
Internship abroad

Erasmus Traineeship

Erasmus+ is an EU-funded programme that is administered by the Swedish Council for Higher Education. Students can receive a traineeship scholarship for a period of 2 to 12 months if they are planning on carrying out their traineeship in another EU country.

The aim of the traineeship is to better equip students for a European labour market, hence, increasing their chances of receiving employment. It is a remarkable opportunity to utilize the theoretical skills you have acquired, but also to gather new experience that is valuable for when you later seek employment.

The Swedish Council for Higher Education defines the Erasmus Traineeship as follows: Spending a period of time in an enterprise or organisation in another Member State, supported as appropriate by preparatory or refresher courses in the host language or working language, with a view to helping individuals to adapt to the requirements of the Community-wide labour market, to acquiring a specific skill and to improving understanding of the economic and social culture of the country concerned in the context of acquiring work experience.

Please note that an application for an Erasmus Traineeship Scholarship is not an application for a traineeship, but only an application for the scholarship. Before you submit an application, you must have contacted a traineeship placement and received confirmation that you are welcome as a trainee.

Erasmus logotype

Tips on how to find a traineeship position

Before you apply for the Erasmus+ Traineeship Scholarship you need to have found a traineeship placement. If you do not know how to start your search, we advise you to first contact your programme coordinator and ask for tips on where previous students have been on internships. 

You can contact ogranizations of your interest on your own and ask for traineeship positions. You can also find advertised traineeship offers on the Erasmus Student Networks homepage for internship offers.

You may also find internship offers sent to us from our partner universities or other European oganizations listed below (if any):

Eramus+ Traineeship Scholarship for traineeships outside of Europe (EU)

During the academic year 2024/2025, you have the opportunity to apply for an Erasmus+ Traineeship Scholarship even if your traineeship is not in another EU country.

The conditions for the application are the same as for traineeships within EU countries, see information above. The amount of the scholarship varies slightly depending on which country you will do the traineeship in, but is between EUR 660-710 per month.

Other conditions:
Your traineeship period must end no later than the end of the semester in spring 2025, i.e. no later than 8 June 2025.

The funds that can be distributed for Erasmus traineeships are limited, which means that you are not guaranteed an traineeship scholarship even if you apply.

Intern Abroad via ISEP

Students have the possibility to apply for an internship through our Consortia ISEP. Their programme !Intern Abroad" offers several full-time and part time internship programmes all over the world. They offer internship in countries like Tokyo, New York, Bangkok, London and Madrid. You may find further information about "Intern Abroad" and how it works here.

Please note that the Internship process via ISEP is different to our usual application process for applying to an exchange semester via ISEP. You apply on your own for the internship via ISEP. The International Office can't help you with that process. 

You may contact ISEP if you have further questions concerning the "Intern Abroad" programme. If you are curious about exchange studies via ISEP then please do not hesitate to contact the International Office for further information. 

Internship abroad via IAESTE

IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is a global exchange program that offers paid internships abroad in over 80 countries primarily for students in the fields of natural science, engineering and architecture. But internship opportunities for students of e.g. business and social sciences are also available albeit to a lesser degree.

Most internships last between 2-3 months and typically take place during the summer, though longer placements of up to one year are also available. The internships are usually paid based on the living expenses in the host country and the local IAESTE committee assists the interns with all necessary formalities such as visa and work permit, and often arranges accommodation.

You can find more information about IAESTE, the application process, and explore available internship opportunities on the IAESTE websites (International website; Swedish website; Explore Internships).