Welcome to Linnaeus University!

How great that you have chosen to study at Linnaeus University. We hope that your university studies will be an exciting journey, both knowledge-wise and socially. The conditions are in place, everything is possible!

Checklist for new students

When you have been admitted to a course or programme at Linnaeus University, there are a few things you need to do before you start your studies. Follow the checklist below, then you are ready.

1. Read the admission decision – Accept your place

If you have been admitted to a course or programme, it is important that you read the specific information linked to your Notification of Selection Results, on universityadmissions.se. In the international admission round, also called “First round”, your seat is automatically confirmed. You do not need to accept your place. If you are no longer interested in your offer, you need to decline your admission. In the national application round, or “Second round”, you always need to confirm your seat if you are interested in your offer. If you do not accept your seat, your place will be lost.

All the information you need about admission, confirming or declining your admission is found on www.universityadmissions.se.

Note that it is stated in your admission decision whether you have to accept in order to keep your place.

2. Preparing for your stay

Moving to another country requires preparation. Administrative processes usually take some time, which means that you will have to start early. Read more about preparing for your stay. Here you can find more information about residence permit, insuranceaccommodation and student economy.

To help new students settle in we have orientation days in the beginning of the semester. During the official arrival days we provide pick-up service.

We would also recommend you to read our Survival guide for international students for additional information about the Swedish education system. 

Studing at a distance? Read more about how distance studies work.

3. Obtain your student account

You need a student account to be able to pay your admission fee and to log in to Lnu.se/en/student/My-page/. If you do not have a Swedish identity number you will receive an e-mail with the information needed to create a student account.

Once you are logged in, you can register, access course material, your student email, and other IT services. If you are experiencing problems obtaining your student account, please contact our IT support. Obtain student account.

Note that you can only obtain your student account from a certain date and this depends on which admission round you have been admitted in. Dates on which you can obtain your student account at the earliest.

4. Register

To keep your study place, you must register by the start of the semester or course. The registration period opens one week before the start of each course and remains open for two weeks. If you are studying on a programme, you must register at the start of each course to continue to be considered an active student on the programme. If you are studying courses that run over several semesters, you must register at the start of each semester to continue to be considered active on the course.

You register in Ladok for students. The registration period opens one week before the start of the course. When registering, you show that you are an active student at Linnaeus University.

5. Course/programme start, schedule and welcome letter

You can find your course/programme start and schedule through the schedule system TimeEdit.

The course/programme start, and additional welcome information can also be found on the course/programme page, in the box “New student”, in the right column. Search for your course/programme.

Note that welcome letters or specific information are not available for all programmes/courses.

6. Syllabus and reading list

The syllabus describes the structure and content of your course/programme. In the syllabus, you will also find information on what literature you need. Search for the programme/course syllabus.

7. Email

Some information from Linnaeus University can be sent out to the email address provided in Ladok. If you do not want to receive emails from us to the same email address as you provided in your application on Universityadmissions.se, you must update it.

Update your contact information in “My Ladok.”

When you create a student account (see point 3), you will receive a student email address. This email will also be used for information from Linnaeus University, for example, programme/course specific information.  

Read more at IT-Support for students.

Good to know

As a new student, there are a lot of things you need to think about. Therefore, we have gathered information about the support and service that is available to you as a student, as well as other information that is important to you during your studies, on the Student web.

Via the Student web, you will also get general information on what is going at Linnaeus University, like events, news, news items, operational disruptions and other activities. On the Student web, you will also find a link to My page, where you will find important personal information about your studies. In order to log in, you must have a student account, see item 2 above. On My page you can also access your personal timetable.

Once you have started your studies, you will have free access to Microsoft 365. This gives you access to Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, along with associated document templates. In Word, for example, you will be able to use Linnaeus University's thesis template.

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