Since September 2020 I have been employed in the Department of Building Technology at Linnaeus University in Växjö.
In the years 1996-2020, I was working at the Prestressed Concrete Structures Chair at Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Poland.
- PhD in technical sciences (2005), CUT, Fatigue Life of Bent Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP (awarded by the Minister of Transport and Construction, Poland);
- Habilitation in technical sciences (2017), CUT, Selected Aspects of Structural Analysis of Precast Prestressed Floor Slabs with Structural Concrete Topping (awarded by the Minister of Investment and Economic Development, Poland).
I have full Polish building qualifications with a specialization in general and industrial buildings, as well as the building appraiser's certificate. Since 2006, I have been running business activities as a consulting engineer.
Since 2016 I have been Deputy Chair of the fib Commission 6 PREFABRICATION (International Federation for Structural Concrete).
In 2022 I was awarded the fib Fellow honour.
In 2023 I was awarded the Tore Danielsson Scholarship for development and progress in technological research.
At Linnaeus University, I teach two courses: Concrete Structures 7.5 credits, Detailed Structural Design 7.5 credits (for bachelor students) and Concrete Structures 2 - 5 credits or 7.5 credits (for master students).
During my work at Cracow University of Technology, I lectured the following courses:
- Concrete Structures 1;
- Concrete Structures 2;
- Prestressed Concrete Structures;
- Precast Concrete Structures;
- Technology of Execution and Strengthening of Concrete Structures;
- Repair and Modernization Works;
- Strengthening of Building Structures;
- Experimental Research Methodology for Building Materials and Structures (doctoral studies program).
My professional and scientific activities can be divided into three primary branches which often intersect with each other: prestressed concrete structures, precast concrete structures, maintenance and strengthening of existing building structures. Recently, my interests also include composite structures. Most of my previous research projects have been carried out jointly with industrial partners.
I am the project manager of the Sustainable composite floor system for circular construction business project, granted by the Kamprad Family Foundation.
I was a supervisor in two completed PhD projects (Mateusz Surma: The influence of the cast-in-situ concrete topping on the shear capacity of pre-tensioned hollow-core slabs on flexible supports (2017) and Rafał Walczak: Shear capacity of concrete crane beams after extended service life under conditions of uncertainty of prestressing cable anchorage (2023) ).
I'm a supervisor of two doctoral theses currently in progress (Ervin Halilovic: Sustainable timber-concrete composite floor slabsand, and Milosz Jeziorski: Vertical load distribution in floors made of precast prestressed hollow core slabs).
My research groups
Composite elements and hybrid structures Composite elements and hybrid structures are the youngest research field of the Department of Building Technology. The focus of this research is to combine…
Concrete structures Concrete structures is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. It includes possible studies of all types of such structures: reinforced and…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: Sustainable composite floor system for circular construction business The aim of this project is to analyse the possibilities to solve the problems of circularity in the construction sector.…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Jeziorski, M., Derkowski, W., Michelini, E. (2024). Vertical load distribution in precast hollow core floors : State of the art and future perspectives. Structural Concrete. 25 (5). 3412-3429.
Status: Published -
Śliwa-Wieczorek, K., Derkowski, W., Binder, E. (2024). Krótkoterminowe testy pełzania ścinanych połączeń klejonych w kompozytach drewniano-betonowych : Short-term creep test of shear adhesive jointsin Timber-Concrete Composites. Materiały Budowlane. (2). 6-10.
Status: Published -
Walczak, R., Derkowski, W. (2024). Transmission length of multiwire tendon in existing post-tensioned concrete structures. Engineering structures. 316.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Jeziorski, M. (2022). Specificity of precast floor design, on the example of the hollow-core slabs : Specyfika projektowania stropów prefabrykowanych na przykładzie płyt kanałowych. Cement, Wapno, Beton. 27 (3). 198-210.
Status: Published -
Binder, E., Derkowski, W., Bader, T.K. (2022). Development of Creep Deformations during Service Life : A Comparison of CLT and TCC Floor Constructions. Buildings. 12 (2).
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Surma, M. (2021). Prestressed hollow core slabs for topped slim floors : Theory and research of the shear capacity. Engineering structures. 241.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Walczak, R. (2021). Possibilities of Increasing Effectiveness of RC Structure Strengthening with FRP Materials. Materials. 14 (6).
Status: Published -
Charciarek, M., Derkowski, W. (2021). A voice on Polish socialist Brutalist architecture : protection of concrete element surfaces in the context of sustainable development. Journal of Heritage Conservation. 68 (68S). 45-52.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Sieńko, R., Walczak, R., Howiacki, T., Bednarski, Ł. (2021). DFOS measurements for strain analysis of anchorage zone in 57-year-old post-tensioned precast girder using static and high-frequency approach. Structural Concrete. 22 (6). 3414-3429.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Ślaga, Ł. (2020). The effect of too stiff rail to base fastening on damage mechanism in RC ballastless track structure. Structural Concrete. 21 (4). 1544-1556.
Status: Published -
Azizov, T., Derkowski, W., Jurkowska, N. (2019). Consideration of the Torsional Stiffness in Hollow-Core Slabs’ Design. Materials Science Forum. 968. 330-341.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W. (2019). New solutions for prefabricated floor slabs. Cement, Wapno, Beton. 24 (5). 372-382.
Status: Published -
Dyba, M., Derkowski, W. (2018). Bond stresses between concrete and prestressing in pre-tensioned elements : state of the art. Cement, Wapno, Beton. 83 (5). 358-368.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W. (2017). Large panels buildings : the possibilities of modern precast industry. Cement, Wapno, Beton. (5). 414-425.
