Seminarium i matematik

Anatoly N Kochubei: On the p-adic Navier-Stokes equation

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Anatoly N Kochubei, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


On the p-adic Navier-Stokes equation


We prove the local solvability of the p-adic analog of the Navier-Stokes equation. This equation (A. Khrennikov et al, 2017) describes, within the p-adic model of porous medium, the flow of a fluid in capillaries.

Our method is based on a result by von Wahl who found sufficient conditions of local solvability of the Cauchy problem for the abstract nonlinear parabolic equation. As a tool, we develop L^q-theory of the Vladimirov p-adic fractional differentiation operator. (A joint work with A. Khrennikov.)


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