Once you have completed your studies you can apply for your degree certificate. Please note that you will not receive a degree certificate automatically after your studies. You have to apply for the degree certificate yourself and then your application will be assessed according to national and local degree regulations.
Degree certificate
Your degree certificate specifies the courses that are included in your degree, as well as information about number of credits, grades and dates for completion of each course. The degree certificate is issued in Swedish and English.
Since December 2017, all degree certificates issued by Linnaeus University are digital. The digital degree certificate is the original and is therefore not printed on paper. The certificate is a PDF, protected and verifiable with an electronic stamp. When your degree application has been processed, you will receive a notification to the e-mail you have stated in your degree application. If your application has been granted you can download the degree certificate as many times as you like from Ladok for students; to go to Ladok for students click on this link.. You can easily e-mail your certificate to potential employers, or upload in portals when applying for work. If you or someone else has questions about the digital degree certificates, please contact
It is also possible for you to share the information in your degree certificate with, for example, a potential employer by using the feature “Share certificate”, which is available through Ladok for students; to go to Ladok for students click on this link. You can find the feature by clicking “Degrees and certificates” in the menu on the right. When you share your certificate, you will be given a control code and a link to a web site where your degree certificate can be verified. The control code is valid for six months, which makes it possible for you to add it in your resume and share it with several people at the same time.
Diploma Supplement
A diploma supplement is attached to all degree certificates issued by Swedish universities and university colleges. The supplement is written in English and contains information about your degree and the Swedish education system. The diploma supplement is part of your degree and must be used together with the degree certificate.
Both the degree certificate and the diploma supplement are free of charge.
Before applying for a degree
Before you apply for a degree you need to make sure that all the courses you want to include in your degree are completely finished. You must have passed the courses, and all the grades need to be reported into the student registry Ladok. Please note that modules which do not have a final grade cannot be included in the degree.
If you have been abroad on a student exchange with Linnaeus University (or Kalmar University College or Växjö University) as your home institution, the credits from your studies abroad need to be transferred into Ladok. Please make sure that such credits have been entered into the system before you apply for a degree. Note that you have to apply for credit transfer by yourself, for more information contact your Programme Coordinator.
You apply for a degree at the University or University college where you have finished your studies.
Degree application
You apply by logging in to Ladok for students, to go to Ladok for students click on this link. When logged in select 'Degrees and certificates' in the menu. Read the instructions carefully and select 'Apply'. Select the degree, degree specialisation (if applicable) and main field of study for your degree. In the following steps you select the courses to include, upload attachments to your application, read more about what you might need to send in below under 'Documents that need to be attached'. If necessary, you can write a message to the administrator (this will not be read until the processing of your application has begun). In the final step you check your information in the application and as long as you haven't sent it in you can navigate through the form and change if necessary. Send in your application by selecting 'Apply' in the final step.
Be sure to check that you have an active e-mail address registered, see contact details under 'My pages' in Ladok for students, since this is the e-mail address the decision on your application will be sent to.
If you cannot log on to Ladok for students, you can apply through the forms below. There is one form for studies at first and second cycle-degrees (Bachelor and Master degrees) and another for third cycle degrees (Doctoral degrees). Make sure to down load the form to your computer before you fill it in and then save it before sending it by e-mail to
Documents that need to be attached
If you have studied abroad without making an official credit transfer to Linnaeus University, you need to enclose an officially verified transcript of records from the foreign university. Documents which are not written in English, Swedish or Scandinavian languages need to be translated into Swedish or English by an authorised translator.
If you are applying for a degree on second cycle level, and your first cycle degree is from a university outside Sweden, you need to attach a certified copy of your degree, and the transcript of the degree to your application.
If you have a foreign degree which has been evaluated by the Swedish Council for Higher Education, you need to provide the official statement of recognition.
Degree duplicate
If your degree certificate was issued after the 8 January 2024 it is possible for you to download the degree certificate as many times as you like through Ladok for students, to go to student Ladok click on this link.. If your student account has been deactivated you can still log in to Ladok for alumni with a Swedish BankID and download the degree certficate. If you do not have a Swedish BankID, you can contact and request that we e-mail the degree certificate to you. Please specify your full name and Swedish personal number/date of birth when contacting us.
If your degree certificate was issued between December 2017 and 7 January 2024 your degree certificate is digital, but cannot be downloaded through Ladok for students. In case you have lost your degree certificate, e-mail us at and we will send it to you again to the e-mail address you contact us on. Please specify your full name and Swedish personal number/date of birth when contacting us.
