rather than a normative discipline. While systematic theologians have often tended to harmonise the New Testament texts, in New Testament theology we are interested in the differences between the agendas of the various authors. We treat the individual authors as theologians in their own right. Within New Testament theology I have written several articles regarding narratives about the devil and other forces of evil in the NT; these narratives have been subject to less scholarly attention than many other aspects of the NT, probably because they reflect a worldview radically unlike that of contemporary scholars.
My second area of interest is Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, which is the form of religion that is growing most rapidly worldwide. It is increasingly becoming the subject of scholarly attention. I have written several articles relating to Pentecostal Christianity in the former Soviet Union, an area that has been relatively neglected in scholarship.
Another area of interest is Evangelical Christianity, especially Evangelical views of the Biblical canon.
Book (Refereed)
- Löfstedt, T. (2021). The Devil, Demons, Judas, and "the Jews" : Opponents of Christ in the Gospels. Eugene, OR, Pickwick Publications.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Löfstedt, T. (2024). Vad är kunskap i religionskunskap?. HumaNetten. 53. 61-77.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2024). Jairus's Daughter and the Paralytic in Capernaum : Praying for the Dead in Mark and Luke. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift. 100. 349-370.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2023). Why Did Jesus’ Disciples Fail to Cast Out the Deaf and Mute Spirit? (Mark 9:14–29). Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 88. 153-174.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2022). Den historiske Jesus i ämnet religionskunskap. HumaNetten. 49. 45-64.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2019). Who is the Blinder of Eyes and Hardener of Hearts in John 12:40?. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 84. 167-192.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2019). Framställningen av treenighetsläran i läroböcker i religionskunskap. HumaNetten. (42). 131-155.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2018). Establishing Authority in Spiritual Warfare Literature. HumaNetten. 41. 4-24.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2017). The Synoptic Gospels : Moving Literature or Apostolic Texts?. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift. 93 (3-4). 155-171.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2016). Jesus the Angry Exorcist : On the Connection between Healing and Strong Emotions in the Gospels. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 81. 113-126.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2015). Myths, Visions, and Related Literary Forms in the Gospels. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 80. 99-123.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2014). Countering exorcistic excess in Russia : a comparison between Russian Pentecostal and Russian Orthodox teaching on demons and deliverance. PentecoStudies. 13 (1). 80-111.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2013). The Silence of the Spirit : A Critique of the Cessationist View of the Canon. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift. 89 (3). 126-138.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2013). Don't Hesitate, Worship! (Matt. 28:17). Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 78. 161-172.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2012). Religious Revival among Orthodox and Pentecostals in Russia : Causes and Limitations. Religion, State and Society. 40 (1). 92-111.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2011). Gender Roles among Russian and Belarusian Pentecostals. PentecoStudies. 10 (2). 174-195.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2011). Satan's Fall and the Mission of the Seventy-Two. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 76. 95-114.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2010). Paul, Sin and Satan : The Root of Evil according to Romans. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 75. 109-134.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2009). The Ruler of This World. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 74. 55-79.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2008). Narratives of the fall of Satan and Adam in the Koran: a study in oral composition. Arv. Nordic Yearbook of Folklore. 63 (2007). 141-160.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2005). The creation and fall of Adam : a comparison between the Qur'anic and Biblical accounts. Swedish Missiological Themes. 93. 453-477.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Marx Åberg, A., Löfstedt, T. (2022). Undervisningens vad : ämnesdidaktiska perspektiv på innehållsfrågan. HumaNetten. (49). 4-6.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2014). Förrådde Judas Jesus - eller överlämnade han honom bara?. Humanetten. (32). 55-66.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2011). In Defence of the Scripture Principle : An Evangelical Reply to A.S. Khomiakov. Evangelical Quarterly. 83 (1). 49-72.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2008). Frikyrkomission. Tro och liv. 67 (1). 35-41.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2004). Eden and the Animal Languages: a comparison between the paradise narrative and AT 670. Studies in Folk Culture. 2. 11-35.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2002). A message for the last days: Didache 16.1-8 and the New Testament traditions. Estudios Bíblicos. 60. 351-380.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2000). The allegory of Sarah and Hagar: Gal 4.21-31. Estudios Bíblicos. 58. 475-494.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (1996). How to define supernatural beings. Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion. 1. 107-112.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Löfstedt, T. (2011). Pentecostal and Charismatic Denominations in Russia. East-West Church & Ministry Report. 19 (1). 9-11.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Löfstedt, T. (2025). Protestantism. Moderna gudar : Progressiv religion i vår tid. Lund, Arkiv förlag & tidskrift. 63-75.
- Löfstedt, T. (2019). Megachurches in Russia and Other Parts of the Former Soviet Union. Handbook of Megachurches. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 284-301.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Löfstedt, T. (2018). Ulf Ekman och auktoritetsfrågan. Auktoritet. Göteborg, Daidalos. 189-213.
- Löfstedt, T. (2017). Pentecostals and Charismatics in Russia, Ukraine, and Other Post-Soviet States : History and Future Prospects. Global Renewal Christianity : Spirit-Empowered Movements Past, Present, and Future : Volume 4 : Europe and North America. Lake Mary, Florida, Charisma House. 19-32.
- Löfstedt, T. (2015). Bruket av heliga texter i översättning : utmaningar. Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 103-117.
- Löfstedt, T. (2015). Heliga texter och författares intentioner. Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 89-102.
- Löfstedt, T. (2015). Vad ska man jämföra när man jämför religion och vetenskap?. Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 37-50.
