Summer School

Summer schools at our partner universities

Are you interested in exchange studies during the summer? University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) offers a variety of exchange possibilities during the summer. Below you can find information about universities offering summer schools/courses and read more about how to apply.

A summer exchange can be done outside of your ordinary studies at Linnaeus University, or as part of your studies here. If you would like to count your summer courses into your education at Linnaeus University, you must apply for a credit transfer through your faculty. In that case we recommend you to get in touch with your faculty before the exchange, to determine which courses you can get transfered.

To apply for financial aid through CSN during the summer, there are specific rules. Please read more about them on CSN's website (in Swedish)

Application requirements

When you apply you must be registered on a degree programme or freestanding course at Linnaeus University. Students with an approved leave of study are eligible. Please note that exchange students at Linnaeus University are not eligible to apply. 

Requirements to keep your placement

  • be registered on a degree programme or freestanding course at Linnaeus University on minimum half pace (15 credits) the semester before the exchange period. 
  • 15 credits totally from Lnu from the autumn semester before the summer exchange period, reported March 1 the semester before the exchange.

Do not hesitate to contact International Office if you have any questions.