Conversation between two persons

Book a consultation

Are you stressed or worried? Do you have anxiety or feel depressed? Are you having relationship problems or going through a crisis? Do you have problems concentrating or speech anxiety? We can help you! Not feeling well often has a negative impact on your study ability. The sooner you contact us the better! When you need support, we offer professional counselling free of charge.

Meet us on campus or online

Are you a distance student or do you prefer to have calls via zoom instead of visiting us on site? You book an appointment in the same way as if you were to visit us physically. Get in touch with us in the city where you study. For appointments in Växjö send an e-mail to For appointments in Kalmar find more info under "staff". 

More about counselling

When you need support, we offer professional counselling free of charge. A session lasts for about an hour. How many sessions are needed vary from person to person, sometimes only a few sessions are sufficient, while other times more talks may be needed. At booked sessions and for longer counselling, we keep a journal. We are bound by professional secrecy. In case you need specialist care, we can assist you with information on where to turn.

In order to come into contact with us, send an email or give us a call. State your name, phone number, and in which city you are studying. We will then call you back as soon as possible. During weekdays, we often get back to you within 24 hours. We always try to book an appointment as soon as possible, often within one week, sometimes slightly longer.

Counselling is not offered via email, since emails are not covered by professional secrecy. For a first visit in Växjö, please contact us on

In addition to individual talks, we offer different group sessions/courses and work preventively with, among other things, alcohol and mental health.