Until November 2017, degrees were issued on paper from Linnaeus University. In case you have lost your original, you can get a duplicate from our archive. Fill in the form 'Duplicate Application, fill in version' and save it to your computer before mailing it to us at
It is also possible for you to share the information in your degree certificate with, for example, a potential employer by using the feature “Share certificate”, which is available through Ladok for students, to go to student Ladok click on this link. You can find the feature by clicking “Degrees and certificates” in the menu. When you share your certificate, you will be given a control code and a link to a web site where your degree certificate can be verified. The control code is valid for six months, which makes it possible for you to add it in your resume and share it with multiple people at the same time.
Degrees at Linnaeus University
Linnaeus University can issue degrees for first, second and third cycle studies. Degrees can be issued with different types of qualifications and specialisations.
First cycle degrees
General Degrees
Higher Education Diploma, 120 credits
Degree of Bachelor, 180 credits
Degrees of Fine Arts
Higher Education Diploma in Fine Arts, 120 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts, 180 credits
Vocational Higher Education Degrees
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science, 180 credits
Bachelor of Arts in Pre-school Education, 210 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Optometry, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science, 180 credits
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work, 210 credits
Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education, 90 credits
Second cycle degrees
Degree of Master, 60 credits
Degree of Master, 120 credits
Degrees of Fine Arts
Degree of Master of Fine Arts, 60 credits
Degree of Master of Fine Arts, 120 credits
Vocational Higher Education Degrees
Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery, 90 credits
Degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics, 240 credits
Degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 300 credits
Degree of Master of Science in Psychology, 300 credits
Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing, 60/75 credits
Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training, 90 credits
Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs, 90 credits
First or second cycle vocational higher education degrees
Degree of Bachelor / Master of Arts in Secondary Education, 180/210/225/270/300/330 credits
Third cycle degrees
Degree of Licentiate, 120 credits
Degree of Doctor, 240 credits
Designations and specialisations
Bachelor and Master degrees can be awarded with different designations: 'of Science' ('Filosofie' and 'Teknologie') or 'of Business and Economics' ('Ekonomie'). You can find more information about which main field of study is linked to what designations in the document 'Main fields of study at Linnaeus University', see below under the heading with the same name. Information about the requirements for the different designations you can find in the document 'Local system of qualification Linnaeus University', see below under the heading 'Degree regulations'.
At Linnaeus University there are a number of programme-specific specialisations. The programme syllabus that was in place at the time of enrolment is central to the assessment. You can find more information in the syllabus of each programme.
Main fields of study at Linnaeus University
The main field of study is the 'major' you want to obtain your degree in. Please note that Linnaeus University's entitlement to award degrees is linked to different levels of education. Information about entitlement to award degrees in your major can be found in the document 'List of main fields of study at Linnaeus University'. In the list you will also find information about what major is linked to what designations.
Degree regulations
There are two types of degree regulation in Sweden. The national regulations can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). The local degree regulations are based on the Higher Education Ordinance but explains in more detail such regulations which are applied at Linnaeus University.
If you as a student have started your studies at the University College in Kalmar or Växjö University your application can be processed under the regulations which were in place when you first enrolled. Please note that the degree certificate will be issued by Linnaeus University even in such cases.
Contact us
Please use the following e-mail address to contact the Degree Office:
FAQ - degree from Linnaeus University
To apply for a degree
Do I have to apply for a degree?
Yes, no degree certificate will be sent to you automatically. You will not receive your degree until you apply for it and the application has been accepted.
What happens after I send in my application?
When all courses you wish to include in your degree are reported into Ladok, you can apply for your degree certificate. The applications are evaluated in chronological order, so when it is time for your application to be evaluated it will be assigned to a Degree Evaluation Officer. If you need to supplement your application, the Degree Evaluation Officer will contact you. If your application is successful, you will receive your degree certificate within two months after applying for it. If your application has been rejected, you will receive an official letter stating that you do not qualify for the degree you have applied for.
How do I receive my degree certificate?
From December 2017 and on, Linnaeus University issues digital degree certificates. This means when your degree certificate has been issued, you will be notified about this to the e-mail that you have registrered in Ladok. Then, you can log in to Ladok for students and download your degree certificate.
How do I know what degree to apply for?
If you have taken a study programme at Linnaeus University, you find the degree title in the syllabus that was valid when you were admitted to the programme. You are entitled to this degree title if you have followed the syllabus. You can find your syllabus through this link:
If, on the other hand, your courses have been accumulated outside of a study programme, then you should apply for the degree that you think you are qualified for. Contact us at in case you need consultancy.
I can't find the degree I'm applying for in the scroll down menu when I'm applying through Ladok for students, what should I do?
