Title: Beyond stewards and agents: Exploring stewards and agents as existential beings in the interior- and furniture industry in Småland, Sweden
Seminar opponents: Associate Professor Markus Kallifatides, Stockholm School of Economics, Senior lecturer Martin Holgersson, Linnaeus University and Doctoral student David Calås, Linnaeus University
Main supervisor: Professor Daniel Ericsson, Linnaeus University
Co-Supervisor: Senior lecturer Mathias Karlsson, Linnaeus University and Lena Olaison, Copenhagen Business School
Examiner: Professor Elin Funck, Linnaeus University
Place: Room K3077, House K, Växjö and Zoom: https://lnu-se.zoom.us/j/64709650481
(Please join the meeting before 13:00, as the seminar will start at that time).
>>Dissertation can be found here<<