Viktorija Kalonaityte
Department of Management
School of Business and Economics
I am Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies and a member of the Work Aesthetics Research Group, which is affiliated with the Entrepreneurship Knowledge Platform at the School of Business and Economics.
Among the topics and courses that I teach are
- Organization studies
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Globalization, diversity and gender
- Critical pedagogy
- Topics related to Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability and the climate change
My research interests are:
- Office design and architecture, with particular focus on open-plan, playful and creative offices
- Girlhood and girls in organizations and entrepreneurship
- Post-colonial theory and issues related to workplace diversity
- The climate change and the Anthropocene
I am currently working on
- A paper on a re-framing of Anthropocene through scholarship of Jaques Rancière
- A paper on how office spaces are curated by the architects and designers (presented at EGOS 2017 in Copenhagen)
- A paper on the absence of girly aesthetical themes in playful office design (upcoming presentation in November 2017 at the Entrepreneurship Knowledge Platform)
- A paper on the relationship between office space, creativity and surveillance
I have recently published
Alexandersson, Anna, and Kalonaityte, Viktorija. (2017). 'Playing to Dissent: The Politics and Aesthetics of Playful Office design'. Online first: Organization Studies.
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
Project: FLIARA – Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Areas FLIARA is a Horizon2020 project with 15 partners across Europe. In our project, we will elevate innovative women, as well as…
Seed project: Accessibility and Inclusion - Digitalization Rights in Law and Practice The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital Transformations is to analyse…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kurti, E., Ferati, M., Kalonaityte, V. (2024). Closing the gender gap in ICT higher education : exploring women’s motivations in pursuing ICT education. Frontiers in Education. 9.
Status: Published -
Gashi Nulleshi, S., Kalonaityte, V. (2023). Gender roles or gendered goals? Women's return to rural family business. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship. 15 (1). 44-63.
Status: Published -
Alexandersson, A., Kalonaityte, V. (2021). Girl bosses, punk poodles, and pink smoothies : Girlhood as Enterprising Femininity. Gender, Work and Organization. 28 (1). 416-438.
Status: Published -
Alexandersson, A., Kalonaityte, V. (2018). Playing to dissent : the aesthetics and politics of playful office design. Organization Studies. 39 (2-3). 297-317.
Status: Published -
Kalonaityte, V. (2018). When rivers go to court : The Anthropocene in organization studies through the lens of Jacques Ranciere. Organization. 25 (4). 517-532.
Status: Published -
Kalonaityte, V. (2010). The Case of Vanishing Borders : Theorizing Diversity Management as Internal Border Control. Organization. 17 (1). 31-52.
Status: Published -
Kalonaityte, V., Kawesa, V., Tedros, A. (2008). Svarta(s) Strategier : Att hantera rasism och diskriminering som svart svensk. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 15 (3-4). 210-220.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Kurti, E., Ferati, M., Kalonaityte, V. (2023). Gender, Entrepreneurship and Digitalization : Challenging Gender Inequality in ICT Higher Education. International Symposium on Digital TransformationAugust 21-23, 2023, Linnaeus University, Växjö.
- Kalonaityte, V., Alexandersson, A. (2015). Playing to Transgress : The Pleasures and Dangers of Playful Office Design. 10th Organization Studies Workshop, 21 May, 2015, Chania.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Kalonaityte, V. (2012). Inscribing the Body : The Construction of Educational Practices for the Female Other.. Against the Grain : Advances in Postcolonial Organizational Studies. Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School Press.
- Kalonaityte, V., Prasad, P., Tedros, A. (2010). A Possible Brain Drain : Workplace Diversity and Equal Treatment in Sweden. International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work : Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 244-263.
Book (Other academic)
- Kalonaityte, V. (2014). Normkritisk pedagogik : för den högre utbildningen. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Jogmark, M., Kalonaityte, V., Karlsson, M. (2023). Det omänskliga ledarskapet?. Ledarskap på småländska : Utmaningar och engagemang i brytningstid. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 177-179.
- Jogmark, M., Kalonaityte, V., Karlsson, M. (2023). Flyktlinjer : vart är vi på väg och vilka vill vi bli?. Ledarskap på småländska : Utmaningar och engagemang i brytningstid. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 207-213.
- Kalonaityte, V., Kawesa, V., Tedros, A. (2014). Svarta(s) strategier : att hantera rasism och diskriminering som svart svensk. Bryt upp! : om etik och rasism. Lund, BTJ Förlag.
- Kalonaityte, V. (2011). Akademisk karriär och etnicitet. Att träda in i en profession : om hur kvinnor och män etablerar sig inom revisionsbranschen och akademin. Lund, Lund Institute of Economic Research.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Kalonaityte, V. (2008). Off the Edge of the Map : A Study of Organizational Diversity as Identity Work. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Institute for Economic Research.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Kalonaityte, V. (2008). The Civilization of Clashes : Review of Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger by Arjun Appadurai. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization. 8 (1). 111-115.
Status: Published