Zeynab Mohseni

Zeynab Mohseni

Research assistant
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Faculty of Technology
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Zeynab (Artemis) Mohseni received her associate degree in Software Computer, her B.Sc. in Computer Engineering and her M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Iran. From 2017 to 2019 she worked as a researcher at Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, Spain. Her research interest is in the area of Visual Learning Analytics (VLA).


Teaching assistant in the following courses:

1DV437 - Basic game programming (1 year)
4ME603 - Computer logical thinking and programming in school (1 year)
1DV534 - Object Oriented Programming with C ++ (1 year)
1DV533 - Structured programming with C ++
(3 years)
4DV510 - Data Mining (3 years)
4DV807 - Project in visualization and data analysis (3 years)
4DV805 - Information Visualization (1 year)
4DV806 - Advanced Information Visualization and Applications (1 year)


My research focuses on Visual Learning Analytics (VLA) tools for teachers to support decision-making and learning trajectories. This topic is part of the EdTechLnu research group that aims to better understand and engineer complex educational data. I develop VLA approaches and tools to analyze data collected from Digital learning resources. In consequence, teachers are enabled to better understand the students' learning progress. By merging diverse individual visualizations, VLA tools also assist teachers in facilitating and promoting students' study achievements.

In 2022, I was one of two winners of Linnaeus University's EUniWell's pitch competition for doctoral students in individual and social sustainability as well as environment and sustainability. The scholarship was 500 euros each and a workshop in science communication at Nantes Université, France. See the news item in Swedish below.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

  • Masiello, I., Mohseni, Z., Nordmark, S. (2023). Trends and Issues of Digital Learning in Sweden. Trends and Issues of Promoting Digital Learning in High-Digital-Competitiveness Countries : Country Reports and International Comparison. Taiwan, Technological and Vocational Education Research Center (TVERC), National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan and K-12 Education Administration (K12EA), Ministry of Education, Taiwan. 311-347.

Article in journal (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)