Cristina Ghita

Digital Detox: Towards an Understanding of Digital Wellness?

Is there a problem if we are using digital devices, such as our smartphones, extensively? Can we gain more focus, productivity, and general well-being by restricting our use of digital devices? Cristina Ghita, PhD candidate at Uppsala University, studies the phenomenon of digital disconnection where individuals seek to reduce their screen-time in the pursuit of digital wellness.

- The continuously-developing relationship between digital devices and their users is increasingly reported as addictive as many are describing an increased anxiety and a feeling of being lost in the dark without them.

Sweden is one of the most digitized countries in the world and while the digitalization of services and products is increasing, a debate is taking place how the use of ubiquitous devices, such as smartphones, is affecting our health and well-being.

– At the convergence between the undeniable benefits of using digital services and the fear of the consequences of overuse we find examples of schools banning smartphones during classes, digital detox camps, and a myriad of guides for successful digital disconnection.

Datum:  Torsdag 1 oktober
Tid: 14.30-16.00
Sal: Zoom

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