Team Unesco Chair on Heritage Futures

UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures

Building global capacity for futures thinking among heritage professionals

What cultural heritage do we leave behind and to what benefit for people in the future? Established in 2017, the UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures provides tools for creative and critical futures thinking. 

  • Which future or futures do we preserve the heritage for?
  • Which heritage will help future generations solve important challenges?
  • How can we develop futures thinking (and futures literacy) among heritage professionals worldwide?

The book “Cultural Heritage and the Future” (edited together with Anders Högberg and published in 2021 by Routledge) is one outcome of the Chair’s work.

Follow us:

Youtube: @HeritageFutures 
Facebook: Cornelius Holtorf 
X: @UnescoChairLNU

The UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures contributes to the development of socially, ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable societies for future generations. Member of the UNESCO Futures Literacy Network and the Climate Heritage Network.

Wow! The Future is calling!

Wow! The Future is calling! is a picture book by illustrator Pernilla Frid and Cornelius Holtorf. The content is coming out of Cornelius Holtorf’s  longstanding research at the interface of heritage and the future. The point is to convey the variety and richness in which we can engage with the future. The book gives many examples, both in the way the main characters act, representing three different ways of relating to the future, and in the many details, which surround them. Available (issuu) here 

What is a UNESCO Chair?

The UNESCO Chairs Programme involves over 700 institutions in more than 100 countries. Through this network, higher education and research institutions all over the globe pool their resources, both human and material, to address pressing challenges and contribute to societal development.

The Chairs serve as thinktanks and bridgebuilders between academia, civil society, local communities, research and policy-making. 

Logotype of the UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures