This seminar is in English.
This week we will have Beate Schirrmacher presenting an article draft on: How Do We Know it’s True? Fake(d) news and the truth claims of news media
What do we respond to when we choose to believe a story to be a truthful account of an actual event? How does disinformation manipulate the truth claims of news media?
This presentation draft explores these questions by looking closer at two different cases of disinformation; an article from the Swedish alt-right newsaper Fria Tider and a manipulated feature story of the former German star reporter Claas Relotius. Drawing on Lars Elleström's approach to truthfulness in communication (2018), the analysis explores how the representation of facts and actual events, the cohesive structure of the narrative and appeal to previous knowledge interact. The analysis reveals how disinformation not only replaces facts with fiction, or truth with lies. Instead, we see how the interaction between different kinds of truth claims is manipulated. Different indexical relations start to point towards each other.
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Photo: 'Aurora - Connecting Senses’, Cristina Pop-Tiron & Signe Kjær Jensen