I am an associate professor in sociology, working at the Department of Social Work. I received my PhD in 2004 at the Dept. of Sociology at Lund University, Sweden. My thesis dealt with constructions of adventure narratives and myths in individual travelling (backpacking) to what is often described as the "third world".
After the dissertation, I have mainly devoted myself to teaching and research on various forms of inclusion and exclusion processes in society and on people's experiences of precarious living conditions in vulnerable environments. My research mainly concerns asylum seekers' experiences of Sweden and of continued flight within Europe, solidarity movements and civil resistance in times of growing societal injustices. I have a strong interest in how society's structuring conditions, such as laws, practices, norms, cultural and social values, are transformed into lived experiences in people's lives and their actions, regardless of whether these take form everyday chores, welfare services, legal interaction or asylum processes.
At Linnaeus University, I participate in a couple of research environments with a focus on migration issues, such as Social work and migration at the Department of Social Work, the Platform migration which is an interdisciplinary collaborative environment where research and professionals meet, and interdisciplinary LNUC Concurrences in colonial and postcolonial studies where I currently coordinate the cluster for migration, citizenship and belonging.
Further, I am a member of the Asylum Commission's steering group. The commission is a collaboration forum, initiated by Linköping University and FARR (Refugee Groups Riksråd), between researchers, professionals, civil society actors and people with personal experience of seeking asylum. The Commission is gathering and disseminating experiences and knowledge about lived experiences of restrictions in asylum laws and praxis since 2015. I am also part of a couple of international networks that focus on people's experiences of living under welfare restrictions and 'conditional belonging' within nation states. Since 2015, I have been involved in my spare time in asylum advocacy and had occasional assignments as a legal guardian. I see it as important for researchers and teachers to be anchored and present in the environments they speak about or for and to regard research as acts of reciprocity.
I teach various aspects of social work, critical social work, international social work, social psychology, cultural sociology, cultural and social meaning-making, gender, intersectionality, human rights, power relations, exclusion and inclusion processes, discrimination, racism, Eurocentrism, media representations, research ethics, ethnography and qualitative methods.
My research groups
Center for cultural sociology The center for cultural sociology (CCS) strives to make living conditions of children and youth visible and understandable by relating individual and shared emotions to…
Cluster for Nordic Colonialism The Research Cluster for Nordic Colonialism within the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies investigated how the European…
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial…
Social Work and Migration In the research group Social Work and Migration, we study opportunities and challenges that social work faces in relation to migration and migration’s consequences on…
The Cluster for Borders of Justice: Migration, Equity, and the Global Postcolonial Order The Cluster for Borders of Justice: Migration, Equity, and the Global Postcolonial Order is a research cluster…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Global social work and human mobility This EU project's main objective is to consolidate an international and inter-sectorial network of comparative and collaborative research and training on…
Project: Living in transit This project analyses (individual) agency and (structural) constraints among young people who have engaged in ‘secondary migration’ following rejections in Sweden. The aim…
My completed research projects
Project: Generating hope and dealing with uncertainty: An ethnographic study of the social dimensions of hope in the Swedish asylum-seeking context This project will study issues of hope and…
Project: Social wounds and civil repair following forced migration – a case study of narratives of suffering, ethics and morals among Swedish volunteers, social workers and young migrants
Article in journal (Refereed)
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P., Andreasson, J., Herz, M. (2024). Precariousness, Sport Participation and Hope Among Young People After Rejections in the Swedish Asylum Process. Nordic Journal of Migration Research. 14 (3).
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2023). Fragmentation of Hope through Tiny Acts of Bureaucratic Cruelty - Another Kind of War on Afghan People Seeking Asylum in Sweden. Refuge. 39 (2). 14-17.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lundberg, A., Söderman, E. (2023). Transversal sanctuary enactments in Sweden : challenges, opportunities and implications. Journal of ethnic and migration studies. 49 (14). 3629-3648.
Status: Published -
Herz, M., Lalander, P., Elsrud, T. (2022). Governing through hope : an exploration of hope and social change in an asylum context. Emotions and Society. 4 (2). 222-237.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P. (2022). Precariousness among young migrants in Europe : A consequence of exclusionary mechanisms within state-controlled neoliberal social work in Sweden. Critical and radical social work An international journal. 10 (1). 77-92.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2020). Resisting social death with dignity. The strategy of re-escaping among young asylum-seekers in the Wake of Sweden's sharpened asylum laws. European Journal of Social Work. 23 (3). 500-513.
Status: Published -
Staaf, A., Elsrud, T. (2018). Competent interpreters and enabling working conditions in court : crucial prerequisites for a fair trial. Retfærd : Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. (3-4). 61-75.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P., Staaf, A. (2017). Noise, voice and silencing during immigrant court-case performances in Swedish district courts. Ethnicities. 17 (5). 667-687.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P. (2017). Immigrant mafia or local lads on the binge? : The construction of (un)trustworthiness in Swedish district courts. Retfærd : Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. 157 (3-4). 182-200.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P., Staaf, A. (2016). Internet racism, journalism and the principle of public access : Ethical challenges for qualitative research into ‘media attractive’ court cases. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 39 (11). 1943-1961.