- Löfstedt, T. (2014). Abrahams barn : en kritisk reflektion kring ett begrepp. Blickar : kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på utbildning. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 165-178.
- Löfstedt, T. (2012). Kristna av den Evangeliska Tron. Religion och Politik i Ryssland. Uppsala, Swedish Science Press. 77-99.
- Löfstedt, T. (2010). Traditionell muntlig litteratur. Människor och Makter 2.0 : En introduktion till religionsvetenskap. Högskolan i Halmstad. 164-169.
- Löfstedt, T. (2009). From sect to denomination: the Russian Church of Evangelical Christians. Global Pentecostalism: Encounters with other religious traditions. 157-178.
- Löfstedt, T. (2009). Palmsöndag på Första Advent : en kyrkohistorisk gåta. Uppbrott : Brytpunkter och övergångar i tid och rum. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar. 162-174.
- Löfstedt, T. (1996). Perevod Evangelija na komi jazyk Georgija Stepanovicha Lytkina (1835-1907gg). Perevod Biblii: lingvisticheskie, istoriko-kul'turnye i bogoslovskie aspekty.. Moscow, Instituta Perevoda Biblii. 157-169.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Löfstedt, T. (2024). Oliver, Isaac W., Luke’s Jewish Eschatology : The National Restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 89. 172-176.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2022). Tellbe, Mikael & Tommy Wasserman (red.): Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. Uppsala, Svenska exegetiska sällskapet. 87. 408-412.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2018). [ Review of ] Graham R. Smith. The Church Militant : Spiritual Warfare in the Anglican Charismatic Renewal : Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications. 2016. 278 pp.. Svensk teologisk kvartalskrift. 94 (1-2). 111-112.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2017). [ Review of ] Jan Dochhorn, Susanne Rudning-Zelt, and Benjamin Wold, (eds.). Das Böse, der Teufel und Dämonen – Evil, the Devil, and Demons. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. Svenska exegetiska sällskapet. 82. 235-238.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2016). Derek R. Brown, The God of this Age : Satan in the Churches and Letters of the Apostle Paul : WUNT II 409. Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2015. Paperback. XI + 243 pages. ISBN : 9783161537080. €79.00. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 81. 224-226.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2015). Evil and the Devil : [ edited by Ida Fröhlich and Erkki Koskenniemi ]. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. Svenska exegetiska sällskapet. 80. 233-235.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2013). Book Review: Victorian Religious Revivals: Culture and Piety in Local and Global Contexts, by David Bebbington, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2012, xii + 307pp. ISBN 978-0-19-957548-0. Religion. 44 (1). 180-182.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2012). Communities of the Converted : Ukrainians and global evangelism, by Catherine Wanner, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2007, ix + 305 pp,, ISBN 978-0-8014-7402-6, ISBN 978-0-8014-4592-7. National Identities. Routledge. 14 (2). 189-191.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2011). Edith M. Humphrey, And I Turned to See the Voice : The Rhetoric ofVision in the New Testament. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 76. 238-240.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2010). Legends and Landscape. Svenska landsmål och svenskt folkliv. (336). 188-191.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2008). Henry Ansgar Kelly: Satan : a biography. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. Uppsala, Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 245-247.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2007). Leo Duprée Sandgren: The Shadow of God: Stories from Early Judaism. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 211-213.
Status: Published -
Löfstedt, T. (2007). Steven L. Bridge: Getting the Gospels: Understanding the New Testament accounts of Jesus' life. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok. 224-226.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Löfstedt, T. (1993). Russian legends about forest spirits in the context of northern European mythology. Doctoral Thesis.
Conference paper (Refereed)
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Löfstedt, T. (2023). Drakdödaren (ATU 300) som undervisningsmaterial i religionsvetenskap. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2021). Spiritual Warfare : A Constructive Approach. European Academy of Religion, fourth annual conference.
- Löfstedt, T. (2019). Can we speak of progress in systematic theology?. European Academy of Religion Conference 2019 : Bologna, Monday 4th - Thursday 7th March, 2019.
- Löfstedt, T. (2017). Russian Separatists and the Word of Life Church in Donetsk. EASR European Association for the Study of Religions, Annual Conference 2017 : Special Conference of the IAHR, International Association for the History of Religions, 18-21 September 2017.
- Löfstedt, T. (2017). Translations of the Bible to Minority Languages in a Russian Orthodox Context. Sola Scriptura in History and Culture of Russia (St. Petersburg Christian University/Russian Academy of Sciences). 4 Nov 2017.
- Löfstedt, T. (2017). Are the Expressions 'Unclean Spirit' and 'Demon' Used as Technical Terms in the New Testament?. Society of Biblical Literature, International Meeting / Society for Pentecostal Studies : Berlin, August 10, 2017.
- Löfstedt, T. (2016). Spiritual Warfare and New Age Literature. 9th International and Interdisciplinary GloPent Conference : Pentecostalism and Its Encounters with Other Religions : Programme and Abstracts. 19-19.
- Löfstedt, T. (2015). Imagining the Continuity of the Christian Community over Time. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2014). Ulf Ekman and the question of authority. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2014). Exorcism and emotions in the gospels. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2013). Keeping Pandora’s Box Open just a Crack : Russian Pentecostal and Orthodox Views of Demons. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2012). Eschatological Expectations among Russian Pentecostals. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2011). Narrative Structure and Gender in Russian Bloodstoppers. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2009). Livets ord som missionssällskap : om Ryska Inlandsmissionen. .
- Löfstedt, T. (2007). Russian Apocalypse : Developments in Russia's Messianic Consciousness. .
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Löfstedt, T. (2015). Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 137.