IT-support for students
Here you will find information about student accounts, printouts, Wi-Fi, student email, contact information for IT support and more.
Guides and FAQs in the Service Portal
Below is the three most commonly asked question listed that we get from students to IT-support. The links will take you to the information in the Service Portal.
IT services for students
Listed below are which IT services you as a student have access to. In the Service portal you will find FAQs and guides for these services.
Printing, copying and scanning
Students at Linnaeus University can print, copy and scan on the public printers available on the university. You can also print from private mobile devices like mobile and tablet.
Student account
As a student at the Linnaeus University, you need a student account that you log in with on the university's services, such as the Student Web, Moodle and Ladok.
However, your admission to the course / program must first have been transferred from to Ladok before you can collect the account.
To read Linnaeus University's office rules, see the heading "Account rules for Linnaeus University" and the section "Student account".
Link to the email rules:
Dates for when you can get your student account at the earliest in the Service Portal.
Create and manage your student account in the Account portal.
Student email
Mail from Linnaeus University is sent to your student email address. This includes information from the learning platform Moodle and from people in your education.
It is therefore important that you regularly check your student email or forward it to another email address.
Linnaeus University uses Google's Gmail for student mail. To log in to the student email, use the same information as for your student account.
To read Linnaeus University's e-mail rules, see the heading "E-mail rules for Linnaeus University" and the section "Student".
Link to the email rules:
Some lectures, meetings and seminars at Linnaeus University are held web-based via a meeting room in the web conferencing system "Zoom". Or via our video conferencing rooms equipped for distance meetings with audio and video.
File storage
There are also cloud services linked to your student account that you can use for file storage:
Google Drive, service that’s included in your student mail.
Microsoft OneDrive, part of Office 365. Read more about Office 365 for students in the Service Portal.
Software provided by the IT department
Linnaeus University provides some software that you as a student have access to during your studies, for instance SPSS and Office 365.
Information about Microsoft 365 in the Service Portal.
Information about SPSS in the Service Portal.
Support programmes
On the University Library page Support software you can read more about support programs available to you as a student.
Information about support programmes in the Service Portal.
Other programs
Contact your faculty if you have questions about other software.
Public computers
In the public parts of the library in Kalmar and Växjö, there are public computers available to students.
Contact IT-support
Contact information
Create a new case or see your ongoing requests in Selfservice.
Telephone: 0772-28 80 00
Visiting address
- Kalmar: Universitetskajen, house Culmen (floor 5) find house Culmen.
Note! During week 6-12, the visiting address to IT support in Kalmar will temporarily move to the house Stella, at the Service Center, due to renovations. - Växjö: Georg Lückligs väg 3, house N (floor 1) find house N.
Postal address
IT-avdelningen/IT Office
Linnaeus University
391 82 Kalmar/351 95 Växjö
Please check current operational information before contacting us.
Opening hours
Serviceportalen, guides and FAQ (open around the clock)
Phone hours
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00-16.00
Thursday - Friday: 8.00-15.00
Visiting hours
Monday - Wednesday: 8.00-11.30, 12.30-16.00
Thursday - Friday: 8.00-11.30, 12.30-15.00
Exceptional opening hours
Not yet any planned exceptional opening hours.
Remote support
To facilitate support, we may sometimes need to see what you see. In these cases, we use Splashtop. In need of remote support you will be guided by our support technician over the phone.
Read more about Splashtop Remote Support in the Service Portal.
Support of private computer
The IT office does not give support on private computers or equipment. However, to be able to support applications provided by the Linnaeus University, deviation from this can be done.
The IT Office takes no responsibility for any errors that may occur on your private computer in connection with we give you support.
Tips for related information
Swipe card Once you are registered on a course or programme, you are entitled to obtaining a swipe card, that you can use to enter the university’s facilities outside of normal opening hours.
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