Seminarium i matematik

INSTÄLLT! Mikael Lindström: On the norm of the Hilbert matrix operator ...

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Professor Mikael Lindström, Åbo Akademi University, Finland


On the norm of the Hilbert matrix operator on analytic function spaces


The Hilbert matrix H is a classical infinite matrix introduced by Hilbert in 1900's. More precisely, H is of the form (ai,j)i,j>=0, where ai,j = 1 / (i+j+1).

Historically, its properties have been studied acting on the sequence spaces lp by Hardy and Riesz. It can also be defined on spaces of analytic functions by its action on their Taylor coefficients and it is one of the central linear operators investigated in operator theory.

In recent years, there has been active research on determination of the exact value of its operator norm on diffrent analytic function spaces. We will discuss these results on Hardy and Bergman spaces and our contribution regarding the exact value of the norm of the Hilbert matrix operator on weighted Bergman spaces and H type spaces.

The talk is partly based on joint work with Santeri Miihkinen, David Norrbo and Niklas Wikman (Åbo Akademi University).

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