allmän forskarutbildningsbild

Diffusion of Innovations and sociotechnical transition, 3DIVFTK

The aim of this course is to impart knowledge on diffusion of innovations and the sociotechnical transition process, and intervention strategies to facilitate diffusion of innovations.


Antal hp

6 hp

Ges av

Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik

Öppen för

Doktorander vid svenska lärosäten





Nästa kurstillfälle

2024-08-15 - 2024-12-15

Studietakt eller motsvarande

Ej bestämt

Sista ansökningsdag





Alla doktorander kan söka


Föreläsningar, seminarier, inlämningsuppgifter.
Främst i Växjö med möjlighet till hybridläge via Zoom för den som vill delta i detta på distans.

More about the course content

  • Systems of innovation and path dependency
  • Multilevel perspective on sociotechnical change processes
  • Theories of environmental behaviour
  • Adopter categories and attributes of innovation
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Innovation in organizations
  • Intervention strategies for diffusion of innovations

Other information

The course is free of cost for students accepted in the VR financed SEED doctoral school, applicants from Linnaeus University, the Dept. of Energy Technology at KTH and Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety at Lund University. A fee of 8000 SEK will be charged to all other students. You are requested to provide the invoice details together with your registration so that the Faculty of Technology at Linnaeus University can send an invoice upon admission to the course.