Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson
Department of Social Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ylva_Ulfsdotter_Eriksson
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8638-5735
My ongoing research projects
Project: Attractive work – support assistent in function support The project explores the experiences of employed women and men of working in the field of functional support and in the profession…
Project: Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (True Europe) The purpose of the project is to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations…
Project: Welfare professional decision-making – discretion, principles and programs The purpose of this project is to understand the relation between discretion, principles, and programs in welfare…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hensing, G., Müller, M., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Alexanderson, K., Farrants, K. (2024). Occupational prestige and future sickness absence and disability pension in women and men : a Swedish nationwide prospective cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Larsson, B. (2024). Social status qualifiers : dimensions and determinants of factors shaping social status for women and men in Sweden. Frontiers in Sociology. 8.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Nordlander, E. (2023). On the Discrepancy of Descriptive Facts and Normative Values in Perceptions of Occupational Prestige. Sociological Research Online. 28 (3). 716-735.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Berglund, T., Nordlander, E. (2022). Upgrading or polarizing? : Gendered patterns of change in the occupational prestige hierarchy between 1997 and 2015. Frontiers in Sociology. 7.
Status: Published -
Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Adolfsson, P. (2022). Motivating and Demotivating Effects of Performance-Related Pay in Swedish Public Sector Organizations. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 42 (3). 444-463.
Status: Published -
Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Adolfsson, P. (2022). The legitimacy of performance-related pay in Swedish public sector organisations. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. 26 (1). 45-65.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Larsson, B., Adolfsson, P. (2021). Employees of Greatness : Signifying Values in Performance Appraisal Criteria. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies. 11 (2). 121-141.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Larsson, B., Adolfsson, P. (2021). Under the surface of individual and differentiated pay in Sweden : a zero‐sum game of performance‐based pay?. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 59 (2). 398-417.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Larsson, B., Adolfsson, P. (2019). Implementing and integrating policies on performance-based pay : coordinating the “one-employer approach” in a Swedish municipality. International Journal of Public Administration. 42 (12). 985-996.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Berg, K., Boman, U.W., Hakeberg, M. (2017). Contract care in dentistry : sense-making of the concept and in practice when multiple institutional logics are at play. Sociology of Health and Illness. 39 (7). 1035-1049.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2017). Global HRM standards as boundary objects : a device to enhance legitimacy and status. Personnel Review. 46 (6). 1089-1103.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Linde, M. (2014). “Being” or “Doing” a profession : work as a matter of social identity. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies. 8 (1). 33-43.
Status: Published -
Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Backman, C. (2014). Föreställningar om klass och kön i Arbetsförmedlingens yrkesbeskrivningar?. Sociologisk forskning. 51 (2). 109-136.
Status: Published -
Backman, C., Hedenus, A., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2014). Stereotyper och brytbilder i yrkesbeskrivande text och film. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv. 20 (3). 54-69.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Adolfsson, P. (2017). Personalvetenskapliga perspektiv på lön & belöning. Stockholm, Liber.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Polarised perceptions of occupational prestige?. Scrutinising Polarisation : Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market. Oxon, Routledge. 73-86.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Nordlander, E. (2024). Occupational Prestige and Gendered Polarisation. Scrutinising Polarisation : Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market. Oxon, Routledge. 56-72.
- Berglund, T., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Scrutinising polarisation : A closing. Scrutinising Polarisation : Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market. Oxon, Routledge. 194-207.
- Berglund, T., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Scrutinising Polarisation : An introduction. Scrutinising Polarisation : Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market. Oxon, Routledge. 1-17.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2019). Sweden. Stakeholders’ views on and experiences with the articulation of social dialogue and its effectiveness. Brussels, CEPS. 57-61.
- Bergman, A., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2019). Kundintensiva serviceyrken : status, emotioner och kropp i arbete. Arbete & Välfärd : ledning, personal och organisationsmodeller i Sverige. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 435-450.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2017). Yrke : status, erkännande och identitet. Arbetslivet. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 479-499.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Hedenus, A. (2014). Unga människor och (o)möjliga yrkesidentiteter. Att förstå ungdomars identitetsskapande : En inspirations- och metodbok. Stockholm, Liber. 220-247.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Occupational prestige and gendered polarization. Symposium: Scrutinising Polarisation: Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformations in the Swedish Labour Market.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Tandläkares beslutsfattande : diskretion, principer och program. .
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2023). Risk Assessment in Digital Dentist Decisions. .
- Sarstrand Marekovic, A., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2022). How trade unions and employer organisations address gender equality. Presented at Sociologidagarna 2022, Uppsala, 16-18 March, 2022.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Larsson, B. (2022). What gives social status – for women and men?. Presented at: 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 10 – 12 August 2022..
- Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2021). Sense-making and (e)valuation in local practices of performance-related pay in Sweden. Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2021 : Thursday 16 September 2021 - Friday 17 September 2021 Palazzo Strozzi. 18-19.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Sarstrand Marekovic, A. (2021). Swedish Social Partners Take on Gender Equality on the Labour Market. Sociological knowledges for alternative futures : Barcelona (online), August 31st-September 3rd. 665-665.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Sarstrand Marekovic, A. (2021). Swedish trade unions and employer organisations take on gender equality on the labour market. Presented at ILERA, Lund (Online), 21-24 June, 2021.
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y., Sarstrand Marekovic, A. (2001). Swedish Trade Unions and Employer Organisations Take on Gender Equality on the Labour Market. Te 19th ILERA World Congress : MAKING AND BREAKING BOUNDARIES IN WORK ANDEMPLOYMENT RELATIONS | CONGRESS PROGRAMM.
Report (Other academic)
- Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2022). Report on National Case Study: Sweden : Visualising and Measuring the Role of Industrial Relations in Addressing Gender Equality (VIRAGE).
- Larsson, B., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2019). Enhancing the effectiveness of social dialogue articulation in Europe : case study for Sweden. Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg. 42.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Berglund, T., Ulfsdotter Eriksson, Y. (2024). Scrutinising Polarisation : Patterns and Consequences of Occupational Transformation in the Swedish Labour Market. Oxon, Routledge. 224.