grafisk bild på äppelblom

Scientific Communication

In this course, we study and learn to apply the basic principles of scientific communication. The focus is on reporting scientific output performed through established research methods, such as a systematic literature review, a controlled experiment, and design science. Participants should work actively on a research project they plan to report on (from preparing a paper to revising an earlier submitted article). The course starts with one or two lectures where the principles of scientific reporting will be explained. The main part of the course will consist of working sessions where students report the status of the work on their paper and plan the next steps. During these sessions, the approach of the work will be critically examined to improve the quality of the reported scientific output.
Students interested in the course need to contact the course coordinator in advance with a motivation letter of a maximum of one page. Only a limited number of students will be accepted.


Antal hp

7,5 hp

Ges av

Department of Computer Science and Media Technology

Öppen för

Doctoral students at Linnaeus University





Nästa kurstillfälle

September-November 2024

Studietakt eller motsvarande

On average 8 hours of study per week during the study period.


Contact the course coordinator via email before registration with a motivation letter. 

 Prof. dr. Danny Weyns,


Basic knowledge of scientific training.


Lectures (introduction) and guided discussion sessions (main part) with online support.

More about course content: We start by introducing general principles of scientific communication. We highlight the principles of key scientific methods such as systematic literature reviews, controlled experiments, case studies, and design science.
We elaborate on the importance of a protocol for a research project, zoom on research questions, the selection of a scientific method, data collection and analysis, and validity threats. Lastly, we elaborate on paper writing.This includes the structure of a paper, the logical flow, graphics, among other key aspects. We will also briefly elaborate on paper reviews.
During the following series of guided working sessions, students report the status of the work on their paper.
Other students and the course coordinator will critically reflect upon the progress of the work following principled guidelines for scientific reporting. The aim is to provide constructive input aiming to enhance the quality of the reported research and plan the next steps.

Teaching approach: One or two introduction lectures. Then follow a series of guided working sessions that are planned by the course coordinator in consultation with the students.  

Course material: Online sources

Evaluation: Participation during the course and progress of the work on the paper.