
Linnaeus Physics Colloquium: Spin on 2D electronics

Välkommen till Linnaeus Physics Colloquium, en seminarieserie med framstående forskare i fysik.

Titel: Spin on 2D electronics
Saroj Prasad Dash, docent, Chalmers
Plats: Kalmar: sal Ma371, hus Magna. Live:

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Exploiting the spin degrees of freedom of electrons in nanoelectronic devices is considered as one of the alternative state variables for information storage and processing beyond the charge-based technology. We have shown that the mainstream semiconductors and novel 2D materials have great potential for the creation, transport, detection, and manipulation of spin polarization at room temperature.

Particularly, I will present the basic building blocks for realization of spin circuits, such as spin injection into silicon [1], long-distance spin communication in graphene circuits [2,3], large tunnel spin polarization using h-BN barriers [4], and electrical gate control of spin polarization in graphene/MoS2 heterostructure [5].

Furthermore, using topological materials we electrically detected a novel spin current due to spin-momentum locking [6], spin Hall [7], and Edelstein [8] effects which can be useful for future spin-orbit torque-based memory and logic devices.

Finally, combining graphene with topological insulators and magnetic insulators we reported the emergence of strong proximity induced spin texture [10], gate tunable Rashba-Edelstein effect [10], and magnetic exchange interaction [11].

These findings demonstrate all-electrical spintronic devices at room temperature in 2D materials heterostructure, which can be key building blocks in future device architectures.


[1] SP Dash, S Sharma, RS Patel, et al., Nature 462, 491 (2009).
[2] MV Kamalakar, et al. SP Dash, Nature Communications, 6, 6766 (2015).
[3] D Khokhriakov et a. SP Dash, arXiv:1905.04151 (2019).
[4] MV Kamalakar, et al. SP Dash, Scientific Reports, 6, 21168 (2016).
[5] A Dankert, SP Dash; Nature Communications 8, 16093 (2017).
[6] A Dankert, et al., SP Dash; Nano Letters 15, 7976 (2015).
[7] B Zhao, et al. SP Dash, arXiv:1812.02113 (2018).
[8] B Zhao, et al. SP Dash, arXiv:1910.06225 (2019).
[9] D Khokhriakov, et al. SP Dash, Science Advances, 4:eaat9349 (2018).
[10] D Khokhriakov, et al. SP Dash, arXiv:1910.06760 (2019).
[11] B Karpiak et al. SP Dash, 2D Materials, (2019).

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