Föreläsningar, seminarier, inlämningsuppgifter.
Främst i Växjö med möjlighet till hybridläge via Zoom för den som vill delta i detta på distans.
The course is designed in four different modules.
- Module 1: The logical sequencing of policy design, Systemic framework for sustainability assessment, Sustainable Development and its interaction with energy policy design & implementation, Synergy & Trade-offs
- Module 2: Use of various tools & method in Energy Policy evaluation and sustainability assessment (i) Qualitative/Quantitative tools- SWOT/PEST, Sustainability indicators and indices, modelling tools , Spatial and AI tools for Sustainability assessment.
- Module 3: Examples of policy relevant key indicators for sustainability performance assessment of (i) companies (ii) technological systems (iii) states/sector (iv) Programmes/ projects etc.
- Module 4: Knowledge on research and policy interface, linking research outcomes with SDGs, research to practice
Other information
The course is free of cost for students accepted in the VR financed SEED doctoral school, applicants from Linnaeus University, the Dept. of Energy Technology at KTH and Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety at Lund University.
A fee of 8000 SEK will be charged to all other students. You are requested to provide the invoice details together with your registration so that the Faculty of Technology at Linnaeus University can send an invoice upon admission to the course.
Mer detaljer kring doktorandskursen:
Sustainability Assessment and Policy Evaluation