Take part in course evaluations
As a student, after each completed course, you will have the opportunity to contribute with your opinion about the course. How these course evaluations are conducted can vary from course to course, but as a student you can always take part of the results from course evaluations carried out during previous years. To order archived course evaluations, please contact Linnaeus University’s archives on arkiv@lnu.se.
Respond to questionnaires
The student questionnaire Linnébarometern is sent to all programme students every third year, while the Doctoral Student Barometer and our Alumni Survey focus on these two target groups – everything to make sure that we get to take part of what you – our students, doctoral students, and alumni – think of the courses and programmes that you have studied with us. The results will serve as support when making decisions about changes to our programmes and our selection of courses and programmes offered. More information on our page Student feedback on our internal website Staff.
Contribute to reviews and evaluations
Our courses and programmes are reviewed in a number of different ways. Some are reviewed by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) while others are evaluated in collaboration with two other higher education institutions, a collaboration that we call Treklövern. UKÄ also carries out thematic reviews. On a regular basis, UKÄ also conducts reviews of the entire quality-assurance system for education and research at the higher education institution. As a student, you have the opportunity to contribute with your experiences. For instance, through interviews or by becoming engaged as a student representative on one of these reviews and evaluations.