Status: Published -
Pawluk, J., Derkowski, W. (2016). Factors determining the characteristics and durability of pre-tensioned concrete railway sleepers : [ Czynniki decydujące o właściwościach i trwałości strunobetonowych podkładów kolejowych ]. Cement, Wapno, Beton. 21 (5). 347-360.
Status: Published -
Flaga, K., Derkowski, W., Surma, M. (2016). Concrete strength and elasticity of precast thin-walled elements : [ Wytrzymałość i odkształcalność prefabrykowanych, cienkościennych elementów betonowych ]. Cement, Wapno, Beton. 21 (5). 310-317.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W., Słyś, B., Szmit, M. (2015). Effect of strands anchorage system in railway sleepers on behaviour of its rail seat zone. Architecture Civil Engineering Environment. 1. 61-67.
Status: Published -
Pawluk, J., Cholewa, A., Kurdowski, W., Derkowski, W. (2014). Some problems with prestressed concrete sleepers durability. International journal of research in engineering and technology. 3 (13). 153-157.
Status: Published -
Derkowski, W. (2006). Fatigue Life of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Bending Strengthened with Composite Materials. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 6 (4). 33-47.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Halilovic, E., Derkowski, W. (2024). Experimental assessment of static and dynamic properties of a new sustainable composite floor. Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. 1257-1264.
- Arkadiusz, K., Jan Grzegorz, P., Derkowski, W. (2024). Simplified Computation Model for RC Elements Strengthened with CFRPs on Low Stiffness Adhesives. 20th fib Symposium Proceedings in Christchurch - (2024), New Zealand. 2444-2544.
- Jeziorski, M., Derkowski, W. (2024). Numerical Prediction Of The Concentrated Load-Bearing Capacity Of 400 Mm Deep Hollow Core Floor. Proceedings of the 15th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. 3-10.
- Walczak, R., Derkowski, W. (2023). Numerical Study on the Shear Capacity of PC Crane Beams in Uncertain Prestressing Tendons Anchorage Conditions. International Symposium of the International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib Symposium : 5-7 June, 2023, Istanbul. 34-43.
- Jeziorski, M., Derkowski, W. (2023). Finite Element Analysis of Hollow Core Floor Subjected to Point Load. Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient. fib Symposium : 5-7 June, 2023, Istanbul. 3-12.
- Binder, E., Derkowski, W., Bader, T.K. (2022). Hybrid modeling approach for time-dependent behavior of timber-concrete-composite structures. fib Symposium. 1284-1293.
- Walczak, R., Derkowski, W. (2022). Shear capacity tests of PC crane beams in uncertain prestressing tendons anchorage conditions. Presented at fib International Congress, 12-16 June, 2022 Oslo.
- Jeziorski, M., Derkowski, W. (2022). Comparative study of various provisions on load distribution in hollow-core slabs. fib Symposium. 2658-2667.
- Walczak, R., Derkowski, W. (2022). Shear capacity tests of PC crane beams in uncertain prestressing tendons anchorage conditions. Proceedings of the fib Symposium. 2045-2054.
- Surma, M., Derkowski, W., Cholewicki, A. (2019). Analytical model for determining the influence of support flexibility on shear capacity of hollow core slabs. .
- Derkowski, W., Walczak, R. (2019). Problem of condition assesment of precast, posttensioned concrete crane beams in an extended period of use. Concrete – innovations in materials, design and structures : Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019 held in Kraków, Poland 27-29 May 2019. 1507-1514.
- Derkowski, W., Skupień, P. (2019). Safety of precast prestressed concrete structures after design life period. Fib 2018: Better, Smarter, Stronger : Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congress held in Melbourne, Australia, October 7-11, 2018. 2080-2090.
- Derkowski, W., Skalski, P. (2017). New Concept of Slimfloor with Prestressed Composite Beams. International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures. 176-183.
- Derkowski, W., Surma, M. (2014). Influence of concrete topping on the work of prestressed Hollow Core slabs on flexible supports. Improving Performance of Concrete Structures : The Fourth International fib Congress 2014, Mumbai, February 10 - February 14, 2014: Proceedings. 339-341.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Śliwa - Wieczorek, K., Derkowski, W., Binder, E., Kwiecień, A., Zając, B., et al. (2023). Shear Stiffness and Capacity of PolyUrethane Flexible Joint in Timber-Concrete Composites. Building for the Future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient : Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2023 - Volume 1. Istanbul, Turkey, Springer. 476-485.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
- Derkowski, W., Krajewski, P., Gwozdziewicz, P., Pantak, M., Hojdys, L. (2019). Concrete: Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures : Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019 held in Krakow, Poland, 27-29 May 2019. The International Federation for Structural Concrete. 2319.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Binder, E., Derkowski, W., Bader, T.K. (2023). Short-term creep tests for shear connections of timber-concrete-composite slabs. Experimental Mechanics in Engineering and Biomechanics : Proceedings ICEM2020th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto 2-7 July 2023. 957-958.
Report (Other academic)
- Cox, P., Bergmeister, K., Derkowski, W., Industry Wg On Construction Decarbonisation, .., Academic Wg On Construction Decarbonisation, .. (2024). Decarbonisation of the transport infrastructure construction : Joint Final Report from the industry and scientific experts Working Groups chaired by Pat Cox and Konrad Bergmeister. Brussels, BE, European Commission. 30.