Status: Published -
Staaf, A., Elsrud, T. (2016). Socialtjänstens kontakter med barn i papperslöshet : om barns rätt till trygghet och skydd. Retfærd : Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift. 39 (3/154). 31-47.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2014). Othering the “other” in court : Threats to self-presentation during interpreter assisted hearings. International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse. 4 (1). 27-68.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2008). Othering through genderization in the regional press. Constructing brutal others out of immigrants in rural Sweden. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 11. 423-446.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T., Lalander, P. (2007). Projekt Norrliden. : Om småstadspressens etnifiering och genderisering av en förort. Sociologisk forskning. (2). 6-25.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2005). Recapturing the Adventuress. Narratives on Identity and Gendered Positioning in Backpacking. Tourism Review International. 9(2). 123-137.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2001). Risk Creation in Traveling - Backpacker adventure narration. Annals of Tourism Research. 28 (3). 597-617.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (1998). Time creation in travelling: The taking and making of time among women backpackers. Time & Society. 7 (2). 309-334.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Elsrud, T., Söderqvist Forkby, Å. (2021). "They will kill us with that pen" : Administrative violence - another kind of war on young people seeking asylum in Sweden. Presented at 20th Nordic Migration Research conference & 17th ETMU conference, Online/Helsinki, 11-14 January, 2021.
- Elsrud, T., Lundberg, A., Gruber, S. (2021). Worldly research in the field of migration studies : Opportunities and challenges experiencedin the work of the Swedish Asylum Commission. Paper presentation at Colonial/Racial Histories, National Narratives and Transnational Migration, Nordic Migration Research Conference, University of Helsinki (Zoom), 11-14 January, 2021.
- Elsrud, T. (2018). Collect, shuffle and Select : Constructing coherent sentence stories and ethnic/racial differentiation from courtroom interaction. Law at the Crossroads: Le Droit à la Croisée des Chemins.
- Elsrud, T. (2016). Listening and learning : Intersectional challenges during courtroom observations. At the Delta : Belonging, Place and Visions of Law and Social Change : Law and Society Association (LSA), New Orleans, US, 2-5 June, 2016.
- Elsrud, T. (2015). Making allies or others? : Intersectional challenges during courtroom observations. Concurrences in Postcolonial Research : Perspectives, Methodologies, Engagements : Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, August 20-23, 2015.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Elsrud, T. (2017). Constructing Otherness in Swedish District Courts : Concurrent Distance-Making Performances During Courtroom Interaction. Concurrent Imaginaries, Postcolonial Worlds : Toward Revisited Histories. Leiden/Boston, Brill Academic Publishers. 187-207.
- Elsrud, T. (2006). Gender creation in travelling, or the art of transforming an "adventuress". Tourism, Consumption & Representation : narratives of place and self. Wallingford, CABI Publishing. 178-195.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Elsrud, T. (2018). Shuffling the deck of statements: Constructing coherent sentence stories from courtroom complexities. Global Challenges : Borders, Populism and the Postcolonial Condition - an international conference on critical theory, post coloniality, migration and populism..
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Di Matteo, C., Elsrud, T., Gustafsson, K., Johansson, J., Lalander, P., et al. (2023). 1.4 Migration and Asylum Policy in Sweden. Guide on conceptual and methodological issues in social work research in the field of human mobility. Granada, Spain, Global-ANSWER Network “Social Work and Human Mobility”. 42-50.
- Elsrud, T. (2022). En avhumaniserande deportationsregim. Bortom systemskiftet : mot en ny gemenskap. Stockholm, Verbal.
- Lundberg, A., Elsrud, T., Gruber, S. (2022). Hur kan akademi och civilsamhälle samarbeta för att värna asylrätten?. 2015 : till asylrättens försvar. Verbal. 279-303.
- Elsrud, T., Gruber, S., Lundberg, A. (2021). Inledning. Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände? : En antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 9-21.
- Elsrud, T., Ebrahimi, M. (2021). Kriget om en flickas ålder : en berättelse om administrativt våld, åldersuppskrivningar och flickors utsatthet i Sverige. Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände? : en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 143-156.
- Elsrud, T., Forkby Söderqvist, Å. (2021). ”Ta en svensk med er” : ungdomars och volontärers motståndsstrategier för att hantera rasism under asylprocessen. Rasism, antirasism och socialt arbete i spåren av migration. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 101-128.
- Elsrud, T., Lalander, P. (2021). Det sociala arbetet och de unga som flydde från Sverige. Socialt arbete : rörelse, motstånd, förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 243-262.
- Elsrud, T., Gruber, S., Lundberg, A. (2021). Asylkommissionen : en antirasistisk forskningspraktik. Rasism, antirasism och socialt arbete i spåren av migration. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 301-328.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Elsrud, T. (2004). Taking Time and Making Journeys. Narratives on Self and the Other among Backpackers. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Dept of Sociology, Lund University. 225.
Report (Other academic)
- Elsrud, T. (2019). Samverkan - möjligheter och utmaningar. : En översikt av insatser och behov för utvecklad samverkan inom Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskap. Växjö, Tryckeriet, Linnéuniversitetet. 30.
- Elsrud, T., Forsberg, L. (2006). När dokumenten berättar : statistik och tankar kring placering av barn och unga i Kalmar län. Kalmar, Fokus Kalmar län. 101.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Elsrud, T., Gruber, S., Lundberg, A. (2021). Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände? : en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt. Linköping, Linköping University Electronic Press. 392.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Elsrud, T. (2017). Women making herstory. Women making history: 100 år av immigrantkvinnors liv och arbete i Malmö. Malmö Stadsarkivet. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap. 38 (3). 115-118.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Elsrud, T. (2004). Backpackers tär också på tredje världen. Aftonbladet Debatt. 22 juli.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2004). Följa John i tredje världen. Ord & Bild. (3). 15-21.
Status: Published -
Elsrud, T. (2004). Resan som frigörelseprocess. Nättidningen Alba. (3).
Status: Published
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ahmadi, F., Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Bayati, Z., Bečević, Z., et al. (2019). Remissyttrande över utkast till lagrådsremiss : Förlängning av lagen om tillfälliga begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige (Dnr Ju2019/00509/L7). 8.