Välkommen till en öppen föreläsning med multimodalitetsforskaren och filmvetaren John Bateman.
Föreläsningen hålls på engelska. Alla är välkomna, ingen föranmälan krävs.
About the lecture
The idea that contemporary forms of communication are multimodal, combining unprecedented varieties of expressive resources, is now a commonplace. This awareness notwithstanding, the systematic analysis of multimodal artefacts and performances continues to raise substantial scientific challenges. In this lecture I illustrate that multimodal meaning-making is even more pervasive than might have been thought. Traditional distinctions such as 'image', 'text', 'sound' and so on radically underestimate the degree of multimodality involved. This situation demands in turn strong methodologies capable of guiding analysis to bore beneath the surface. To ground the necessary methods, I set out some of the philosophical foundations required for effective multimodal analysis and discuss these with respect to examples selected from a variety of everyday media.
Read more about John Bateman
Foto: CC BY 2.0, Yutaka Seki, https://www.flickr.com/photos/yutakaseki/