- Heldag
Conference: Linnaeus University Center for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies

Enslavement in the Indian Ocean World

Colleagues and students are welcome to attend the sessions to the extent there is space. For any questions, please contact Hans Hägerdal, School of Cultural Sciences, Tel. +46-(0)470-70 82 75, hans.hagerdal@lnu.se .

Workshop organized by the Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Linnaeus University, Växjö-Kalmar, and the International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam.

Venue: Kalmarsalen, Kalmar Skeppsbrogatan 49 392 31 Kalmar T. +46-(0)480-42 10 00 Contact for venue: Annica Aurén, annica.auren@kalmarsalen.se

Friday 8 September

9.30-10.30 Session 1 Richard Allen, Framington University Exporting the Unfortunate: The European Slave Trade from India, 1500-1800 Matthias van Rossum, IISG Enslavement and 'Enslavebility' - Studying patterns of slavery and slave trade on the borders of the VOC-empire Discussant: Nigel Worden, University of Cape Town
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-12.15 Session 2 Michael Reidy, London Processes of enslavement in the transoceanic slave route between the Cape and Madagascar during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Rafael Thibaut, Sorbonne Enslavement and Freedom of Malagasy arriving on the French Mascarene Islands (1715-1810) Hans Hägerdal, Linnaeus University Warfare, bestowal, purchase; Dutch acquisition of slaves in the world of eastern Indonesia, 1600-1800 Discussant: Preben Kaarsholm, Roskilde University
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Session 3 Alexander Geelen, IISG Slavery in Cochin Gerrit Knaap, ING/Utrecht University Slavery in the Dutch Colonial Empire in the Indian Ocean World; A Case Study on Amboina (East Indonesia) in the Seventeenth Century Stefan Amirell, Linnaeus University 'An Extremely Mild Form of Slavery of the Worst Sort': American Perceptions of Slavery in the Sulu Sultanate (southern Philippines), 1899−1904 Discussant: Emilie Wellfelt, Stockholm University
14.45-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.30 Presentation Preben Kaarsholm, Roskilde University An agenda for future research

Saturday 9 September
9.30-11.00 Session 4 Akanksha Kukreja, University of Delhi Usages of customs and law in remoulding the equation between the master and the slaves after the Abolition of Slavery Act 1853 in British India Kate Ekama, Leiden University/University of Cape Town Legislating slavery in the VOC world: A comparison of Cape and Colombo slave ordinances Lodewijk Wagenaar, University of Amsterdam VOC ordinances issued in Dutch Ceylon as instruments for the social and economic construction of the Dutch colony Discussant: Stefan Amirell, Linnaeus University
11.00-11.15 Coffee break
11.15-12.15 Session 5 Titas Chakrabarty, University of Pittsburgh The legal dimensions of slavery through the Bengal Regulations of the Late eighteenth century Jennifer Gaynor, University of Buffalo War, capture, and the question of law in the seventeenth-century archipelago Discussant: Nigel Worden, University of Cape Town
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Session 6 Ulbe Bosma, IISG Slavery and debt bondage in late nineteenth-century cash crop production in West and East Kalimantan Filipa Ribeira da Silva, IISG Enslaved Populations and Patterns of slave-ownership in early nineteenth-century Mozambican towns: comparing Tete, Inhambane and the Mozambique Island in the 1820s Claude Chevaleyre, IISH and EHESS From Bondservants to Slaves. Salability, Human Trafficking, and Early-Modern Slavery as (possible) Research Fields for Chinese (and East-Asian) Studies Discussant: Joseph Miller, University of Virginia
14.45-15.15 Coffee break
15.15-16.15 Concluding discussion and future plans Moderator: Nigel Worden, University of Cape Town


Friday 8 September
9.30-12.15 Paper presentations
12.15-13.15 Lunch at Kalmarsalen
13.15-15.30 Paper presentations
19.00 Dinner at Kalmarsalen

Saturday 9 September
9.30-12.15 Paper presentations
12.15-13.15 Lunch at Kalmarsalen
13.15-16.15 Paper presentations and wrapping up
19.00 Dinner at Kalmarsalen

Participants: Richard Allen Stefan Amirell Ulbe Bosma Titas Chakrabarty Claude Chevaleyre Kate Ekama Jennifer Gaynor Alexander Geelen Hans Hägerdal Preben Kaarsholm Gerrit Knaap Akanksha Kukreja Joseph Miller Michael Reidy Matthias van Rossum Filipa Ribeiro da Silva Rafael Thibaut Lodewijk Wagenaar Emilie Wellfelt Nigel Worden

- Heldag Kalmarsalen Hans Hägerdal Lägg till i din kalender