Open Science - Jupyter - Zenodo - Binder

Open Science with Jupyter, Zenodo and Binder (tutorial)

This tutorial will introduce and use the EGI Notebooks service together with Binder, Github and Zenodo. The tutorial will go through steps of using and combining these services to implement Open Science.


In recent years, the vision of Open Science has emerged as a new paradigm for transparent, data-driven science capable of accelerating competitiveness and innovation.  EGI Notebooks is a services of the EGI e-infrastructure, providing a user-friendly and highly flexible Jupyter-based web environment for the development and execution of data analysis and visualisation ‘notebooks’. Notebooks can contain programming codes in various languages, HTML scripts, dynamic visualization, equations as well as images and explanatory text to provide guidance and context for the analysis. Through notebooks users can easily share concepts, ideas and working applications, capturing the full analytical methodology, connections to data and descriptive text to interpret those data. Binder can turn Jupyter notebooks reproducible and reusable by anyone, anywhere. Zenodo is an open access repository for research publications, scientific data and other 'research objects'. Jupyter, Binder and Zenodo are pillars of Open Science.

This tutorial will introduce and use the EGI Notebooks service together with Binder, Github and Zenodo. The tutorial will go through steps of using and combining these services to implement Open Science. Participants will experience the services through hands-on exercises and can continue using these services after the training through the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Target audience

The tutorial is of introductory level and is relevant for researchers, and for programmers, IT-service providers who support research and education. The event does not require knowledge of any programming language, but knowing Python is a benefit.

Infrastructure for the tutorial

Participants will access services from the European Open Science Cloud and from other community websites from their own laptops. Participants have to bring an Internet-enabled laptop with a Web browser to the event.

About the tutors

Tutors will be members of the EGI Foundation, the institute that coordinates the EGI e-infrastructure on behalf of EGI Council participants: national e-infrastructures and European Intergovernmental Research Organisations (EIROs). The EGI infrastructure offers various types of services for advanced computing. Since January 2018 the EGI Foundation coordinates the EOSC-hub H2020 project that defines and sets up the core of the European Open Science Cloud.

Giuseppe LaRocca

Giuseppe La Rocca works as Technical Outreach Expert at the EGI Foundation since December 2016. His main focus is assisting research communities to connect compute and data intensive applications with EGI services in order to reach more scalable, sustainable and secure setups on top of international infrastructures. Since January 2018 Giuseppe leads training and skill development activities in the EOSC-hub H2020 project. Before joining EGI Giuseppe worked as technologist for the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) division of Catania. Since 2004, both at National and European level, he has been involved in several projects co-funded by the European Commission. During these years, he has matured strong skills and competences on Grids and Clouds technologies, working on ICT scientific developments for supporting both emerging and already established VRCs. Giuseppe holds a MSc in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Catania (Italy).


13:30-15:10 Introduction to Jupyter and EGI notebooks (talk and hands-on)

15:10-15:30 Break

15:30-17:00 Open science with Notebooks and Binder in EOSC (talk and hands-on)


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