If you do not find the degree in the scroll down menu, please chose an option close to yours and specify in the message field what degree you are actually applying for.
How do I apply for more than one degree?
You will have to fill in one application for each degree if you apply for more than one degree at the same time (for example a bachelor and a master).
When I choose the courses to include in my degree at Ladok for students I cannot find them all. Why not?
Your course is not reported as complete, it is marked red (instead of green) under 'My education' in the menu. Contact your institution if this is the case. We cannot start the evaluation of your degree application until all courses are marked green.
In some cases parts of unfinished courses can be included in the degree. It will however not be possible to choose a part of an unfinished course in the list. If you would like to include parts of an unifinished course you need to specify them under the step "Message to administrator".
If my last course is from another university or university college, can I still apply for a degree from Linnaeus University?
Yes, that is possible. The university or university college where you took your last course can transfer the right to issue your degree certificate to Linnaeus University. This is done upon request from Linnaeus University when we handle your degree application. You do not need to get a confirmation from the other university/university college before applying for your degree certificate.
I finished my studies a long time ago but never applied for my degree. Can I do that now?
Since Linnaeus University does not issue degrees according to the old regulations (valid until June 2007), you cannot obtain a degree if you finished your studies before July 2007. If you are unsure about your specific situation, apply for a degree and we will process your application and get back to you with a decision.
I don't have a Student log-in for Ladok for students page any more, how do I apply for my degree?
If you have a Swedish BankID you can still log on to Ladok for alumni and then apply for your degree certificate. You can also choose to apply for your degree with our degree application form instead, you will find them above under the heading 'Degree application'.
Processing time
How long is the processing time?
The processing time is up to two months, however this does not mean it always takes two months, usually the processing time is shorter. Please note that the processing time starts when the application is complete, thus all courses are reported completed in Ladok and the Degree Evaluation Officer has all documents required to evaluate the application.
I applied for my degree a while ago, but didn't hear anything from you. Is this normal?
We do not send out confirmations that we have received your application. Therefore, it is completely normal not to hear anything from us immediately. The processing time is up to two months, so within that time period you should either have your degree registered and receive a degree certificate, or hear from your Degree Evaluation Officer. If you did not receive anything within two months, your Degree Evaluation Officer might have tried to reach you without result. If you applied through Ladok for students you can log in and see who is assigned to your application. If you applied through the form, you can e-mail and ask. Remember to write your personal identification number so we can find your application easier.
The degree certificate
I took some extra courses. Can they be included in the degree certificate?
Both yes and no. A degree can not contain either more or less credits than the degree states. For instance, a Bachelor's Degree can not be more or less than 180 credits. If your programme has scope for non-compulsory courses, you find this information in your syllabus that you can search for here:
Can I include a course from my Bachelor's Degree in my Master's Degree?
No, a course from your Bachelor's degree cannot be included in a Master's Degree.
I recently got my degree certificate and there is a mistake made in it. What do I do?
E-mail us at State what you consider is wrong, as well as your personal identification number, so we can find your application easier.
I discovered a mistake in my degree certificate from Kalmar University College / Växjö University. Can this be changed now?
Unfortunately, we can not help you. Kalmar University College and Växjö University do not exist any longer and, therefore, exercise of authority in their names can not be done since 2010.
I have changed my last name. Can I get a new degree certificate with my new name on?
No, Linnaeus University does not issue a new degree certificate or change the previously issued degree certificate when an alumni changes their name.
I have changed my legal gender and want a new degree certificate with my name and Swedish personal identity number. Is this possible?
If your degree is issued from Linnaeus University, possible solutions can be discussed with a Degree Evaluation Officer. Contact If your degree certificate is issued by Kalmar University College or Växjö University, we can not help you since these authorities do not exist anymore. Exercise of authority in their names can not be done since 2010.
I have lost my degree certificate, what do I do?
Depending on when your degree certificate was issued there are different possibilites for receiving a copy of the degree certficate. Please read more above on this page under "Degree duplicate".
Can I get an overall grade (sometimes called GPA) of my degree?
In Swedish higher education, no overall grade (or GPA) is given for a degree certificate and students are not ranked. Therefore, neither will no such information be found on your degree certificate, nor can Linnaeus University make a statement about a GPA on demand. In case you apply for higher education in another country, where they ask you to send in information about a GPA, the answer is that GPA is not given at Swedish Universities. If necessary, Linnaeus University can issue a certificate where we state that we cannot calculate GPA. Please contact in that case.
Closing ceremonies
The degree office is not in charge of the closing ceremonies. Therefore, please turn to in case you have questions about the Closing ceremony master level, and to your faculty in case you have questions about a Closing ceremony bachelor level.